As the twig is bent, so the tree's I want to talk about bending the twig. As parents we have a tremendous responsibility, given by God, to mold, shape and influence our children for Him and for right and wrong. We also have the responsibility to bend our twigs toward their God-given talents and help them to pursue goals that would help them to be successful in life as adults, parents, spouses and most importantly, Christians.
In olden days, small branches of trees were often pulled down and tied off to form a bend in the branch that would point a way on a trail and eventually it would permanently mark the way. It would grow that way in other words. It was a way to influence the tree in the way you wanted it to point. I'm sure this technique was used for other things as well.
You can influence your child towards right or towards wrong. You can influence them towards God or away from God. Children most assuredly (with a few exceptions) live what they are taught. Learn what they live and see daily. Patterns are formed and developed from what they see and hear and learn daily. Have you ever noticed that people who raise their children on assistance from the government on a permanent basis, often have their children grow up and do the same thing? Smokers often raise smokers (tho my sisters and I are an exception to this since not one of us have ever smoked but were raised by smokers and grandparents that smoked) Still, this is not the norm. People who are obese often have children who are obese (and that doesn't always have to do with genetics and chemical make up). People who have anger management problems often have children who fight at school, are rebellious to authority or have tantrums over the simplest of occurrences. I think you get the picture. There are always exceptions but for the most part kids live the way they have been taught through observation mostly. You can't tell them "do as I say not as I do" and expect that to work. While they are young or even under your roof they may have enough fear of you to comply but that is not what they have truly learned through watching you. What has been instilled is what they have seen you do. That is what will eventually come out in them unless they have made a conscious effort to do otherwise.
There is so much responsibility given to a parent with the influence they have. That is why God gives us a manual to use. So many people don't use the manual. They instead listen to tv talk show hosts (who know diddly squat but rank themselves up there with the Almighty), or psychologists or any other number of beings rather than God. To me one of the biggest factors missing in today's society and world is "Character"... Good Godly Character. One that shows honesty, work ethic and treating people the way you want to be treated. So much of that is out the window.
The best way, in my opinion, to bend the twig is towards God. Help them to rely on God, love God and trust God. It is the most important factor and without it, they will spend an eternity in hell. It is more important than all the book knowledge from a school or a big time career or even who they will someday marry. Having the relationship with God first will make the most difference in their lives.
Just wanted to throw my two cents out there. I know that I don't have a lot of followers to this blog but if I can make one person think and consider the bending of their own twigs then I have accomplished something.