June 30, 2017

Creating Shock & Awe

This post is not really a venting but more of an observation. The world in general seems to have more and more people who (they claim) are trying to be different and not conforming to the current flow of society. They dye their hair crazy colors, they pierce every part of their body, they get tattoos everywhere, they dress in crazy fashions or barely dress for that matter. They want to be different, yet I proclaim they are not really being "different". They are being just like all the others who are doing those same things. Rebellion against the norm of society has always been around, but today it seems that more and more people are taking part. It is their right. It is their choice. To this I say, "Yes, it is you're choice. However, along with that comes the attention you are truly seeking. The stand out in a crowd emphasis. The shock and awe you are trying to create in those you encounter." 

What gets me is that most of the people taking part in the be different lifestyle and fashions get upset and offended when people stare at them. They square their shoulders and say things like, "I'm still the same person," "You don't have a right to judge me," "Just because I look like this doesn't make me bad,"I'm still a nice person". Yep, all of those statements they make are true. However, isn't that why you are doing it? Weren't you trying to make people look at you? I get that many consider these things an art form...body art, etc. Even those who only have one piercing in their ears wear jewelry there as a decoration to draw attention. That is what all jewelry is about. To each his own I reckon; but when you are trying to create shock and awe in others, why are you offended when you do?! If that was your point, then don't be offended be proud you succeeded. 

I learned long ago that you can't always judge a book by its cover, because at times I have been at a gas station or other store and had the guy with the tattoos or body piercings everywhere be the one to be kind and hold the door open for me yet the business dressed style guy let the door slam on me.  However, this isn't always the case. For the most part, people are easily labeled by how they look. When we worked with teens at church I taught the girls that how they looked would affect how people saw them and responded to them. I have used this illustration before but let me paint a picture. If you are in a city and see a woman dressed scantily, with lots of makeup, and high heel shoes approaching open car windows or men walking by....what is your first thought? If you are honest, you will think that woman is a prostitute. You may or may not be correct but the thought is still there. When you see someone on a motorcycle, dressed in leather with a bandanna on their head, you most likely think they are part of a biker gang. When you see someone in a suit and tie carrying a briefcase, you usually think of a business man. When you see someone in an expensive evening gown, fur coat and with their hair done up, you think that the woman is either high society or at least going to an expensive special occasion. When you see a lady in a long skirt with her hair in a bun you automatically think she is a Pentecostal. When you see two men walking down the sidewalk in black dockers with white button down shirts, you think Mormon. How you look makes people think certain things about you whether you want it to or not. When someone is dressed in black, with black dyed hair, black fingernails and black lipstick, one assumes you are Gothic (if that is still even around anymore).

So, if you are going for that look that goes against the average everyday norm of society, do not be so offended when you achieve your goal of shocking someone and making them stare at you. In reality, being different makes people stare at you, and that was probably what you wanted. There are many, many people out there who look different because they get no choice. They were born with physical differences from everyone else. Some have missing limbs, fingers or toes, some have down syndrome, some have cerebral palsy, some are blind, some are deaf and use sign language to communicate, some must wear braces on their legs or any other number of physical ailments. These people often spend time wishing they COULD be just like everyone else. 

I do believe a person has a right to do what they want with their own bodies, I just wish that if you want to step out and be different, you'd not be so upset when you get the attention you are desiring. 

June 27, 2017

The Beauty of Blood

Bob mentioned the blood Sunday and with what he was saying it made me think of how precious and beautiful blood can be. First of all, it is a pretty color! Red is bright and about as colorful as it gets. Our American flag is beautiful with its three colors and without the red it would just not be the same. 

Secondly, when you think of what blood does in the human body, you realize how special it is. Without blood there is no life! Every part of your body needs blood supply to survive. So many things are carried in the blood for our good. 

Thirdly, when I picture the work Jesus did on the cross and how He shed His blood for my sake, it makes the thought of blood even more beautiful. He took His shed blood and poured it out on the Mercy Seat in Heaven to atone for my sins. This was the end of the sacrificial law because He was the perfect and complete sacrifice. Before Jesus came, the Jews had to sacrifice daily and yearly for the forgiveness of sin as representative of the coming Savior. The Bible tells us that without shedding of blood there is no remission (forgiveness). (Heb. 9:22) 

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow.
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

When I picture the scene at the cross, I can see that pretty blood flowing down the body of Jesus to the bottom of the cross and it is beautiful. It is a picture of His love for me. With it comes forgiveness and bold access to the throne of grace. No longer must I confess my sins to a priest because I have but one mediator between me and God, the man, Christ Jesus. (1 Tim. 2:5) With this picture in my mind, comes thankfulness, humbleness and a willingness to please Him. In my mind, the blood is as beautiful as a mountain or ocean scene. How about you? Does the blood mean that much to you? Have you given it any thought? Maybe this post will bring a new appreciation. 

June 24, 2017

When a Soldier Lays Down Their Weapon

When you enter the military, you are trained in how to use your weapon. You are required to become completely familiar with it. You are trained how to use it in attack on the offensive and also how to use it to defend yourself and your company. As a soldier in the Army of the Lord, you are to be trained in the use of your weapon both offensively and defensively just as a soldier in the military. 

Today I want to look at what happens when the soldier lays down their weapon. 

In the military if you put down your weapon, you are vulnerable. You can no longer take the battle to the enemy nor can you defend yourself, your company or battle for the cause of your country. 

In the same manner, when a Christian soldier lays down their weapon (the sword of the Lord or Bible), they, too, are vulnerable. It is harder to stand against the fiery darts of the devil. It is harder to avoid temptations. It is harder to attack against false doctrine or teachings when you have laid down your weapon and not familiarized yourself with it. Psalm 119:11 - Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. 
The more we have God's Word in our heart, the less we will do in offence against him. 

When we leave our weapon laying on the table or the book shelf, we cannot use it to defend our beliefs, nor can we use it to fight against wrong when we do not keep it close and use it. We cannot use it to show others why they should also have the same weapon when we are not using ours. 

Make sure you are armed at all times with your weapon. Even when we have scripture memorized, in the heat of a battle, sometimes those scriptures are not as easily recalled, if you have your Bible close and handy, you can open it and find help. Keep a New Testament in your purse or car. Don't allow yourself to become complacent and lay it down and let it gather dust. If you do, you will not be able to be the soldier you need to be as the battle rages. 

June 7, 2017

Remembering Your Place

Whenever someone decides to stand up to someone bigger, more powerful, older, or the authority over them, often they get told "You forget your place!". Well, whenever this happens to you as a Christian, when you are quoting and believing the truth of Scripture, it's ok to reply, "My place is standing firmly on God's Word". This is our place as Christians! 

As you remember your place you must also remember that along with being able to stand on the Word of God, comes a home in heaven, being part of God's family, blessings from your heavenly Father, correction from your heavenly Father, bold access to the throne of grace where you can pray openly and forgiveness.

Sounds like a pretty good place to me! It's a place to seek comfort and peace in your heart and mind in the above knowledge.  Not only should it bring comfort and peace, it should bring boldness to make the statement, "My place is standing firmly on God's Word".

Just some encouragement for your week.

June 2, 2017

Affecting Our World

As Christians we are to affect our world. We are to spread the Gospel to others. We are to share the love of Christ. We are to be a witness for the Lord wherever and whenever we have opportunity. We can do this by using our mouth to talk to people and we can give money to missionaries around the world to reach those we've never seen in other countries. There is no question about the command when we read our Bible. 

However, I'd like to look at this from a different perspective. Is not, "our world" those we see most? "Our world" consists of our spouse, our children, extended family members, friends and coworkers. Shouldn't we share the Gospel, love and compassion of Jesus to these first and foremost? We will often speak up or give a tract to a stranger at the store but never do so to our own kids or lost spouse or parents or friends or especially coworkers. We often show more mercy and love towards the stranger than to extend it to our own family. We stay angry at our spouse or children when they make a mistake yet we are quicker to forgive a stranger or acquaintance. It's the same example that preacher's use often...men will hold open a door for other women before their own wife or daughter. --Not right! Men should hold doors for ALL females, first and foremost their own family members! (just a pet peeve of mine)

Especially with our children we should be showing them and teaching them by our example the love of Jesus and His saving grace. At every opportunity and teachable moment in their daily lives, they should be hearing about the Lord and all He can do and is doing in ours and their lives. Believe me, their are those teachable moments every single day if we will just look for and seize them. This is one of the best ways to affect your world and theirs! 

Just a thought provoker. Are you affecting YOUR world? Don't look to the world at large and neglect your own.