I'm not sure what will come out in this post or what exact direction it will take but my heart has been heavy for several days now about a particular subject.
The subject is the battle between Christians and Satan and his devils. (the word demon is not in the KJV Bible---Jesus called them devils) I sat Sunday in another final service of an independent, fundamental Baptist church plant for the second time in less than a year. Then, yesterday I was told of a third that recently closed. I sat and cried as my son's father in law stood in the pulpit and with much grace announced that the finances were not there to continue. I was sad and angry at the victory Satan had gotten in the small town. The nearest solid KJV church is now 50 minutes away! Now, I understand that this is a fulfilling of prophecy and that it brings Jesus' coming closer but I don't like living through it!!! Just because the Bible says it will happen as we draw closer to the return of Christ doesn't eliminate our responsibilities as Christians to stay engaged in the battle!!! We are losing the war at this point, people! Especially in the USA.
Why are we losing? Pretty much it can be boiled down to APATHY and COMPLACENCY. The world is just allowed too much time and place in our lives and in our churches! As I am pointing a finger at you, I am also pointing three at me so don't get yourself in a huff and your nose out of joint. We all must do a better job. We need to do better at living a good testimony before others so that when we speak to them about the Bible and Jesus they will listen. We need to keep better and more earnest prayer lives and be reading and studying God's Word in depth so that we are prepared against attacks of Satan and those who want to rid our country of Christianity. We just plain need to be telling more people about Jesus and his Saving Grace! I fail everyday! I want to do better and beg God for forgiveness often.
So many are content just giving God time when it is convenient. When there is nothing else to do, they go to church. An offering is given around the entertainment of life budget. (Here's a hint...IT TAKES MONEY TO KEEP A CHURCH RUNNING!!! - even if the pastor were not paid a salary. (and btw the one that just closed didn't receive a salary and they still had to close because the money coming in couldn't pay the bills!) It still takes money to pay the electric, gas, water, phone and have an outreach!!!) So many want all the frills, bells and whistles of what large churches offer but no one wants to commit to BE THERE AND HELP! They are not willing to start at ground level and work and build and wait for the church to grow....or if they are willing to wait they are not willing to help in the building of the work.
If you have never started a church from scratch....don't try to give advice where you have not walked and stood! Until you have lived it, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!!! Too many "sending pastors" are in name only and leave the plant unto themselves, an island you may say with no spiritual support or anything else except possibly some financial (not all give that!). Often times it seems to me, that there is a prestige in being a "sending pastor" of a church plant yet that is all it is. Often the church planter must work a secular job as he tries to get a new work off the ground. This means he cannot go to fellowship meetings and get the spiritual and moral support needed. He just faces the battle with his wife and kids day in and day out as he is depleted while trying to keep the flock given him on the up swing both spiritually and numerically. While Satan attacks and gives blow after blow even when you get in a few of your own, it gets tiring without that support coming in.
I reckon, I just want to sound the Call to Arms! I want Christians to engage! Become part of the battle or we will lose the war. Yes, I know that we are on the winning side...eventually. But not until Jesus comes on a white horse and destroys with his mouth his enemies. Until then, it has been left up to His soldiers... Us! I often feel and fear that we are not following the General, the Commander! And when you don't follow the General's orders, chaos ensues and battles are lost!
This is a blog to hopefully encourage and help others in their journey through life to become a better Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, or person because NONE OF US have arrived. We are all Rubies in the Making! Rubies in the rough have not yet been perfected. My goal is to be a thought provoker! I will share ideas, thoughts, poems, recipes and yes even an occasional rant. My prayer is that I will be a help to someone.
January 27, 2015
January 19, 2015
Chocolate from Heaven (Kids)
Kid's lesson...This lesson is one I heard on tape several years ago. It was for a ladies conference. I don't remember who it was to give credit for most of the lesson ideas but I DO always tweak lessons and make them my own. I will probably post the ladies lesson also.
I begin by asking Who likes chocolate? Who loves chocolate? Did you know that chocolate is healthy for you? Well, probably not really but I'll give ya some arguments to use on your parents...
Chocolate comes from the coca bean -- bean, a vegetable, right?
Sugar comes from either sugar cane or beets - beets, a vegetable.
Milk is in chocolate - so that means dairy, right?
- two vegetables and dairy -- it must be healthy!
Today let's see what we can learn from different types of chocolate candies.
1. Snickers - another word for laugh
- Job 8:21 - talks about God filling our mouth with laughing
A. We should laugh! Have fun! This is easy for kids to do. To laugh and giggle and cut up. Not as easy for adults. They have too many responsibilities to think about sometimes.
B. Bible tells us that laughing has healing qualities
- Prov. 17:22
When we laugh we feel good and our brain gives off a chemical in our bodies that are called endorphins. Endorphins are what makes you feel happy. Doctors have proven that laughing and being happy makes our sick bodies heal faster.
When we have a broken spirit or in other words are sad, it dries our bones. We tend to give up and get depressed and not want to do anything.
2. Zero Bar - sometimes we feel like a big fat zero, like we are nothing and that we don't matter.
- Psalm 139:14a
When you feel like a zero you need to remember that God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for you.
3. Devil's Food Cake - reminds us that we have a sin nature
- we can get caught up in bad habits or just do wrong
- Eph. 4:27, James 4:7
Just be like Jesus when Satan tried to tempt Him and tell him to go away! Jesus told the devil, "Get thee behind me Satan."
4. Milky Way - reminds us that the sky is the limit when we try to do something for God
- Phil. 4:13
Tells us that we can do ALL things, not just some things. When Jesus helps us, we can do anything!
5. White Chocolate - this represents forgiveness
A. From Jesus - Eph. 1:7
When there is sin in our lives, we look dirty...to others and to God. But when we ask forgiveness Jesus washes us white as snow!
B. Forgiving Others - Eph. 4:32
We are to forgive others when they hurt or wrong us. Jesus says that if we don't forgive others then God won't forgive us.
You can at this point easily go into talking to kids about getting saved and becoming like the white chocolate - pure without spot.
I begin by asking Who likes chocolate? Who loves chocolate? Did you know that chocolate is healthy for you? Well, probably not really but I'll give ya some arguments to use on your parents...
Chocolate comes from the coca bean -- bean, a vegetable, right?
Sugar comes from either sugar cane or beets - beets, a vegetable.
Milk is in chocolate - so that means dairy, right?
- two vegetables and dairy -- it must be healthy!
Today let's see what we can learn from different types of chocolate candies.
1. Snickers - another word for laugh
- Job 8:21 - talks about God filling our mouth with laughing
A. We should laugh! Have fun! This is easy for kids to do. To laugh and giggle and cut up. Not as easy for adults. They have too many responsibilities to think about sometimes.
B. Bible tells us that laughing has healing qualities
- Prov. 17:22
When we laugh we feel good and our brain gives off a chemical in our bodies that are called endorphins. Endorphins are what makes you feel happy. Doctors have proven that laughing and being happy makes our sick bodies heal faster.
When we have a broken spirit or in other words are sad, it dries our bones. We tend to give up and get depressed and not want to do anything.
2. Zero Bar - sometimes we feel like a big fat zero, like we are nothing and that we don't matter.
- Psalm 139:14a
When you feel like a zero you need to remember that God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for you.
3. Devil's Food Cake - reminds us that we have a sin nature
- we can get caught up in bad habits or just do wrong
- Eph. 4:27, James 4:7
Just be like Jesus when Satan tried to tempt Him and tell him to go away! Jesus told the devil, "Get thee behind me Satan."
4. Milky Way - reminds us that the sky is the limit when we try to do something for God
- Phil. 4:13
Tells us that we can do ALL things, not just some things. When Jesus helps us, we can do anything!
5. White Chocolate - this represents forgiveness
A. From Jesus - Eph. 1:7
When there is sin in our lives, we look dirty...to others and to God. But when we ask forgiveness Jesus washes us white as snow!
B. Forgiving Others - Eph. 4:32
We are to forgive others when they hurt or wrong us. Jesus says that if we don't forgive others then God won't forgive us.
You can at this point easily go into talking to kids about getting saved and becoming like the white chocolate - pure without spot.
January 18, 2015
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
Probably everyone has heard the phrase "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world". It is a term that refers to the fact that mothers have power to frame the future of societies because they have so much influence on the next generation. I believe this is very true. I also believe that teachers (good ones) have an influence on the next generation. Both school teachers and church teachers.
That in mind, if you are a mom, or a teacher at school or church, you should realize and trust in your heart completely that what you do is important! It is an enormous responsibility. Too often we ladies get down on ourselves, especially stay at home moms, thinking that we don't contribute to the household or that what we do simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. However, we couldn't be more wrong. Influencing, molding, teaching and training children to reach their full potential in life is probably the most important job on the planet. After all, children left to themselves with no guidance or discipline brings a mother to shame and leaves a trail of chaos and destruction.
I watched the movie Mom's Night Out earlier this week. I really like the movie because I can relate to so many aspects of it...including the underlying things about the pastor's wife. I don't like or agree with every aspect of the movie but it has hilarious parts, has great underlying messages (yes more than the one of a mom's job is important and she will never be perfect). I watch it and see so many life lessons and thoughts that could be brought out. It obviously has inspired this particular post. I also am totally hooked on the When Calls the Heart movie and TV series. (Bob got me the first season with a bonus disk of the original movie for Christmas! Yay!) Yes, I watch it several times a week when given the opportunity! I love how clean that show is and how it shows determination of women in life struggles, sisterhood between women, and the importance of a good teacher---the sweet romances that are there are just a bonus! Wholesome romances before ya judge!
In the original When Calls the Heart movie, I cry at the end every time. I love the part when the ladies tell Elizabeth that she won't just be teaching their kids to read and write. She will be guiding their futures! Then they ask her if she is woman enough because it will be a tough job. They hire her wanting her to make sure that their kids have choices in life even if it means leaving Coal Valley someday. The first time I watched it, my daughter, Jenny was really struggling about what she believed other's opinions were of her efforts to teach K4 in their Christian school. Some had expressed to her that it's only preschool. I had tried to encourage her that other's opinions didn't matter and that in her heart she needed to believe that what she did WAS important. I love what her wonderful husband told her, "Honey, if it wasn't for you, the kindergarten teacher would have a much tougher job!" (He scored big in my mind!) Then I watched the movie and cried and reminded her how important her laying the fundamental foundation for the future teachers was. She was laying the foundation for the kids' future! BTW, Jen does an awesome job with those kiddos. They come out of her class reading, writing their names and doing several things in math.
Point? The hand that rocks the cradle DOES rule the world...for good or bad. Ladies, let's make sure we rock it in the right directions!
That in mind, if you are a mom, or a teacher at school or church, you should realize and trust in your heart completely that what you do is important! It is an enormous responsibility. Too often we ladies get down on ourselves, especially stay at home moms, thinking that we don't contribute to the household or that what we do simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. However, we couldn't be more wrong. Influencing, molding, teaching and training children to reach their full potential in life is probably the most important job on the planet. After all, children left to themselves with no guidance or discipline brings a mother to shame and leaves a trail of chaos and destruction.
I watched the movie Mom's Night Out earlier this week. I really like the movie because I can relate to so many aspects of it...including the underlying things about the pastor's wife. I don't like or agree with every aspect of the movie but it has hilarious parts, has great underlying messages (yes more than the one of a mom's job is important and she will never be perfect). I watch it and see so many life lessons and thoughts that could be brought out. It obviously has inspired this particular post. I also am totally hooked on the When Calls the Heart movie and TV series. (Bob got me the first season with a bonus disk of the original movie for Christmas! Yay!) Yes, I watch it several times a week when given the opportunity! I love how clean that show is and how it shows determination of women in life struggles, sisterhood between women, and the importance of a good teacher---the sweet romances that are there are just a bonus! Wholesome romances before ya judge!
In the original When Calls the Heart movie, I cry at the end every time. I love the part when the ladies tell Elizabeth that she won't just be teaching their kids to read and write. She will be guiding their futures! Then they ask her if she is woman enough because it will be a tough job. They hire her wanting her to make sure that their kids have choices in life even if it means leaving Coal Valley someday. The first time I watched it, my daughter, Jenny was really struggling about what she believed other's opinions were of her efforts to teach K4 in their Christian school. Some had expressed to her that it's only preschool. I had tried to encourage her that other's opinions didn't matter and that in her heart she needed to believe that what she did WAS important. I love what her wonderful husband told her, "Honey, if it wasn't for you, the kindergarten teacher would have a much tougher job!" (He scored big in my mind!) Then I watched the movie and cried and reminded her how important her laying the fundamental foundation for the future teachers was. She was laying the foundation for the kids' future! BTW, Jen does an awesome job with those kiddos. They come out of her class reading, writing their names and doing several things in math.
Point? The hand that rocks the cradle DOES rule the world...for good or bad. Ladies, let's make sure we rock it in the right directions!
January 14, 2015
When Silence Isn't Golden
Silence is golden is the old saying. It means that it is good to keep your mouth shut when tempted to speak at a time when you could cause more harm than good. Very important to remember oftentimes. I actually have prayed for God to keep His hand over my mouth to stop me from being dumb or harmful. In ministry life it is especially important to practice silence.
I was reading in a magazine that gives information about Israel and Jewish life and customs. As it gave details of the persecution of Israel and of Christians around the world, especially in Muslim countries, it dawned on me that Silence is Not Always Golden. So many times travesties take place in our world and continue to go on because no one speaks up and does anything about it.
Persecutions take place in many forms and no one stands by or listens when complaints are made by the victims. If it doesn't pertain to you or one of your loved ones, it is no concern of yours. It goes back to a blog post I once made about things being relative. Something is only relative if it pertains to you, your loved one or your cause. Listen to this quote by German Protestant Pastor Martin Niemoller, who spoke out against Adolf Hitler and earned seven years in a Nazi concentration camp....
I was reading in a magazine that gives information about Israel and Jewish life and customs. As it gave details of the persecution of Israel and of Christians around the world, especially in Muslim countries, it dawned on me that Silence is Not Always Golden. So many times travesties take place in our world and continue to go on because no one speaks up and does anything about it.
Persecutions take place in many forms and no one stands by or listens when complaints are made by the victims. If it doesn't pertain to you or one of your loved ones, it is no concern of yours. It goes back to a blog post I once made about things being relative. Something is only relative if it pertains to you, your loved one or your cause. Listen to this quote by German Protestant Pastor Martin Niemoller, who spoke out against Adolf Hitler and earned seven years in a Nazi concentration camp....
First they came for the Socialist,
And I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
And I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
And I did not speak out -
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me-
And there was no one left to speak for me.
That is a very telling and truthful quote. Silence when travesties are committed is as harmful as the travesty itself. What is left to defeat evil and wickedness when the good guys do nothing?! Sometimes, noise must be made! You know the other old saying is "The squeaky wheel gets the oil".
When you suspect a child is being abused in some form and you remain silent; you are in a sense helping the abuse to continue. By the way, doctors, nurses, daycare workers and church workers are required to report such things to authorities.
When you see mishandling of funds in a business, church, organization/club or government entity, it should be reported. Your silence helps misuse to continue.
Too often people are silent when governments, wicked people or authorities are committing things they shouldn't. I know personally, of pastors who have left a trail of destruction because people were silent about the sins they committed in a church. This was done so as to not harm the cause of Christ in a public arena. That is not Biblical! Had they spoken up, a long trail of destruction to other churches later could have been avoided.
Just some things to think about. Maybe the next time you are considering staying silent and keeping to yourself and not getting involved in a situation; you will think of this post and reconsider.- Or at least weigh heavily the different options you have.
January 9, 2015
Who is a Christian?
This post is going to lay it on the line and hopefully get folks thinking. So many seem to think that a Christian is anyone who talks about Jesus or church or the Bible or has a belief in God. This is not so. A true Christian is one who has been born again into the family of God by putting their trust in the work that Jesus did on the cross. They get saved. This happens ONLY by realizing your need to be saved or in other words realizing you are a sinner that is separated from God. Separated from fellowship with him and from being allowed into heaven with him because of the sin in your life. God's standards are high...he demands perfection. The Bible says that if you have ever sinned even the smallest of sins even one time in your life, then you are found guilty of breaking God's law. This means you need to be saved. Saved from going to hell and with that saving comes the ability to enter heaven when you die. This is the ONLY way to become a Christian. Being a pretty good person and mentioning God, the Bible or going to church doesn't make a Christian.
All of this has been said and explained for this reason. While I believe the above to be true, I don't think that all Christians are the same. Yes anyone who has done what I explained above and gotten saved gets to go to heaven, but not all of us believe the same doctrines. Not all believe in the same Bible versions, in eternal security (once saved always saved), or in repentance. Therefore, I think people and especially churches MUST be careful about mixing in with others who have different views on doctrines. I strongly disapprove of interdenominational meetings. Much confusion happens when this does take place. ..especially with someone who is not grounded in their beliefs. I have seen it happen. I've known of churches that start attending mixed denominational meetings and then had members start questioning why their church believes and takes a stand on certain issues or things. When you show them from the Bible why you believe what you do (and your faith should have biblical backing) they just choose to ignore and go based on "those good people" they have watched and been around.
I have nothing personally against someone who believes different than me, but I don't think that I should compromise my beliefs to fit in with them or even spend lots of time with them and allow them to speak their beliefs over and over to me. Doubt and confusion will set in if done often enough. Eve knew the truth and what God truly said when in the garden, yet Satan made her doubt and used her desires against her. Even in the world people have convinced multitudes to believe things through repetition. (I will refrain from giving examples cuz I could easily go off on a tangent or chase a squirrel). It is dangerous to mix in multi denominational meetings. Often there are speakers at these meetings who don't even have a good testimony of salvation. Often they will make a statement that on the surface may sound spiritual but isn't biblical. Often statements are made that purposely try to convince listeners to change their beliefs. God says that wolves in sheep's clothing will decieve even the very elect and do Satan's bidding.
The pastor of a church will someday stand before God for how he lead and protected the sheep of his congregation as the under-shepherd. He has sometimes difficult decisions to make that not all will understand or like. But he will stand and give an account. No one else!
All of this has been said and explained for this reason. While I believe the above to be true, I don't think that all Christians are the same. Yes anyone who has done what I explained above and gotten saved gets to go to heaven, but not all of us believe the same doctrines. Not all believe in the same Bible versions, in eternal security (once saved always saved), or in repentance. Therefore, I think people and especially churches MUST be careful about mixing in with others who have different views on doctrines. I strongly disapprove of interdenominational meetings. Much confusion happens when this does take place. ..especially with someone who is not grounded in their beliefs. I have seen it happen. I've known of churches that start attending mixed denominational meetings and then had members start questioning why their church believes and takes a stand on certain issues or things. When you show them from the Bible why you believe what you do (and your faith should have biblical backing) they just choose to ignore and go based on "those good people" they have watched and been around.
I have nothing personally against someone who believes different than me, but I don't think that I should compromise my beliefs to fit in with them or even spend lots of time with them and allow them to speak their beliefs over and over to me. Doubt and confusion will set in if done often enough. Eve knew the truth and what God truly said when in the garden, yet Satan made her doubt and used her desires against her. Even in the world people have convinced multitudes to believe things through repetition. (I will refrain from giving examples cuz I could easily go off on a tangent or chase a squirrel). It is dangerous to mix in multi denominational meetings. Often there are speakers at these meetings who don't even have a good testimony of salvation. Often they will make a statement that on the surface may sound spiritual but isn't biblical. Often statements are made that purposely try to convince listeners to change their beliefs. God says that wolves in sheep's clothing will decieve even the very elect and do Satan's bidding.
The pastor of a church will someday stand before God for how he lead and protected the sheep of his congregation as the under-shepherd. He has sometimes difficult decisions to make that not all will understand or like. But he will stand and give an account. No one else!
What's Happening
Just a post to update on things here.
We had our Vision Banquet at church on January 3rd. There were 23 in attendance including Bob and me. We are praying daily for our members to become more faithful and to get more involved. Here is our theme banner for the year.
We gave out wall calendars, pocket calendars/day planners, a church events calendar magnet for frig, and two new church tracts in packets for each household. There was a video presentation showing events and building changes since our arriving in September.
Bob talked about goals for the 2015 year. More building improvements, ministry ideas to be implemented and personal goals to strive for as him as a pastor. I'm excited to start my mentoring ministry called Rubies in the Rough that I once did at RSBC in Missouri. It will begin on Jan. 18th. It is a ministry for women to mentor other women and especially girls and teens in practical lessons for being a good homemaker, wife, mother, witness, and Christian along with Bible lessons. Each meeting holds a Bible lesson and a hands-on practical lesson. The first will be a simple cooking lesson for girls groups such as pj parties or sleep overs, and they will be making their own lunches. I am hopeful this will be a hit and will also eventually be an outreach into the Cleveland community. I will post about these meetings in the future.
That is all for now, just wanted to get a post in before it got too far into the new year. I have two or three more blog ideas to work on in the near future so please check back.
We had our Vision Banquet at church on January 3rd. There were 23 in attendance including Bob and me. We are praying daily for our members to become more faithful and to get more involved. Here is our theme banner for the year.
We gave out wall calendars, pocket calendars/day planners, a church events calendar magnet for frig, and two new church tracts in packets for each household. There was a video presentation showing events and building changes since our arriving in September.
Bob talked about goals for the 2015 year. More building improvements, ministry ideas to be implemented and personal goals to strive for as him as a pastor. I'm excited to start my mentoring ministry called Rubies in the Rough that I once did at RSBC in Missouri. It will begin on Jan. 18th. It is a ministry for women to mentor other women and especially girls and teens in practical lessons for being a good homemaker, wife, mother, witness, and Christian along with Bible lessons. Each meeting holds a Bible lesson and a hands-on practical lesson. The first will be a simple cooking lesson for girls groups such as pj parties or sleep overs, and they will be making their own lunches. I am hopeful this will be a hit and will also eventually be an outreach into the Cleveland community. I will post about these meetings in the future.
That is all for now, just wanted to get a post in before it got too far into the new year. I have two or three more blog ideas to work on in the near future so please check back.
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