February 29, 2016

A Godly Heritage

At our 43 church Anniversary Sunday, we had a guest preacher who has a ministry of the history of the English Bible. He had a display of very very old bibles and some old parchments and other documents. It was fascinating! 

Hearing the facts and things about how the English bibles came about and about how our nation got started made my heart swell with love and conviction about how precious my KJV bible is. Men gave their lives to get the Bible into the English language and ultimately bring about the King James Version. 

Bob and I purchased an envelope with a passage of scripture from Deuteronomy chapter 32 in both the KJV 1611 and the Geneva Bible to compare with our current kjv bible. 

John Wycliffe was the first to start translating the bible into the English language. This was in 1382. In 1408 the Catholic church made it illegal to translate the bible into the English language without their permission. He was killed for translating the bible into English.

In 1526 William Tyndale began to translate the bible into English from the original languages instead of the Latin bible like John Wycliffe did. In 1535 the New Testament was completed. Persecution began for Tyndale and King Henry the VIII would not grant him permission to print in England, so he went to Belgium and smuggled the Bibles back to England so the common man could have access to scripture in their own language. He was strangled and burned for printing and smuggling bibles into England. 

Next came the Coverdale Bible written by Miles Coverdale. King Henry allowed him to print it in England. Coverdale used Tyndale's translation for the NT and then translated the Old Testament himself (also from original languages). This was the first whole bible in the English language. 

Next came the Matthews Bible written by John Rogers and nicknamed the Wife Beater's Bible because of side notes made on one of the verses by Rogers. John Rogers was the first martyr under "Bloody Mary" queen of England. She tried to bring England back into the catholic church and away from the Church of England (which basically followed the same doctrines but was just created by Henry the VIII so he could get a divorce and marry his mistress to produce a male heir).

Next came the Great Bible also known as the "Chain Bible" because it was very large and chained to the pulpits so that the people couldn't steal them to read for themselves. 

Next was the Geneva Bible. It was printed in Geneva, Switzerland. The reformers were responsible for printing this bible. This is the bible that the pilgrims used and also William Shakespeare. It became very popular.

The Church of England decided it needed to come up with their own English bible and made the Bishop's Bible. It never became popular with the people like the Geneva Bible. In side notes of this bible, Christopher Columbus is mentioned by Psalm 45:9 thinking that Ophir was the land that Columbus had discovered. 

Next was the King James 1611 version. Was commissioned and printed in England. It took 7 years to complete. 

Now I want to talk about our nation's Godly heritage which so many try to deny these days. I remember learning about the Mayflower Compact when I was in grade school but didn't remember too much about it. I looked it up this morning and I do not know how anyone can read it and deny what this country was founded on! Here is what it said....

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. 

In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620. 

In the name of God and for the Glory of God! How does one deny that right from the beginning it was founded upon God? When the Declaration of Independence was being prepared, Benjamin Franklin called for prayer.

The New England Primer was used in schools all across the nation and used verses to learn the alphabet. A - all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. B - Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.

Then in 1962 public prayer was removed from school. 

In 1973 abortion was legalized and millions of babies have been murdered ever since.

Since 1980 there have been more than 12 attempts (some successful) to remove public displays of the 10 commandments. 

Over the past several years, Christian's rights have been stripped, while more and more immoral laws are crammed down our throats. Yet, it is our fault for not taking a stand and fighting more for what God says! 

I know this was a very long post but I wanted to share some things I've learned over the past day or so. My Bible is precious and I need to delve into it every single day! This country was built upon the premise of God and can still be spared and turned to him with enough prayer, and standing on His Word if Christians would only do it!

February 16, 2016

Health Journal Update #3

I think this is update # 3. There's not too much to report this time but I don't want to go too long without posting. I have the results of my pathogens and fungus testing. Praise the Lord no pathogens but I did test positive for candida overgrowth. Because of this, I have been diagnosed with sterile gut. This means that I have no good bacteria in the intestines. This can partly be due to having been recently on antibiotics (even though I waited the 14 days after finishing before testing). This diagnosis can also be a contributing factor to my adrenal exhaustion and liver not working properly. Unfortunately, the treatment (natural treatment) is quite costly and also requires 14 days of DRASTIC diet change to kill off the candida. It is a fungus that can be residual to treatments. It will have to be on hold until we get moved because we just found out that we owe alot to the IRS for our taxes and we still have money out of pocket for our home renovation. 

I'm doing pretty well staying mostly gluten free. Since I don't seem to have a severe allergy to it, when necessary, I do eat gluten but I do try to avoid it. When we get moved and I have my full kitchen again and all my kitchen items unboxed, I plan to go completely gluten free. Where I really still struggle is with my sugar intake and my soda addiction. I'm also planning on focusing on this more fully and strictly once we get moved and some of the stress is gone. Soda will be the hardest because there is something about drinking Pepsi that makes me feel closer to my mom. I've been missing her so much this past year. 

I still have not gotten brave enough to do a coffee enema but I will eventually do it. I did take my blood sugar levels for a week and it tested on high end three times. From my research, I'd say it could possibly be due to my liver not functioning up to par. Could be due to taking in too much sugar the day before also.

Well, that's all I have for now. I'll let you know more once we get moved and I get to more fully focus on making the changes needed. 

February 15, 2016

Seeing Opportunities

One year at church camp, the theme t-shirt said, "Your Need is My Opportunity to Serve". That little phrase has been embedded in my brain ever since. The point was to think of others and their needs as a way for you to serve Christ. 

There are opportunities to serve even in small ways on a daily basis if you just keep your eyes open and pay attention to what others are saying. Many people are hurting and need encouragement or a hug or a listening ear. Many have financial struggles and have needs they can't currently afford. Many are sick or physically impaired at the moment and need help with maybe just daily tasks.  

Most of these people will not ask for help --- for different reasons, at least not until desperate. They try to cope on their own. Most, though, would not turn down a blessing that came their way to help them with what they are going through. So, I say that we should keep our eyes and ears open and fill a need if we can whether they ask for help or not. The Bible tells us to help those in need any time we are able---especially if it is another Christian. (Proverbs 3:27 & Galations 6:10) 

Don't wait for someone to ask---the greatest blessings are those that are received when you haven't asked yet someone realized you had a need and helped. 

Here are some things to help you get moving in that direction...
**Take a meal to someone who has been sick or go and clean their house or do their laundry.
**Babysit so they can have some "me" time. 
**Cut some one's grass
**Give them a coat when you know they don't have one.
**Help someone reach something on a shelf at the store.
**Send cards of encouragement to brighten a day.

These are just some ideas to get your thoughts stirred up. SEE the opportunities!

February 2, 2016

Don't Follow Afar Off

I may have blogged about this some time in the past but if so, the thought is worth repeating. Was recently reading through the passage about Jesus' crucifixion.  The part to focus on is when Jesus gets lead away to the high priest and Peter follows afar off. (Matt. 26:58 & Mark 14:54) 

Many Christians today try to follow Jesus from afar. Just like Peter, they don't want it to be obvious that they know him. They even go so far as to try acting like those around them to fit in (denying him even). Taking part and laughing during inappropriate jokes, not speaking up when gossip is taking place, not defending the pastor when people are complaining, etc, are all ways of following Jesus from afar. 

As Christians we should be walking as close to Jesus as we can. Reading and studying His Word is the best way to remain close to Him. Going to church and listening to the preaching and studying what the preacher says is another way. Keeping company with godly people also helps. 

Just a thought provoker to jog your conscience on whether or not you are following afar off.