May 20, 2017

Jesus the Carpenter

I have always found it interesting that Jesus was a carpenter. His earthly father, Joseph was a carpenter and had obviously passed the trade on to Jesus. In Matthew 13:55 the Jews ask if this was not the carpenter's son. In Mark 6:3 the Jews ask if Jesus was not the carpenter. I like that Jesus was taught to work with his hands as he was growing up and while the Bible is silent about this, we can easily assume that he carried that trade right up until he began his ministry. That would be why the Jews were astonished at his doctrine as he taught and questioned "is not this the carpenter?" That was how he was known up to this point. I don't know why but that makes me smile. 

I think it is a lovely thought that the carpenter (builder) learned that profession and also is the builder of the bridge (metaphorically & spiritually) between us and God. The song "Jesus Built a Bridge" has always made my mind picture that of a carpenter and I am not even sure that was the intent or thought when the song was written. Jesus the carpenter builds. He uses trials in our lives to build us and make us strong. He uses relationships to bless us, try us and help us build our faith in Him and one another. It is a beautiful thought and picture! 

Just a little thought to help you picture Jesus in a different way. I know a young man that once told me when we worked with youth that he was going to be a carpenter and that he figured it was good enough for Jesus so it was good enough for him. ---He did become one by the way! 

Jesus already built that bridge between you and God when He died on the cross and rose from the grave. Have you taken the opportunity to use the bridge? You can use it by accepting that you are a sinner and that your sin separates you from God. When you put your trust and faith in what Jesus did, you become a child of God and therefore may use the bridge. 

May 9, 2017

Building Strong Muscles

We are having Revival meetings this week and the preacher said something Sunday night that triggered this thought. He talked about building our spiritual muscles is just like building our physical muscles. How true!!

If you do not want weak muscles you must exercise to build them up and make them strong. In the same manner, we must also exercise spiritually. Sometimes God forces us to do this! ---because we know that what is not used grows weak. 

One way we exercise spiritually is to read our Bibles and study it. Another way is by spending time in prayer both in thanksgiving, and in asking for help for ourselves and others. Yet another way to exercise spiritually is to go to church and spend time with other Christians. One of the best ways is to have open discussions about God's Word with friends, family and other church members. (Iron sharpeneth iron!) 

Sometimes God uses trials or just every day situations to build our spiritual muscles by forcing us to rely on Him. By allowing us to go through the fiery trials and then letting us see the outcome He had planned. Letting us experience His good for us and His glory, builds our faith like nothing else. 

Some folks continue to have weak spiritual muscles because they do not exercise them.  They coast along on the coattails of others or just meandering through life without a care in the world for staying strong spiritually. Eventually, they will be too weak to fight against the fiery darts that come their way. This will lead them to turn from church and God and they will be left with nothing but anger, bitterness, cynicism, apathy, and sarcasm towards the things of God. In reality it was their own lack of muscle building, yet they will blame God and God's servants. 

How about you? Do you exercise on a regular basis to build your spiritual muscles? If you have been lax in this area and allowed yourself to become weak, there's no better time like the present to start your spiritual exercising.