This is a blog to hopefully encourage and help others in their journey through life to become a better Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, or person because NONE OF US have arrived. We are all Rubies in the Making! Rubies in the rough have not yet been perfected. My goal is to be a thought provoker! I will share ideas, thoughts, poems, recipes and yes even an occasional rant. My prayer is that I will be a help to someone.
November 23, 2014
Jello-Minded Christain
While he was preaching he explained what conformed was and what transformed was and this idea just came to me about Jello. So, I confess that I allowed myself to be distracted from the lesson for about 2 min and jotted down the idea of jello on some scratch paper so that I could later develop a children's church lesson. I then refocused to pay attention but hey, when the Holy Spirit prods and gives ideas you better take a second or two and jot them down before you forget by the time the sermon is over! :)
The lesson:
I make Jello ahead of time and put it in a certain shape bowl. (shape of choice)
I read Rom. 12:2 and explain that conformed means shaped by outside influences and how this verse says we are not to let the world shape who we are.
I tell the kids that Jello takes on whatever shape the container is. = "conformed"
-I talk about Jello Jigglers (they never heard of! - too young) and then about playdough and the molds you use to play with it. How it takes on the shape of the mold.
--I then tell them that God wants us to let the Bible, our church and godly people to shape who we are
Then I explain that transformed means shaped by inside influences. Jello has gelatin in it that turns it from a liquid to a semi-solid. It is made into something different than what it started as by the gelatin INSIDE it. This is a great picture of transformed!
- we spend time talking about other things that start out as liquid and change to solids because of what is in them - ex. pudding, cake batter, etc. (let the kids give examples)
Then I proceed to talk about how the only way we can be changed from the inside out is by having Jesus transform us by getting saved. He lives inside us and guides us when we accept Him as Savior. I then go into a child's version of salvation - simple. Use 2 Cor. 5:17.
Then we all eat Jello!
--you can also add into the lesson how once you are transformed by Jesus that you can then have ability to prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.
November 14, 2014
My Bible
I was looking at my Bible yesterday during my devotion time. Bob preached on Wednesday night about the value we place on our Bibles and how we take it for granted. My Bible is so personally mine. I know it. I know it well enough that in my mind I can see where certain passages are...which side of the book it is on, where on the page and if it is highlighted or underlined. I have notes from personal studies and notes of different preachers...some points of sermons but always preacher's name, date, and title of sermon or verses used. It is MY BIBLE. I'm thankful for it and that I have it and don't have to hide it. I got it Feb 18, 1998. I try to often thank God for it when I have just read it.
It is not my first Bible. That one had my name on it in silver letters as a kid and I received it for memorizing scripture at a small VBS I attended. I was so excited about getting it. I was about 10 and didn't know enough to value it back then. I do still have it put away in memory box somewhere.
My Bible has been used to lead others to the Lord, to debate correct doctrine with others, to admonish and teach other ladies and kids and many teens. It has been my source of strength, peace, and knowledge and wisdom. It is timeless and always relevant when I read, search and study with an open heart and mind seeking truth from God. I cannot imagine living daily without it as a part of my life. If for some reason I do go a day without getting into it, I feel so out of sorts. My day just doesn't go as it should.
Is your Bible personally yours? Is it precious to you? How much do you value it? How well do you know it?
November 3, 2014
What is Normal?
In each person's life "normal" is different for everyone and for every family. Traditions and habits and styles of people and families are different for each one. Sometimes, life takes a dramatic change and there becomes a "new norm". I remember when my mom got cancer. Life become very different in a hurry...for her, for my step-dad and for all of us. We suddenly had a new norm for our lives. Norm was pain med management, feeding tubes and driving to chemo and radiation and watching my sweet mom deteriorate as the cancer, radiation and chemo stole her health, memory, and dignity. It was hard but for 14 months was the normal for our family.
Society, our current government, Hollywood, and the media keep telling us that "Normal" is what they say it is and that we must accept that or be called haters or racial or bigots.
For some children, normal is being hungry, abused, different boyfriends or girlfriends constantly moving in and out, drunkenness or drug use of care givers and seeing what the government can give you. Unfortunately, when this is normal for them as children, it often becomes normal for them as an adult and then is passed on to their own children.
For some children, normal is a loving home where there is respect, church and the Bible taught. I didn't grow up in church but I was taught to pray and fear God and was taught respect for elders and authority and a good work ethic and paying my bills and being on time. Meals were always ate together as a family and talking together was expected. I was surrounded by love and laughter with my cousins as my first and best friends and my grandparents were a huge part of my life. I was a country girl and practically raised on a river bank going camping, fishing, swimming and playing every sport imaginable with my cousins. I would never know how to survive in the city hardly. I am 48 years old and have never taken a public transit bus or subway or even the St. Louis Metro Link. (Nor do I ever want to!) Normal for me was going barefoot, Pepsi, Koolaid, riding in a pickup (back and front) and boat rides and getting good grades in school and becoming a responsible adult.
Some children have normal as being sports driven and that is all that matters. ... To excel and be all you can be in a sport.
For some, good grades and achieving a higher education and becoming important is what is driven into them. Their normal is studying constantly, taking tests, going to college and climbing the corporate ladder.
Even though there are many "normals" out there and some would say that no one can judge another person's normal, I believe it doesn't take a psychology degree to recognize "off" or "odd" or even down right "crazy" other words, "Not Normal". It is not normal for a person to desire or to walk around with 30 piercings on their face. It is not normal for people to be going around beheading people because they are angry or for a religious cause. Those who desire to have genocide of certain sects of people as a control issue or to weed out undesirables is not normal!!!
Some days, I am sooo ready for Jesus to come and call us home to Him by the trumpet sound that I can't hardly stand to go another day in this wicked world. Some days, I am ready for a Heavenly Normal with streets of gold and the tree of life and no more aches and pains and seeing my loved ones again. Some days, I just can't wait for that new Norm!
I'm concerned for my future grandchildren (Addelyn Jane who is on the way in March and any others) and the world and country of the USA that she will be living in. What will be her norm? I'm fearful of what she will be allowed to live through. I know that as a child of God I am on the winning side and that someday my "normal" will be wonderful but I learned very young that you'd be surprised what you can live through!
I know that this seemed very random as a post and maybe the thoughts a little scattered but I have been thinking lately about normal and what the world tells me it should be and quite frankly I don't like it.