December 31, 2015

This World is Not My Home!

Wow! a second post in the same day! Can't help it. There's too much good stuff in Hebrews 11!

Verse 8 - By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. 
9 - By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
10 - For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. 
13 - These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
14 - For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
15 - And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. 
16 - But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. 

This passage of scripture shows clearly that living a life for God on this earth looking to the future of a heavenly home and rewards there is worth it even if we receive no benefit on this earth. Verse 13 says that they all died (all the OT people mentioned earlier in the chapter) not actually receiving the promise God made but holding to those promises and obeying no matter what. They kept their minds and hearts focused on the coming heavenly home they would have instead of focusing on the immediate moment of life. Verse 15 tells us that if they would have stayed focused on their past home and the hardships they were currently facing, they might have turned back instead of remaining obedient to God and clinging to His promises. 

Some people often question my life's choices to try to please God and serve Him but this passage reminds me not to be earthly minded but heavenly minded, not to focus on temporal but eternal. The end of verse 13 says that those people had confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on earth and then verse 14 says that those who say such things declare to everyone around them plainly that they seek a country different from this that they know is coming. This life is just a vapor, a drop in the bucket and we need to remember that whatever we are dealing with good or bad will come to pass. We are commanded in other Bible verses to lay up treasures in heaven and not on earth. Life here is so temporary! That doesn't mean that God will not provide blessings while we are here on earth for us to enjoy but we are not to be so focused on them that we forget about those coming blessings and rewards in heaven. 

This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from heaven's open door and I can't feel at home in this world anymore! Some days I'm so saddened and grieved by the events of this world that I truly long for that future coming country! A country where Jesus is King, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. I'm on the winning side! Praise the Lord, I'm on the winning side. 

Your Life Leaves a Statement

I was reading in Hebrews 11 this morning and I've read this chapter many many times. The book of Hebrews is one of my favorite books of the Bible because it so explains the work of Christ compared to the Old Testament temple, sacrifice and priesthood. Anyhow, something jumped out at me today in verse 4. - By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

His witness or testimony was that he was righteous! God testified of his gifts...talked about what he did. Then it goes on to say that even after Abel was dead, what he did still speaks! That is awesome! 

It is awesome but a sobering thought. In other words, what we do in this life will still speak long after we are gone --to others. No one is completely forgotten after they die. The things we say and do will say something about us and will have impact on others even when we are gone! Think about it, what is still known to you about a loved one that has passed on? What is still known to you about Adolph Hitler?..about Winston Churchill? about Charles Spurgeon or Billy Sunday or the Wesleys or Jim Elliot? What we do still speaks long long after we are gone! 

So, my question to you is what statement or testimony do you want your life to speak about you after you are gone? I most assuredly want my life to say righteous, to say pleasing to the Lord, to testify of the glory and love of God. I also want it to have mattered that I was ever here! I best can accomplish this by living out the above things I mentioned. 

Just a thought to encourage you to consider your life and your choices!

December 19, 2015

Lives Touch Lives

I was reading today in one of my devotion books and the verse Romans 14:7 - For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. Something struck me about this verse today. Most of the time this verse is used in sermons or lessons to remind us that our sin effects others around us. Often the story about Akin is used to show how his sin effected the Israel camp first and then his family and livestock. Israel lost a battle, then Akin and his family and livestock were killed because of his sin. This is a very good way to teach on the verse but another way hit me this morning.

I want to look at this verse from the point that all lives touch other lives. First and foremost, in the way of reproduction. Without two people uniting to create a baby, the world population would end. 

Yes, our sin will have repercussions on others even when we think they won't. However, I'd like to remember that our good works and deeds also effect others. Try smiling and see how often you receive a smile back. Being cheerful often gets the response of someone else becoming cheerful. It rubs off!

The real area I want to focus on is the second half of the verse. ....No man dieth to himself....

A person's death effects those loved ones in their lives as well as many others they have had contact with. Until someone is gone, many do not realize the hole or void they may leave behind. There would never be another suicide in the world if the person who feels worthless and as though they don't matter would remember that their life touches others even when they don't realize it. You are ALWAYS influencing others (maybe even from a distance) for good or for bad even when you are unaware! The movie "It's a Wonderful Life" is the best displaying of this thought. Because you make a certain choice, it may have a direct effect on someone else's life. If you had never been born, then your child or grandchild would never be born and maybe someone else would not be who they are. 

I will never this side of heaven understand why my dad died when I was 12, and if he hadn't, my life would have been very different and I often wonder about it. However, because he did, I have a baby sister and a little niece that I love. Now, I do not think God killed my dad so that Cassy and Amelia could be born but the fact is, they would not be a part of my life if my dad would have lived. Births and deaths effect all those lives connected to those people! So, no one lives to themselves and no one dies to themselves. Each life effects many many others...sometimes to just mere acquaintances. Until eternity, we will never know the full extent of how we may have touched another's life even in the simplest way. It's too bad that we can't all have the opportunity that the guy on It's a Wonderful Life had to know now just how much we matter. Perhaps we should just accept the fact that God has a purpose for every single life and that each life is important.

December 10, 2015

Being Gluten Free

Well, I've been gluten free for 22 days now and while I have to be thoughtful about choices - especially for snacks and eating out is harder because there's no way to know how things are prepared, but it really isn't as hard as most would think. I actually didn't expect to feel any different after going gluten free because I was told in 2008 that "surprisingly I had no problem processing gluten". I can say that I have had much less stomach issues and joint pain over the past couple weeks. For several months before I was complaining about my stomach being upset almost every time I ate no matter what i ate. Bob had been on me about getting checked out but I'm pretty stubborn and until October I didn't have health insurance so I wouldn't. Besides, if at all possible I try to avoid typical medical doctors. They have a place but I just believe there are better options than medicating and removing body parts. So, obviously I DO have an issue with gluten or symptoms would not have disappeared. Do you have upset stomach after eating? Feel bloated or have a gassy stomach afterwards? Have headaches often or joint pain often? If you answered yes to any of these, you may have a problem with gluten also. Just something to think about. 

I can't remember what all I said in my last health post but if I didn't say, one of my first tests showed that my liver isn't working correctly. My next test is going to check for pathogens, infections and fungus after I am on a certain supplement for 2 weeks. I will also be purchasing a glucose monitor to check my blood sugar levels each morning for a week or two. I will be doing a spit test over the weekend to precheck for candida (forms of yeast). I'm ordering a coffee enema kit from Amazon. I'm actually not looking forward to the finger pricking or the enema except that it leads to possible better health. I'd rather give blood all day long than get a shot or prick my finger. A coffee enema is supposed to help detox the gall bladder and liver and give instant energy because of this. So, I am looking forward to that!

I think I posted about the pinch of sea salt and lemon juice in my water being suggested and I totally love it! It's petty much a natural lemony homemade gatorade or powerade. 

Welp, that's all for now. People are welcome to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer.

December 8, 2015


Most Christians know what J.O.Y stands for....Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.

I want to take a moment to say while this is true, we need to remember that the "Y" is also included....Yourself is included! We need to remember to take care of ourselves, to take time for ourselves, to rest, to nourish ourselves both physically, mentally and spiritually. 

So often this little acronym is used to rebuke and remind us that we should be last on the list. I am not sure this is completely right. Yes, we are not to be selfish and self-centered but we need to remember that unless we replenish ourselves and take care of us, we will quickly run out of energy to give to and do for others. Jesus took time to be alone and pray and spend time with the Father. God gave command to several prophets to go and eat and rest. God himself rested on the seventh day! 

Everything in moderation!!! This little acronym was made to remind us not to become too self involved but it doesn't mean deny self to the point of complete depletion and having nothing left to give back to others or in service to Christ.