In my devotions this morning I was reading in Luke 12 and it comes right out and tells us that the leaven of the pharisees that we are to beware of is hypocrisy. I'm not sure I have ever heard it preached. I suppose that it was assumed since it is preached that we are not to do as them but I never caught that before in Luke 12:1. It says the leaven IS hypocrisy. I think I've always felt that the preaching used about the pharisees has always leaned more toward that we are not to add to or change the Word of God like they did. They added to the Law. They made extra, more astringent rules that were quite frankly nearly impossible to live by and the commandments are hard enough to live by when we battle the sin nature we have daily!
Now that I have caught that idea of hypocrisy being the leaven, I pondered on it for awhile (we are supposed to do that when reading God's Word --- think about what it means and what and who is being talked about and to). I wondered why hypocrisy was compared to leaven. What does leaven do? It expands! It grows! It is what makes baked goods rise. Maybe the warning comes because hypocrisy will keep growing in our lives when left unchecked. As hypocrisy grows in our lives, we become more judgmental and self-righteous. We become more filled with indignation towards others thinking we are better. It can get out of control and cloud our thinking and correct judgment of others. I think this is what the warning is about.
Now I'd like to address the way many preach that all leaven mentioned in the bible is bad. That it always represents sin and that many seem to think that the Jews never ate anything with leaven in it at all. This simply isn't true. Some even go so far as to preach that during the Passover they were to eat unleavened bread because of the representation of sin. Noooo, they did that because during the exodus and flight from Egypt, there was no time to allow the bread to rise using leaven (yeast). Anyone who has ever made homemade bread, knows that it takes several hours to do correctly. Now, when Jews celebrate the Passover it is observed that they eat unleavened bread in remembrance of the flight from Egypt, not because leaven represents sin. They did eat leavened bread at other times----read your Bible! In reality, there would be no need for a command to refrain from leavened bread during certain times if they didn't eat leavened bread. Is that not logical?!
Get in God's Word and STUDY for yourself. Do not let your only knowledge be from what you hear preached and do not let the only time you hear preaching be on Sunday morning! Most often the more meaty sermons that help you grow and learn come on evening services.
This is a blog to hopefully encourage and help others in their journey through life to become a better Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, or person because NONE OF US have arrived. We are all Rubies in the Making! Rubies in the rough have not yet been perfected. My goal is to be a thought provoker! I will share ideas, thoughts, poems, recipes and yes even an occasional rant. My prayer is that I will be a help to someone.
December 23, 2016
December 14, 2016
People are a Process
I'm not sure what this post will hold. It may be more theraputic for me than one to help someone else. I was looking through some old notes from a biblical counseling seminar that Bob and I took this past summer. While attending the seminar we felt that many things were taught out of context of the bible but there was still much that we could learn from. It is good to go back and re-read over notes or texts used as a reminder of things we once learned. (this is also the reason churches have revivals and conferences... because we need reminded!)
I had written down the phrase when taking notes "People are a Process". We need to remember that change is hard for everyone even when we desire it. It is extremely hard to make positive changes in ourselves so it is next to impossible to help someone else to make changes in themselves. We need to remember that it will take time... there may be only baby steps at first. However, forward is forward no matter the pace. If we keep this in mind, we will be less likely to become frustrated--with ourselves and with others especially.
In ministry, frustration comes when you feel there is no progress. When you look around and see no growth, no results or spiritual moving forward it is easy to become discouraged and question if you are where God intends. Did you misread His calling? Did you make a mistake? It is even easier to become discouraged when it seems that not only is there no progress or spiritual growth, it appears that it is actually going backwards! You not only question God's intentions but your own ability. Do I have the ability to lead others? Am I hindering the work of the Holy Spirit or holding back someone else's spiritual growth because of my inability to teach and get across? Do I lack the personality to attract others to the church? Do I offend when I speak? Many questions come to mind when you do not see results. Many preachers say that you should not be results oriented but results is the only way to measure what is happening. Is the church growing or shrinking or stagnant? If not growing, there is a problem somewhere. Is it the fault of leadership or is it the apathetic, hard hearted and stiff-necked membership? I suppose these are futile questions that only God knows. One thing is for sure, a church that is not growing spiritually and/or numerically is in reality a dead church. It needs revival. How this revival is brought is the question.
While people are a process, and they may take time, there should still be a growing and moving forward that can be seen. Even a sloth that moves so slowly that at times it can barely be seen, if you watch long enough and close enough, it can be seen! Process or not---- eventually there is change. At a processing plant of whatever sort, a product starts at one part of the plant and goes through a long process to the other end of the plant and by the time it reaches the end of the plant it is something different than what it started out as.
I have no idea if this post made any sense but it helped me so, I reckon that's what is important at 4 a.m.!
I had written down the phrase when taking notes "People are a Process". We need to remember that change is hard for everyone even when we desire it. It is extremely hard to make positive changes in ourselves so it is next to impossible to help someone else to make changes in themselves. We need to remember that it will take time... there may be only baby steps at first. However, forward is forward no matter the pace. If we keep this in mind, we will be less likely to become frustrated--with ourselves and with others especially.
In ministry, frustration comes when you feel there is no progress. When you look around and see no growth, no results or spiritual moving forward it is easy to become discouraged and question if you are where God intends. Did you misread His calling? Did you make a mistake? It is even easier to become discouraged when it seems that not only is there no progress or spiritual growth, it appears that it is actually going backwards! You not only question God's intentions but your own ability. Do I have the ability to lead others? Am I hindering the work of the Holy Spirit or holding back someone else's spiritual growth because of my inability to teach and get across? Do I lack the personality to attract others to the church? Do I offend when I speak? Many questions come to mind when you do not see results. Many preachers say that you should not be results oriented but results is the only way to measure what is happening. Is the church growing or shrinking or stagnant? If not growing, there is a problem somewhere. Is it the fault of leadership or is it the apathetic, hard hearted and stiff-necked membership? I suppose these are futile questions that only God knows. One thing is for sure, a church that is not growing spiritually and/or numerically is in reality a dead church. It needs revival. How this revival is brought is the question.
While people are a process, and they may take time, there should still be a growing and moving forward that can be seen. Even a sloth that moves so slowly that at times it can barely be seen, if you watch long enough and close enough, it can be seen! Process or not---- eventually there is change. At a processing plant of whatever sort, a product starts at one part of the plant and goes through a long process to the other end of the plant and by the time it reaches the end of the plant it is something different than what it started out as.
I have no idea if this post made any sense but it helped me so, I reckon that's what is important at 4 a.m.!
December 13, 2016
Many people dabble in a lot of different things. Some dabble in painting, crafting, gaming, animal training, sewing, quilting, horseback riding, gardening, or you name it. There are many areas and things in life for a person to play around with or dabble.
Sometimes dabbling can lead to destruction. People dabble in drugs or alcohol and it takes over their lives eventually. Some dabble with flirting. They are married and continue to flirt with those of the opposite sex or maybe they are single but flirt with a married person. This is dangerous for all involved. Some dabble in gambling, they just partake once in awhile yet eventually, this can lead to very destructive patterns or major debt.
As a pastor's wife, one of the things that I watch people dabble in is church. They dabble around in attendance or involvement or tithing or helping or whatever, where church is concerned. This can be frustrating for pastors and church leadership to watch. People do not take church seriously. It is just a place to come on Sunday mornings, when nothing else is pressing, so that the person can meet an obligation and feel like "Super Christian". They do not bother to be on time, to dress as though they expect to meet with the Lord, to come with a heart and mind ready to be spoken to from God's Word, or with an attitude of servitude. They dabble! They think they can play around with church attendance and not have their lives fall apart or their kids to go astray or leave the church as soon as they are old enough. When you dabble at something it is just something you do once in awhile. Some people dabble with photography. They go out and take pictures once in awhile or do photo shoots for someone occasionally. They are not serious about really making a living at it but enjoy dabbling around in it. This is the approach of so many with church. Dabbling in church attendance is when you show up when it fits into the schedule or there is nothing else you want to do but you have no intention of getting serious about it or committing to it or being faithful. Maybe they enjoy the service when they are present but they can really take it or leave it. They have no intention of ever allowing themselves to be convicted by the preaching and making lifestyle changes. Church is just there. It is what they are supposed to do, so they go when they feel like getting around to it. Then when their children go astray they try to convince everyone that they did right and raised their kids in church but really the children saw the lack of commitment, they saw what really mattered, they saw what took precedence over God. Kids are smart. They also see when you live at home different than what you do at church or what you "Amen" about at church. Kids see hypocrisy!
Dabbling in hobby type things can bring enjoyment but dabbling in things that should be taken seriously, can only lead to something bad or catastrophic in the future for yourself or those around you.
Think about and evaluate whether or not you are dabbling with church. Maybe you do not even realize that you are but this woke you up and you need to decide to commit to finding a good, Bible believing and teaching church and get involved and be faithful.
Sometimes dabbling can lead to destruction. People dabble in drugs or alcohol and it takes over their lives eventually. Some dabble with flirting. They are married and continue to flirt with those of the opposite sex or maybe they are single but flirt with a married person. This is dangerous for all involved. Some dabble in gambling, they just partake once in awhile yet eventually, this can lead to very destructive patterns or major debt.
As a pastor's wife, one of the things that I watch people dabble in is church. They dabble around in attendance or involvement or tithing or helping or whatever, where church is concerned. This can be frustrating for pastors and church leadership to watch. People do not take church seriously. It is just a place to come on Sunday mornings, when nothing else is pressing, so that the person can meet an obligation and feel like "Super Christian". They do not bother to be on time, to dress as though they expect to meet with the Lord, to come with a heart and mind ready to be spoken to from God's Word, or with an attitude of servitude. They dabble! They think they can play around with church attendance and not have their lives fall apart or their kids to go astray or leave the church as soon as they are old enough. When you dabble at something it is just something you do once in awhile. Some people dabble with photography. They go out and take pictures once in awhile or do photo shoots for someone occasionally. They are not serious about really making a living at it but enjoy dabbling around in it. This is the approach of so many with church. Dabbling in church attendance is when you show up when it fits into the schedule or there is nothing else you want to do but you have no intention of getting serious about it or committing to it or being faithful. Maybe they enjoy the service when they are present but they can really take it or leave it. They have no intention of ever allowing themselves to be convicted by the preaching and making lifestyle changes. Church is just there. It is what they are supposed to do, so they go when they feel like getting around to it. Then when their children go astray they try to convince everyone that they did right and raised their kids in church but really the children saw the lack of commitment, they saw what really mattered, they saw what took precedence over God. Kids are smart. They also see when you live at home different than what you do at church or what you "Amen" about at church. Kids see hypocrisy!
Dabbling in hobby type things can bring enjoyment but dabbling in things that should be taken seriously, can only lead to something bad or catastrophic in the future for yourself or those around you.
Think about and evaluate whether or not you are dabbling with church. Maybe you do not even realize that you are but this woke you up and you need to decide to commit to finding a good, Bible believing and teaching church and get involved and be faithful.
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