August 29, 2017

God Works in Mysterious Ways

Has anyone else noticed that whenever it seems this country is at an all time high of hate and fragmentation and division that God sends some catastrophe or major incident to put things into perspective for everyone?! Recently there was protesting in several areas of the nation where chaos and turmoil broke out. There is no doubt that hatred for their neighbor and brethren were at stake. Race lines have been drawn, political parties have been drawn, economic lines have been drawn and yet in the wake of Hurricane Harvey all that has been set aside and none of it matters as people of all walks of life come together to help. 

It's too bad it always takes something so drastic to bring people back together and show what really matters....LIFE! Human beings caring for one another's needs, giving sacrificially, lifting one another's burdens. Just doing right for a change and doing it in a heart of love! My eyes are teared over as I type this. This is the type of thing that reminds us of the Good Samaritan story in Scripture. 

Hey, search online and on Facebook for pictures of everyday folks helping one another no matter what skin color, economic status or ideals they carry. It will lift your heart as yes, there is tragedy for many but there is giving and loving of those in the midst of the tragedy. This, this is the core of what in the past has made America great!!! No one cares what color, whether rich or poor, whether they agree politically or not....they are just helping. Isn't that what Jesus would want? Everyday!?

August 27, 2017

Creating a Home Through AROMA

I want to say upfront that this is a lesson I tweaked and pulled together from two different sources. I no longer have the book or other source to give credit to the creators. I make every lesson my own even when I borrow but I still prefer to give credit when I can.

Aroma is a pleasant odor (apparently if it is not pleasant then it is a smell or just plain stinky!)

Eph. 5:1-2

As Christians we should model Christ in love & become a sweet smelling sacrifice. We need to bring this first to our homes.


Atmosphere is the light that glows from inside a home. As wives and mothers we should want that atmosphere to be so inviting that family members can't wait to get inside. If we intentionally create affection, respect, order, merriment, and affirmation; then our family will want to experience that atmosphere again and again.

We'll look at each of the aspects of AROMA one by one.

AFFECTION - giving/having tender or loving touches or compliments
Ex. Hugs, kisses, caresses, praise, "I love yous"
Prov. 14:1 - build up others
Prov. 31:26 - speak kindly and with wisdom
Rom. 12:10 - show affection to each other

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Model affection on a consistent basis
2. Don't withhold affection as a reaction to a child's or spouse's behavior
3. Know the person well enough to know what type of affection they prefer (some people don't like their feet touched, or are uncomfortable with public compliments)

RESPECT - holding other people in honor so they may recognize their own worth
**Self-worth & attitude are built brick by brick on loving acts of respect in all circumstances

Luke 6:31 - golden rule
Eph. 4:32 - be kind and forgiving
Eph. 5:22 - wives submit to husband as though to the Lord
Eph. 5:33 - men love wives & wives reverence
Eph. 6:2 - honor parents
Ex. Do kind gestures that family members would enjoy

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Be generous with honoring members in life's ups & downs (allow mistakes & let them grow & learn)
2. Allow others their own opinions & ideas - even if you disagree
3. Confront self criticism with positive in put - be a cheerleader
4. Avoid hateful or disrespectful speech
5. Say "I'm sorry" & "please forgive me" quickly - this shows humbleness

ORDER - the act of managing and modeling godly leadership in the home, resulting in a refuge of calm 
**Someone must be the anchor
**Others, especially children & spouse, have a hard time staying calm & peaceful in an atmosphere of chaos, turmoil & disarray

The purpose of order is to foster a sense of security within the boundaries & rules of the home by creating a habitual rhythm in daily routines & traditions
Prov. 16:32 - Keep in check & be slow to anger
Prov. 17:1 - Keep strife away
Prov. 29:15 - Train children & have rules
Prov. 31:27 - Keep up with the house & family

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Make CLEAR rules that can be kept with consequences when broken
2. Set priorities for home and future goals
3. Keep home clean & free of messes
4. Create family traditions & habits - brings a sense of peace
5. Keep a calm spirit at all times (easier said than done!)

MERRIMENT - an atmosphere with uninhibited laughter & enthusiasm 
Laughter and crying are two emotions that draw people closer together when shared.
Laughter has been proven to help offset illness
Prov. 15:13 - Facial expressions often reveal emotions
Prov. 17:22 - Laughter is like medicine

When I was growing up I was surrounded by love and laughter by a large extended family. These are some of the most vivid and precious memories I have from childhood.

Fun, laughter, and enthusiasm create a joyful and happy home

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Do fun things as a family
2. Learn to laugh at yourself
3. Laughter should always be WITH but not AT someone

AFFIRMATION - positive declaration or confirming a clearly held position through kind words and actions

*Affirmation is a combination of all the other parts of AROMA to help hold & confirm the positive atmosphere of the home
I Thess. 5:11 - Edify and comfort each other

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Use positive reinforcement through praise & encouragement
2. Help family members pursue their dreams & potential
3. Show mercy & forgiveness when mistakes are made
4. Communicate & be there when they need to talk

August 26, 2017

The Bible is NOT a Buffet!

We all love to go to buffet restaurants (which I believe more contributes to obesity than alot of fast food because everyone continues to go back so they "get their money's worth") and the reason we love them is because there is a large variety to choose from. You can pick and choose the foods you want and leave the ones you don't. 

Unfortunately, many people use God's Word in the same way. They want to pick and choose what they want to believe and practice. God never intended us to do this. Now, I believe some things were written specifically to certain people or a certain person however, overall, the commands and expectations are a guideline for everyone who wants to be a child of God. 

People tend to cling to verses that they like and explain away or rationalize why they don't have to follow other verses.  This is even common to everyday Christians who attend church at every service. It's wrong! 

I want to be as right with God as I can be on a daily basis. Yes, I often mess up that rightness with my sins but I am quickly repentant and asking forgiveness. I cannot be right with God if I ignore His Word. I can best accomplish staying right by knowing His Word and that comes only through reading, studying and hearing it preached and taught! God has much to say about being obedient and following His commands. Get in the Bible and read for yourself. And, don't pick and choose what to believe. Don't treat it like a buffet!