I think gratefulness is a trait that is almost gone in everyday society today, even among adults. The parents of the 80s and 90s which was the "Me generation", "I can have my cake and eat it too generation"; created the whiny, unsatisfied, give me more for free generation of today. We won't go into all that entails or of the hows and whys because it's not the point of this post. I want to focus on how to create grateful hearts in the newest children coming up such as my grandchildren.
I remember back when my own children were school age and we first got into church and started serving heavily in that aspect. We were constantly on the go and spending much time working with teens and I admit I had some guilt over possibly neglecting my own children. Sometimes I felt that I could curb that guilt and appease my children by allowing them to get things at the store ...candy or a small toy. Well, since we humans are creatures of habit it didn't take them long to get "spoiled" to this and become increasingly vocal and expecting of it. Well, at one time we were spending so much time in the car on the go and had developed a habit of getting snacks and food at the gas station to "tide us over" until we could have a meal later. I remember the wake up call was one day when my son was in maybe 2nd grade and we were at home. He asked if we could go to the gas station because he was hungry! Now mind you, there were snacks and food in the pantry and refrigerator! Yet, the habit had been formed over the past few weeks and in his mind the only way to satisfy hunger was to go to the gas station! Ding, ding, ding, the warning bells went off immediately!
So, what are some ways we can develop gratefulness in our children? How about let them first and foremost see it in us?! Don't let them see you being whiny about wanting something different or more than you already have. Children absolutely learn what they live! Just be thankful (which goes hand in hand with grateful) for every monetary thing you have in your life! Be thankful to others who may have given it and mostly be thankful to God because the Bible says that every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights!
Another way is to let them see others less fortunate than them. When my kids were younger we started a yearly thing of taking wrapped presents to Children's Hospital at Christmas time. I let them help me pick them out and wrap them and they went with me to drop them off at the hospital. I would explain to them how blessed they were to be healthy and at home for Christmas.
Let them serve in a soup kitchen with you or drive them to see a poorer neighborhood so that they can see first hand how others live and how not to take for granted the warm, nice home they live in.
Sheltering children from all negative aspects of society does them harm. When they enter adulthood (which is what you are preparing them for...to lead productive, successful lives after they are grown and have left your house) they need to know and appreciate where they came from and what they had and that not everyone was as blessed as they were. Some children have illnesses that they fight daily, some children live in hunger on a daily basis, some children have few clothes or even clean clothes and some don't have a warm home to sleep in at night. It is not enough just to lecture them about it. Seeing it first hand will drive the message home much faster.
Example and yes, sometimes contrast is the best way to let someone learn. As the old saying goes, do not point out the crookedness of a stick, simply lay a straight stick beside it! Also, remember children learn what they see lived daily in you!
This is a blog to hopefully encourage and help others in their journey through life to become a better Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, or person because NONE OF US have arrived. We are all Rubies in the Making! Rubies in the rough have not yet been perfected. My goal is to be a thought provoker! I will share ideas, thoughts, poems, recipes and yes even an occasional rant. My prayer is that I will be a help to someone.
October 31, 2017
Judged or Just Self-Conscious?
Often times we get our feathers ruffled because we think that someone is standing in judgment of us about how we look, dress, keep our homes, raise our children, spend our money, or any number of issues. This sort of goes along with a blog post I made some time ago about the voices in our heads. If you haven't read it you can find it on my blog page.
We THINK we are being judged or looked down upon but in reality it is often just in our own minds. This can happen for a variety of reasons. The reasons being but not limited to, being self-conscious or insecure about our own choices, being convicted of sin in our own lives that is revealed when next to someone else doing right, jealousy in our hearts over someone else having better or more and the list could go on for reasons.
My point is, that often it is just not true that someone is judging you. The average person is quite frankly too busy in their own lives to constantly sit in judgment of you and your
choices. There may be times that a person or group of people may have wrong or stray thoughts about you but I don't believe they are standing around with gavel in hand doling out judgmental thoughts. If you feel uncomfortable (because that is actually why you are feeling judged), perhaps you should make a different choice about what you are feeling uncomfortable about the next time.
Let me give some examples...If you feel judged because you gave your child a Hostess cake for breakfast and told another mother you did that and you felt she looked at you as though you were a horrible parent, then I suggest that next time, don't tell others what you did, OR give your child something more nutritious tomorrow! (I personally don't think it's the end of the world or going to kill them if you are at least satisfying the growling belly by giving them a Hostess cake for breakfast! Obviously, don't do this 5 days a week or you can cause health issues!) If you feel judged (embarrassed) because someone dropped by to visit and your house was a disaster and unclean, then try harder to keep a neater, cleaner home. If you are a lady that wears pants most of the time yet you are out with a group of other ladies or attend a church where many ladies wear only skirts and dresses and you feel as though they judge you, you need to get over your own insecurities and stand on your own choices. You must have a reason that you choose what you wear so don't be wishy-washy about it. You have made a choice so stand by it. My only advice is stop making choices based on peer pressure. Know what you believe and why you believe it! Know why you make your choices and stand on those choices.
As you are wondering in your mind if someone is judging your choices...are you judging theirs? Are you judging another mother because she chose to bottle feed instead of breast feed? Are you judging another couple because they home school instead of sending their child to public school or vice versa? Are you judging another lady BECAUSE she wears only skirts? Do you think she is snobby or self righteous when she has never even mentioned your pants to you? Do you judge homemaking habits of other women? See, the door of judgment swings wide both ways! So be careful when worrying whether or not others are judging you when you may be judging them also.
The truth of the matter is, often it is just in our own self conscious minds that we are being judged. So, let's just live our lives and do the best we can and do our best to make choices that we believe are right for us. Make better choices when we need to or when we feel "judged".
We THINK we are being judged or looked down upon but in reality it is often just in our own minds. This can happen for a variety of reasons. The reasons being but not limited to, being self-conscious or insecure about our own choices, being convicted of sin in our own lives that is revealed when next to someone else doing right, jealousy in our hearts over someone else having better or more and the list could go on for reasons.
My point is, that often it is just not true that someone is judging you. The average person is quite frankly too busy in their own lives to constantly sit in judgment of you and your
choices. There may be times that a person or group of people may have wrong or stray thoughts about you but I don't believe they are standing around with gavel in hand doling out judgmental thoughts. If you feel uncomfortable (because that is actually why you are feeling judged), perhaps you should make a different choice about what you are feeling uncomfortable about the next time.
Let me give some examples...If you feel judged because you gave your child a Hostess cake for breakfast and told another mother you did that and you felt she looked at you as though you were a horrible parent, then I suggest that next time, don't tell others what you did, OR give your child something more nutritious tomorrow! (I personally don't think it's the end of the world or going to kill them if you are at least satisfying the growling belly by giving them a Hostess cake for breakfast! Obviously, don't do this 5 days a week or you can cause health issues!) If you feel judged (embarrassed) because someone dropped by to visit and your house was a disaster and unclean, then try harder to keep a neater, cleaner home. If you are a lady that wears pants most of the time yet you are out with a group of other ladies or attend a church where many ladies wear only skirts and dresses and you feel as though they judge you, you need to get over your own insecurities and stand on your own choices. You must have a reason that you choose what you wear so don't be wishy-washy about it. You have made a choice so stand by it. My only advice is stop making choices based on peer pressure. Know what you believe and why you believe it! Know why you make your choices and stand on those choices.
As you are wondering in your mind if someone is judging your choices...are you judging theirs? Are you judging another mother because she chose to bottle feed instead of breast feed? Are you judging another couple because they home school instead of sending their child to public school or vice versa? Are you judging another lady BECAUSE she wears only skirts? Do you think she is snobby or self righteous when she has never even mentioned your pants to you? Do you judge homemaking habits of other women? See, the door of judgment swings wide both ways! So be careful when worrying whether or not others are judging you when you may be judging them also.
The truth of the matter is, often it is just in our own self conscious minds that we are being judged. So, let's just live our lives and do the best we can and do our best to make choices that we believe are right for us. Make better choices when we need to or when we feel "judged".
October 28, 2017
Indulgent Hot Chocolate & Hot Apple Cider Recipes
These are not for the dieter but for those who want to indulge for a moment! They are for large groups also.
Hot Chocolate
1/2 gal. Whole Milk
1/2 gal. Almond Milk
1 c. Sugar
1 c. Cocoa Powder
4 oz. Dark or Bittersweet Chocolate chopped into tiny pieces
4 oz. Chocolate Chips
1 T. Vanilla
In a large pot heat milks until thoroughly heated (almost to boiling) on medium heat. Whisk in remaining ingredients until well blended. Simmer for 10 minutes and pour into preheated crock pot set on low. Turn to warm and serve at party or gathering with a ladle.
Hot Apple Cider
1/2 gal. Apple Cider
1/2 c. Orange Juice
1/2 c. Lemon Juice
1 t. Ground Cinnamon
1/2 t. Ground Ginger
Pour all ingredients into large pot and stir until cinnamon is well blended. Cook until boiling over medium heat. Lower heat and simmer 15 minutes. Keep warm in thermos, carafe or crock pot.
Hot Chocolate
1/2 gal. Whole Milk
1/2 gal. Almond Milk
1 c. Sugar
1 c. Cocoa Powder
4 oz. Dark or Bittersweet Chocolate chopped into tiny pieces
4 oz. Chocolate Chips
1 T. Vanilla
In a large pot heat milks until thoroughly heated (almost to boiling) on medium heat. Whisk in remaining ingredients until well blended. Simmer for 10 minutes and pour into preheated crock pot set on low. Turn to warm and serve at party or gathering with a ladle.
Hot Apple Cider
1/2 gal. Apple Cider
1/2 c. Orange Juice
1/2 c. Lemon Juice
1 t. Ground Cinnamon
1/2 t. Ground Ginger
Pour all ingredients into large pot and stir until cinnamon is well blended. Cook until boiling over medium heat. Lower heat and simmer 15 minutes. Keep warm in thermos, carafe or crock pot.
October 26, 2017
Your Daily Hazmat Suit
Many jobs require some sort of protective clothing or gear to keep the employee from harm. This can range from gloves, hardhats, masks, to entire suits that are chemical or fire retardant.
Well, Bob used an illustration in his lesson the other night that reminds us that as a Christian we are to put on the Armor of God every day so we can withstand against the fiery darts and wiles of the devil. It dawned on me that this is God's hazmat suit for us! We are to protect ourselves from this world and from Satan's attacks. He will use people, music, work place, situations, trials, and even the grocery store as a form of attack. When we wear our Armor of God we can withstand the attacks.
For those who do not know what the Armor is...
1. have your loins girt about with truth (the truth of God's Word)
2. the breastplate of righteousness (live right to have a good testimony)
3. your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (be ready to witness to others about salvation)
4. the shield of faith (standing strong in your beliefs to withstand against wickedness)
5. the helmet of salvation (protected by the blood of Jesus)
6. the sword of the Spirit (God's Word)
7. Prayer
You can't just put on one piece of the armor or hazmat suit and think you can stand. It says "and having done all, to stand".
Put on your daily hazmat suit before you begin each day. I think you will find life goes better when you do.
October 24, 2017
Being a Prepper!
Not too long ago Bob preached about being prepared as a Christian. I immediately decided I wanted to blog about that topic.
He was right about being prepared as a Christian. We are to be prepared to witness to others and tell them about the Saving Grace of Jesus, to be a help to others in their time of need, to encourage others and to show love and forgiveness to those around us. All these are good works that we are to let shine forth that will glorify our heavenly Father.
In daily life we should also be prepared. The term "Prepper" carries a certain meaning in the world today. Often times those labeled with this title are mocked and made fun of because many think they are paranoid and over reacting to the likelihood of chaos and future impending doom. Many so called "Preppers" stock pile food, ammunition, water, gasoline, firewood, candles, etc in the event of a natural catastrophe or a government take over or a take over of the USA by another country or enemy such as ISIS. As to those who poo poo this idea...have you watched the news over the past couple of years?!!
I do not necessarily consider myself a prepper but I now have a "bug out bag" with nonperishable food items, matches, water, rope, etc. just because there's no sense in being naive! I'm a country girl who spent many years camping (not in an RV with electric or running water!) so I know how to survive without those. As far as a government takeover right now, it is probably not as likely as it would have been if someone with a socialistic agenda had taken over the White House last year. Still, being prepared is your best defense in any situation!
My husband, Bob, is a pretty avid gardener and bee keeper. (All I do is help extract and make syrup for the bees to eat when nectar sources get low) I do help with the gardening quite a bit. We love to can food for the future and I like having the fresh garden food all winter long.
I think every wise person is at least a light prepper. The Bible says that we are to be wise like the ant who gathers their food in summer to live on all winter.
Point is be a Prepper! In life and as a Christian!
He was right about being prepared as a Christian. We are to be prepared to witness to others and tell them about the Saving Grace of Jesus, to be a help to others in their time of need, to encourage others and to show love and forgiveness to those around us. All these are good works that we are to let shine forth that will glorify our heavenly Father.
In daily life we should also be prepared. The term "Prepper" carries a certain meaning in the world today. Often times those labeled with this title are mocked and made fun of because many think they are paranoid and over reacting to the likelihood of chaos and future impending doom. Many so called "Preppers" stock pile food, ammunition, water, gasoline, firewood, candles, etc in the event of a natural catastrophe or a government take over or a take over of the USA by another country or enemy such as ISIS. As to those who poo poo this idea...have you watched the news over the past couple of years?!!
I do not necessarily consider myself a prepper but I now have a "bug out bag" with nonperishable food items, matches, water, rope, etc. just because there's no sense in being naive! I'm a country girl who spent many years camping (not in an RV with electric or running water!) so I know how to survive without those. As far as a government takeover right now, it is probably not as likely as it would have been if someone with a socialistic agenda had taken over the White House last year. Still, being prepared is your best defense in any situation!
My husband, Bob, is a pretty avid gardener and bee keeper. (All I do is help extract and make syrup for the bees to eat when nectar sources get low) I do help with the gardening quite a bit. We love to can food for the future and I like having the fresh garden food all winter long.
I think every wise person is at least a light prepper. The Bible says that we are to be wise like the ant who gathers their food in summer to live on all winter.
Point is be a Prepper! In life and as a Christian!
October 22, 2017
Precious Memories
Precious memories, how they linger, how they ever flood my soul!...This was me during the storm last night. I was tired when I went to bed but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. I laid listening to the wind, rain and thunder. I smiled to myself as I remembered that when I was a child and camping with my Grandma and Grandpa I would have been in the storm cellar by this point. Now, me, I was more afraid of the spiders and snakes in that cellar than the storm that my grandparents were petrified of making it through. I spent much time in that cellar, listening to rain, thunder, wind and watching the lightning and the river rise. Of course in reality my grandparents had warrant to be so concerned, we had actually all lived through a small tornado and I'm sure only survived harm because of God's mercy and grace. It was after that storm that my grandpa built the storm cellar.
From this thought came a flood of other memories of that camping lot my grandparents owned on the Bourbeuse River in Rosebud, MO. (My cousin owns that lot now) Life was so simple then! I spent the first 30 years of my life on a river bank. First with my mom, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles and after marriage with Bob and my kids. Then Bob got saved and life forever changed. I had such a happy and fun childhood! I drifted off to sleep remembering the times of play with my cousins and all the laughter within our family.
Isn't it wonderful that God gives us memories?! They are pictures in our minds. I think that is why I love photography so much...pictures are memories. They are captured moments in time which is why I call my photography business (which is sorely lacking and on the back burner for several years now) Captured Moments Photography. It is sad to me to think of someday not being able to remember those fond memories anymore. Age has a way of doing that doesn't it? We are watching and trying to help some of our church family members deal with Alzheimer's and Dementia in their parents. Many of their memories are gone especially they struggle with short term memory loss. Every day and sometimes every hour is a new moment in time. Some are very stuck in a past memory and keep telling you the same story about it over and over. Other times reality has drifted to fantasy and comes out in bizarre speech! Oh! the stories we've heard the past three years! lol
Like the song says, Precious Memories how they linger, how they ever flood my soul! Sights, sounds, songs, even smells can trigger an emotional memory that we've not thought of in years and years. Hold on to them as long as you can. Document moments of your life for future. You know that movie The Notebook (yes I skip the inappropriate scenes but love the story), is about just that. Before the wife got too bad in her Alzheimer's, she wrote down their love story and asked him to read it to her to help her remember. It's beautiful! Keep a journal to pass on to your children and grandchildren so they truly know who you are and what your innermost thoughts, goals, dreams and ideas were. My sister several years ago, gave me a book that helps me document this with questions and blanks to fill out about my thoughts for that day. My daughter gave me two different grandmother books and I have filled most of them out -- one for her kids and one for my son's kids. I have a mother's book too and given some of those to others as they became parents. Documenting your life is the best way to preserve it for the future! If you do not have one of these type books, get on EBay and find you one! Start today to keep track of who you are and what you were like on this particular day in time! Going back and re-reading them even in a year may give you great insight to yourself!
From this thought came a flood of other memories of that camping lot my grandparents owned on the Bourbeuse River in Rosebud, MO. (My cousin owns that lot now) Life was so simple then! I spent the first 30 years of my life on a river bank. First with my mom, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles and after marriage with Bob and my kids. Then Bob got saved and life forever changed. I had such a happy and fun childhood! I drifted off to sleep remembering the times of play with my cousins and all the laughter within our family.
Isn't it wonderful that God gives us memories?! They are pictures in our minds. I think that is why I love photography so much...pictures are memories. They are captured moments in time which is why I call my photography business (which is sorely lacking and on the back burner for several years now) Captured Moments Photography. It is sad to me to think of someday not being able to remember those fond memories anymore. Age has a way of doing that doesn't it? We are watching and trying to help some of our church family members deal with Alzheimer's and Dementia in their parents. Many of their memories are gone especially they struggle with short term memory loss. Every day and sometimes every hour is a new moment in time. Some are very stuck in a past memory and keep telling you the same story about it over and over. Other times reality has drifted to fantasy and comes out in bizarre speech! Oh! the stories we've heard the past three years! lol
Like the song says, Precious Memories how they linger, how they ever flood my soul! Sights, sounds, songs, even smells can trigger an emotional memory that we've not thought of in years and years. Hold on to them as long as you can. Document moments of your life for future. You know that movie The Notebook (yes I skip the inappropriate scenes but love the story), is about just that. Before the wife got too bad in her Alzheimer's, she wrote down their love story and asked him to read it to her to help her remember. It's beautiful! Keep a journal to pass on to your children and grandchildren so they truly know who you are and what your innermost thoughts, goals, dreams and ideas were. My sister several years ago, gave me a book that helps me document this with questions and blanks to fill out about my thoughts for that day. My daughter gave me two different grandmother books and I have filled most of them out -- one for her kids and one for my son's kids. I have a mother's book too and given some of those to others as they became parents. Documenting your life is the best way to preserve it for the future! If you do not have one of these type books, get on EBay and find you one! Start today to keep track of who you are and what you were like on this particular day in time! Going back and re-reading them even in a year may give you great insight to yourself!
October 21, 2017
It's Okay to be Hungry
Isn't it funny how in the USA we are so spoiled with everything readily available to us almost on demand that the moment our bellies growl even once we think we are starving and immediately seek out food to help satisfy?! AND--we even have the gall after claiming we are starving to complain or decide that what is readily on hand isn't what we want!
Well, over the past couple of years I've learned that you won't die just because your belly growls! It's okay to actually be hungry! I've realized that it is necessary to allow yourself to be truly hungry if you want to lose weight. Fight through the cravings and deny yourself once in awhile! It is better to go to bed slightly hungry than so full that your body has no choice but to store up the calories you just inhaled as fat that continually grows your body. I need to get myself back in the practice of this. Cravings are hard! But if you keep busy and make yourself think of something else, you can bring those cravings under control. One thing I realized over the past couple years is that not staying busy, sitting around and allowing yourself to be bored adds to the trouble. Everyone eats more when not staying busy. I know a young man personally, who when he was a teen decided to lose weight. He did so by cutting back on his portions and on how often he ate. He said he did something active to get through the cravings for food. He roller bladed, he took a walk, he rode his bike, he jumped on the trampoline, etc. He said this occupied his mind so that he didn't think about food.
Now, to a spiritual side of things. God said in Psalm 34:10 --The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.
Matthew 5:6 -- Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Psalm 107:9 -- For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry with goodness.
Proverbs 27:7 -- The full soul loatheth an honeycomb, but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
When you are already full, you no longer want the good things in front of you.
We are to hunger after the things of God. We are to desire them in other words. When I am fasting in prayer for a time, I read my Bible or pray every time my belly growls.
One thing I know, is that the more you feed on God's Word and listen to preaching the more you will crave it. You will continue to be hungry for it if you don't fill up on things of the world.
Just some food for thought!
Well, over the past couple of years I've learned that you won't die just because your belly growls! It's okay to actually be hungry! I've realized that it is necessary to allow yourself to be truly hungry if you want to lose weight. Fight through the cravings and deny yourself once in awhile! It is better to go to bed slightly hungry than so full that your body has no choice but to store up the calories you just inhaled as fat that continually grows your body. I need to get myself back in the practice of this. Cravings are hard! But if you keep busy and make yourself think of something else, you can bring those cravings under control. One thing I realized over the past couple years is that not staying busy, sitting around and allowing yourself to be bored adds to the trouble. Everyone eats more when not staying busy. I know a young man personally, who when he was a teen decided to lose weight. He did so by cutting back on his portions and on how often he ate. He said he did something active to get through the cravings for food. He roller bladed, he took a walk, he rode his bike, he jumped on the trampoline, etc. He said this occupied his mind so that he didn't think about food.
Now, to a spiritual side of things. God said in Psalm 34:10 --The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.
Matthew 5:6 -- Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Psalm 107:9 -- For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry with goodness.
Proverbs 27:7 -- The full soul loatheth an honeycomb, but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
When you are already full, you no longer want the good things in front of you.
We are to hunger after the things of God. We are to desire them in other words. When I am fasting in prayer for a time, I read my Bible or pray every time my belly growls.
One thing I know, is that the more you feed on God's Word and listen to preaching the more you will crave it. You will continue to be hungry for it if you don't fill up on things of the world.
Just some food for thought!
October 20, 2017
Where You Lead I Will Follow
Gillmore Girls theme song says "Where you lead,I will follow..Any,Anywhere that you tell me to", and over the past couple of years this has been an inside joke or phrase between Bob and me. I have been following him as the head of our home and ministry for years now. I can't say that I have never ever dug my heels in at times and resisted our moving in a new direction but ultimately, I make the decision to follow where he leads. It is what the Bible says I am supposed to do. And, by the way, it doesn't say I am to submit only if he is godly! (that's another topic for another day however) The only time we are allowed leeway in the Bible about this is if our husband is asking us to do something contrary to God's Word.
This does not mean, however, that there can never be a discussion or a wife's input on a matter. It DOES mean that in the end, it's his call. He is the leader of the home and he is the one who will answer to God for how he lead. We have Bible example that blessings and cursings on a family often come directly as a result of the man.
As this should be a wife's attitude towards her husband --where you lead I will follow-- it should also be the attitude of every Christian towards God. Only when we are totally submitted to God and His authority over our lives and being willing to go and do as He prods or burdens us to do, can we have true peace and joy. It is a most miserable Christian who resists the will of God!! As part of our prayer life, we should include where you lead I will follow...any, anywhere that you tell me to. The cause of Jesus,and ministry (including but not limited to...preaching, teaching a class, going to a mission field, volunteering to help around the church, witnessing to others, etc.) is diminishing around the world because fewer and fewer Christians are willing to go and do where God leads!!!
How about you? As a wife are you willing to follow your husband?
As a Christian are you willing to follow anywhere? Whatever or wherever God asks is a sometimes scary prayer to pray because what and where He wants of us may be difficult. He has never promised an easy road only that He will be there beside us through it all to pick us up when we stumble, to comfort us when we are frightened, to praise about us to Satan (check the story of Job!) when we are living right, and to just help.
Maybe He's asking you to go through a difficult trial to mold and shape you into what He wants. Maybe He's asking you to witness to a neighbor, maybe to go to a foreign place to win souls, maybe to start a new ministry in your church, maybe to call someone to encourage them and let them know they are thought of, maybe just maybe He's reminding you to be faithful to your church in attending and giving. This is only a partial list but the point is to be yielded, submitted to where God leads you!
This does not mean, however, that there can never be a discussion or a wife's input on a matter. It DOES mean that in the end, it's his call. He is the leader of the home and he is the one who will answer to God for how he lead. We have Bible example that blessings and cursings on a family often come directly as a result of the man.
As this should be a wife's attitude towards her husband --where you lead I will follow-- it should also be the attitude of every Christian towards God. Only when we are totally submitted to God and His authority over our lives and being willing to go and do as He prods or burdens us to do, can we have true peace and joy. It is a most miserable Christian who resists the will of God!! As part of our prayer life, we should include where you lead I will follow...any, anywhere that you tell me to. The cause of Jesus,and ministry (including but not limited to...preaching, teaching a class, going to a mission field, volunteering to help around the church, witnessing to others, etc.) is diminishing around the world because fewer and fewer Christians are willing to go and do where God leads!!!
How about you? As a wife are you willing to follow your husband?
As a Christian are you willing to follow anywhere? Whatever or wherever God asks is a sometimes scary prayer to pray because what and where He wants of us may be difficult. He has never promised an easy road only that He will be there beside us through it all to pick us up when we stumble, to comfort us when we are frightened, to praise about us to Satan (check the story of Job!) when we are living right, and to just help.
Maybe He's asking you to go through a difficult trial to mold and shape you into what He wants. Maybe He's asking you to witness to a neighbor, maybe to go to a foreign place to win souls, maybe to start a new ministry in your church, maybe to call someone to encourage them and let them know they are thought of, maybe just maybe He's reminding you to be faithful to your church in attending and giving. This is only a partial list but the point is to be yielded, submitted to where God leads you!
October 3, 2017
I Am A Princess
I am a child of the King of Kings which makes me a princess! :) During Sunday school the other day, Bob read a little story illustration where a king was telling his daughter to do something to which the daughter replied that she was a princess and could do whatever she wanted. The king in the story told her that she was indeed a princess and because of this she had great responsibility and COULD NOT do whatever she wanted. This was true but my thoughts as Bob told it was that the king's reply should have been that she was a princess because of him. The fact that she was born HIS daughter was the only reason she was a princess! It was not through anything she had done or that she had earned it. It is pretty much the same with us. We are born---"born again" into the family of God by trusting in what Jesus did on the cross. HE does it all! The only thing we do is accept (or make a choice to put our faith in what He did). God made this possible because He loved mankind so much.
We become royalty when we are born again (get saved, accept Christ) and that makes us all either a prince or a princess because we are now children of the King. If you have done this, it should bring a smile to your face. It should also remind you that it is wrong to decide you can do whatever you want or act arrogant in the fact because it certainly brings responsibility. Responsibility to the rest of the world around you in your testimony -- which becomes useless when you choose to do whatever you want because your sins are forgiven or because you have "Christian liberty". (this is usually misused and misinterpreted!--keep reading past that verse!) You will become a stumbling block when you decide to live as you choose or for self instead of the King and His agenda.
Great responsibility to help others become a prince or princess and join the family. The only reason we are not taken on to heaven in the next minute after accepting Jesus as Savior is to fulfill God's will and plan of reaching others for Him and glorifying God.
Each Christian should remember that they are now royalty and heirs to the throne of Grace. ----So, live like it! Live so that others can tell you are royalty and live so they will want to listen to you and become a part of your royal family!
We become royalty when we are born again (get saved, accept Christ) and that makes us all either a prince or a princess because we are now children of the King. If you have done this, it should bring a smile to your face. It should also remind you that it is wrong to decide you can do whatever you want or act arrogant in the fact because it certainly brings responsibility. Responsibility to the rest of the world around you in your testimony -- which becomes useless when you choose to do whatever you want because your sins are forgiven or because you have "Christian liberty". (this is usually misused and misinterpreted!--keep reading past that verse!) You will become a stumbling block when you decide to live as you choose or for self instead of the King and His agenda.
Great responsibility to help others become a prince or princess and join the family. The only reason we are not taken on to heaven in the next minute after accepting Jesus as Savior is to fulfill God's will and plan of reaching others for Him and glorifying God.
Each Christian should remember that they are now royalty and heirs to the throne of Grace. ----So, live like it! Live so that others can tell you are royalty and live so they will want to listen to you and become a part of your royal family!
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