April 23, 2017

Three Things God Cannot Do

Just a quick thought today. Over the years and here recently, I've heard people say, "God wouldn't do that," or "God already did this, so He won't do that to me," or "I just don't think God is fair," or "I just don't think God is that way," or "I don't understand why God...". Well, my response is always "what makes you say that or think that?" There are only three things God cannot do and that is 1-Lie, 2- be unjust, 3- make a mistake. That's it!!!  

God can do anything and everything He so chooses! It his His ball game. He created it (the world, and everything in it). He gets to make ALL the rules! Just because we have a Bible example over here in this spot where He did this, doesn't mean He must follow through in that same aspect over there in that situation. Just in case you aren't well versed in Bible, in some places he removes enemies, diseases, or situations that arise. While in others He allows a different person to suffer through situations. Hence the verse that says ...I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and I show mercy on whom I will show mercy. (Ex. 33:19) The Bible also says it rains on the just and the unjust. 

God is the Supreme Being! Telling me or Him that He can't or won't do something is absurd. (such as, let a mom die of cancer and never allow a sister to then get cancer so as to not put the family through more) Telling me or God that He made a mistake or is wrong is also absurd. To me that is what transgender people are saying. God messed up and made them wrong. NO! God made them male and female. He made them separate. He DID NOT make a mistake and give one of them the wrong genital parts. --- Let me get this straight, He can create the whole world from nothing and speak it into being, create humans from dirt, His own breath and then a rib in 6 literal days, but He messed up making some of the people walking today by giving them the incorrect body parts to match what their brain tells them? Hmm? Who is making the mistake? Not God!

This last part was just something that came to me as I was typing. It actually wasn't the point of the post. It wasn't a lead in to get to rant. It just happened. It was more about saying that God wouldn't or can't or must... 

Even many Christians seem to have the attitude that God must fit their mold and thought process. I believe completely that He can and will do whatever and anything He wants to do. He is not required to fit a mold. Even in His wrath He is loving. You don't have to believe it, but just because you don't; doesn't mean it isn't true! 

Just to get you thinking and because I've gone too long without blogging. It's been an emotional month for me as April always is, so I haven't taken time to post. It's not like I'm reaching hundreds anyways! lol My average readership is between 25 and 35 sooo.  But, if I can get one of those to think and reason for themselves, I've accomplished my task.

April 11, 2017

Noah's Ark Series Lesson 3

Having Fixed Points in a Changing World
Matt. 7:24-27, Heb. 12:25-28

In a world of constant change there are some things in life that are fixed points. They don't change. they can be counted on.
--Navigators can count on the North Star
--Builders trust in plumb lines
--Musicians depend on set notes

Psychologists say that change is hard for most people - even good changes.
--change is threatening, frightening, & intimidating
--most people resist it  and down right avoid it

Psychologists also say that the best way to adjust to change is to remember and focus on some fixed points in our life.
--Fixed points are things we can trust & commit to
--Little kids learn this at a very young age - when they go into a new situation, they usually reach for & cling to a security blanket, teddy bear, or other toy, mom, dad or even their thumb because they want something that they know & makes them feel secure

So, what are some fixed points for us as our world shudders, shakes and we go through trials?
Heb. 13:8 tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever

Because of this He gives us strong foundations to build upon
Let's look at some fixed points in anyone's life....

I. Truth
--Sometimes it is hard to sort out lies from truth but we can use Jesus as a measuring stick
--We need to measure everything we see, read or hear by the standard of truth found in God's Word
--If it goes against what Scripture says--it CANNOT be truth!
--By the way, God will NOT impress upon you to do something that goes against His Word
-- For instance, God doesn't impress upon people to murder someone, steal from others or even get a divorce - when someone chooses to do those things they have made up their own minds because God would not urge someone to do something contrary to His Word

Prov. 23:23 tells us to buy the truth and sell it not
John 14:6 - Jesus tells us He is the truth
Rom. 3:4  says that God is true and every man a liar

--When Satan makes us doubt - cling to the truths of the Bible

II. Love
--We love him because he first loved us - this is the only reason we know about love

Rom. 8:38-39 - Once we get saved, we become God's child and we can't be separated from his love
--even when we think that no one on earth loves us, we can rest assured of God's love for us

**True love is that which gives expecting nothing in return

III. God
--He is immutable or unchangeable
Ps. 102:27, Mal. 3;6, Rev. 1:8

Though God allows and sometimes even brings changes in our lives, we can trust Him for He is unchanging -- He is always just, always fair, and always loving even when He brings His wrath. Everything He does is for our good and for His glory

IV. God's Word 
--it endures forever
Ps. 119:89, Is. 40:8, Matt. 24:35, 1 Peter 1:25

--when we go through trials we can search the Bible for comfort and also for what to do