November 28, 2018

God Is Looking For One

If you notice in this verse it says "a" man. This verse is referring to Israel but God was looking for just one man (a man) among them. That one man would have been all it took for God NOT to destroy the land. Much like Sodom in Abraham's day, when God would have spared for just 10 righteous. This verse in Ezekiel shows God's mercy for He was only looking for one! 

What was He looking for that one to do? First, to make up the hedge. A hedge is any protective barrier around a person or city or country. This may be physical or spiritual. God was looking for a man that would protect the land from the evil influence that He had commanded against. He wanted a man that would not allow Israel to go astray in worship. As Christian parents we should be that protective hedge for our children, both physically to protect as much as possible from harm, but also from evil influence that would lead them astray from God's Word. As Christian men and women, we should also make up a hedge around those we have contact with. We should do our best to protect them by teaching what God's Word says so that they may be able to fight off the influence of the world. I pray often for God to put a protective hedge around my family. 

Second, to stand in the gap before Him for the land. This is done in a couple of ways. The most important way is by prayer. Praying for our nation and those who lead and run it is extremely important. I pray daily for this country and for godly leaders to be put in place and for wisdom for those leading. I also pray for protection from those who seek to destroy it from within and from without. Make no mistake, there are many inside this nation who want to destroy it! Another way to stand in the gap is to stand firmly on the Word of God. When society tries to make the Bible obsolete or make laws that go against God's commands, we are to "obey God rather than man". 

This verse is so sad for it ends with "but I found none". God found not one man to do the things He was looking for. I believe right now in the USA that there are still more than one making the hedge and standing in the gap. I pray often for God to remember the remnant here that still love and serve Him and not to destroy the righteous with the wicked. I am pretty sure that God will someday just allow this country to self destruct. I pray it isn't until after the rapture. 
Will you be the one? Will you do your best to make up the hedge and stand in the gap before Him? Pray. Pray for strength to be the one. Pray for your family, your friends, your town, your county, your school, your church and your country. Take a stand on God's Word. Do not allow society to sway you from obedience to God. 

November 16, 2018

About This Getting Older Business

Just want to share some thoughts about getting older. I recently turned 52. It seems I've had a downward spiral in health since hitting that half century mark. If you are a regular reader, you know I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroid Disease about a year ago. This past spring we found out that my normal body temp was 97.5* which explains why I was cold so much. That has been fixed with low dose natural thyroid meds. Now, I'm hot all the time! Plus, that getting older and gaining weight thing doesn't help. I have struggled with joint pain since age 18 due to the trauma of my car/train accident but the older I get, the worse it gets. 

Four days ago I had a partial hysterectomy because of multiple uterine fibroids. Surprisingly, I have had little pain. I'm tender and slow moving but not having to live on pain killers. Easiest surgery I've ever had as far as pain goes. What is my surgery count? Let's see... tonsillectomy 1984, surgery to put steel nail in right femur (thigh bone) 1985, surgery to remove nail 1990, laparoscopy to unblock Fallopian tubes 1990 (they ended up not being blocked when they got in there!) C-section 1991, tuba ligation 1993, uterine balloon oblation 2000 (not a real surgery but I was knocked out for procedure and was pretty sore after), appendectomy 2002, hysterectomy 2018. That's nine surgeries!  At least they were spread out over the years! :) This may be too much info for some of you but oh well. My life is often an open book. Hoping the last one helps with many symptoms. 

A friend of ours who is older than us, once told us that "getting old ain't for sissies!" He sure was right! Some days you just want to stop dealing with it and are ready for the Lord to come. Watching your body stop working the way it once did is hard some days. But, I am thankful it's not worse. I know many, many people suffer and deal with more health issues than I do. 

One of the hardest things to deal with being so stiff and achy and not being as strong as I used to be, is not being able to play with my grandkids as I would like. I just can't have them jumping on me or get on the floor as easily as I used to. It hurts! Sometimes I have trouble picking them up because of joint pain. I find ways to enjoy them anyway though. 
I reckon the point of this post is that even though my body is slowly deteriorating, I'm still glad to be above ground. I'm glad I'm still here on earth to enjoy the things God has provided. Also, if you are young, do the things necessary to keep your body more agile and healthy. No matter what you do, you will not live forever on this earth (you can have eternal life in heaven though, if you accept what Jesus did on the cross) but you can keep yourself strong, agile, and healthy longer, if you try. It's much easier to maintain than to fix and rebuild as I am having to do. I had no example to follow of maintaining good health as I grew up or in my young adulthood. When we know better we can strive to do better! Don't assume your young body will hold out into old age without routine maintenance because it won't! Do what's necessary NOW! Make changes where you need to and ward off old age ailments as long as you can. Keep the above meme in mind as you grow older. There is only one classic you! 

October 30, 2018

Making Lemonade From Lemons

Many people walk around in life with the attitude that life isn't fair. They are upset that they missed out on something in life or that they lost something in life or that life is easier for others than them. They live life jealous, angry, bitter, depressed, and defeated because life isn't the way they feel it should be for them. 

Weeelll, I hate to tell you this if you're one of those people but LIFE ISN'T FAIR! God never promised it would be fair. You must just accept that and move on. Acceptance of a situation as fact, as the way it is, is the first step to moving past it and having peace about it. It will not mean the situation has changed or fixed but it will mean that you can have a different attitude. There will always be someone somewhere that will have a life situation that is worse than yours or that makes them feel life is unfair. Move past the jealousy and realize that someone somewhere is jealous of you! For instance, while you may feel it isn't fair that your baby has not slept through the night yet at age one and you are completely sleep deprived; there is another parent somewhere that is jealous you have a typical, healthy baby while they struggle with medical trial after medical trial. Yet another parent is feeling life is unfair because they lost their child. These are extreme examples but for every person feeling life is unfair because they were not blessed with a pretty face (in their opinion) or a great body shape there is someone else wishing they had better hair or height or weight. Yet others are jealous because someone has a better paying job while they struggle to make ends meet. 

The point is, instead of getting upset that "life isn't fair" or over the lemons handed you in life --- make some lemonade from those lemons! Make the best of it. You can sit around whining and complaining or you can do what you can in the situation to make it better and push through the rough times and plunge ahead. Try being thankful for what IS RIGHT and what you DO HAVE -- life will be much sweeter that way!

So start making some lemonade or better yet...
Cuz dessert is much more soothing! hee hee 

October 12, 2018

The Seasons of Life

No matter how you slice it, life is ever changing. There are different seasons and with them blessings and trials go hand in hand. Though each season may have different blessings and trials...they still have both. 

Remember when you were a child and life was simple and had little responsibility? In this season of life (though some children endure much heartache and grief), in general, kids have most necessities given to them and life consists of having fun and doing some school work with no thought of keeping the electric on, figuring out their next meal or taking care of a home. The trials may consist of trying to make friends and fit in. Trying to figure out who you are and your place in the world is often difficult at a young age. Many adults still struggle. 

Another season of life is entering into marriage. Many blessings come with this stage. Beginning sharing a home and all the newness of the union. Learning all about one another -- up close and personal! Of course this can also be one of the trials! lol Learning the art of compromise and caring for someone else. Trials are different for each couple but mostly it is the learning to deal with one another on a daily basis with all the imperfections that you didn't realize were there before you said "I do". 

Next season for most couples is parenthood. So many blessings of joy and fun come with that new baby and each new baby following. The trials are the tiredness, the daily ins and outs of raising the child and the concern that never fully goes away even when they grow up and move out. 
The next season is empty nest. Believe it or not there are blessings in this season, too! We had kids young so that we could have them out of the house while we were still young enough to enjoy one another. Bob and I are currently in this season. We have been for some time now. Actually, I reckon we are moved into the next season beyond. We don't have to be careful of how we wander around the house because no little eyes are watching. We have more time for one another and having only us two in the home means less money spent on food, less laundry, etc. The trials are that you miss your children and grandchildren terribly. -- especially if you don't live close to them. Sometimes the house is too quiet. 

Empty nest season also coincides with getting older. Blessings in this season are that you have hopefully learned what's important in life, the art of patience, how to better manage your money and appreciation for friends and family. Trials are all the aches and pains and the health issues that come from an aging body and mind. 

I recently went with the ladies of our church to a retreat and one of the speakers talked about the seasons of our lives (only she referred to them as quarters for her lesson purpose). She is the one who sparked the idea for this post. She recommended a book called Live Lighter Love Better by Cary Schmidt. I ordered it on Ebay and am in the middle of it right now. The retreat and the messages came at an opportune time for me. I have been feeling unsettled, overwhelmed and not at peace lately and wanting to simplify my life. I hope to apply the lessons from the retreat and from the book to become the person I want to be. I'm sure the book will inspire future posts. 

One thing that was mentioned at the retreat is to learn to embrace both the blessings and the trials of each season. The trials are God's way of molding, training and strengthening us. Don't fight against them, embrace them and realize that blessings will come from them in the end. 

October 3, 2018

Women of Strength

Deborah & Jael
Judges 4 & 5
This is the jest of that passage...
Deborah was a prophetess & judge over Israel. She sat under a palm tree and judged the children of Israel. 
God had allowed King Jabin of Canaan to buy the Israelites and rule over them. Jabin had Sisera, the captain over his army, place soldiers at the gates of the city with swords & spears to make life difficult for the Jews. He also did not allow them to trade or grow crops. This went on for 20 years.

God tells Deborah to call Barak and have him gather 10,000 men and go to Tabor so that God can help him to defeat Sisera. Barak is somewhat of a chicken and tells Deborah that he will only go if she goes with him. Deborah agrees to go but tells him that God says that because he is scared and doesn't trust him, then God will deliver Sisera by a woman's hand. 

It says in 4:15 that God discomfited Sisera and when the battle begins he runs away on foot. He flees to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite. At the time, Heber & Jabin were friends so Sisera thought he would be safe at Heber's tent. Jael is kind to Sisera and offers him a place to rest and a blanket. When he asks for a drink of water she steps it up and gives him milk. He tells her to guard the door and tell anyone who comes by to say no one is there. Once he is asleep, she goes to him softly and takes a tent stake and drives it through his temple and into the ground, killing him. She sees Barak coming and goes to him and tells him where to find Sisera. So, God delivered Sisera into the hands of the Israelites through the courage of 2 women!

I want to look at some things we can learn from this story. 

I. Draw Your Strength From the Lord - James 4:8
-Deborah must have been a godly woman or God would not have given her the authority or wisdom of be a prophetess & judge over Israel
--be someone God can trust
--pray & search the scriptures for knowledge about how to live your life & to know God better
This will give you strength in times of trouble and your daily walk!

II. A Woman's Strength Should be in Spirit - Prov. 11:16
- While exercise is important to be healthy, it's more important to have a spiritual strength
-women should not try to be masculine and be stronger than men physically - Prov. 20:29
--for the sake of a man's ego men need to feel that they are strong
--men want to feel they are needed for their physical strength & abilities
--men (even strong men) need our emotional strength & encouragement - it's one of the main reasons we were created - to help & encourage them

III.  Learn When to be Weak & When to be Strong - Col. 3:18
- there are times, especially when our husbands aren't present, that we must be strong & make decisions & take care of ourselves, the kids & the home
-but when our husband is present they need us to need them
-many women in today's society say they don't need a man & these women often go through one relationship after another
--usually because they try to take charge & do everything including all decisions on their own with no input from the man
--most men find this a turn off - they don't feel needed - they feel they are unnecessary
--God created a desire in men to feel needed by us (really all people want to feel needed and relevant in the world!)
**Deborah went with Barak & gave her moral support but it was Barak who led the army!!

IV. When a Woman is Strong in Spirit, She Creates in Her Husband a Need for Her Presence - Prov. 31:10-12
***Deborah did this with Barak & he wasn't her husband, he was the leader of an army!
-when a woman uses her strength in a proper way & at proper times, like encouraging her husband when he's down or worried, or helping him with whatever he needs, he learns to lean on & trust her
--Barak had become so dependent on Deborah's wisdom that he felt he needed her with him at the battle
-when a woman uses her strength in improper ways & times, her husband seeks to be independent of her
-challenging his authority in front of the kids
-second guessing his decisions in front of others
-second guessing his decisions on a regular basis
-demanding things be her way
---all of these tear down his emotional well being & causes him to feel incompetent, hurt, angry and WILL cause him to want to be away from her
**Prov. 14:1

V. A Strong Woman Asserts Her Strength Without Sacrificing Her Femininity - Prov. 9:13
-Jael did a brave & strong thing when she killed Sisera
--she did it completely using her feminine resources - being sweet, kind & hospitable
-a woman doesn't have to become like a man to do great things for the Lord
--we don't have to dress, walk, or talk like men, especially men who cuss, drink & act mean and hateful
-it is always appalling to me when I hear women in public cussing and shoving men around - WHAT'S FEMININE ABOUT THAT?!

Let's be strong women of spirit for the Lord and for our husband and be an example to our daughters. How you show your strengths and refrain from them will be how our daughters show or refrain from theirs! - Titus 2:3-5

Extra devotional thought provoker:
Strong Woman VS A Woman of Strength

A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape, but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman is not afraid of anything, but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman will not let anyone get the best of her, but a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face, but a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey, but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

September 25, 2018

Dealing With Difficult People

Some people are so hard to deal with, aren't they? Let's face it, not everyone is pleasant. Some are obnoxious, angry, dramatic, over talkative, or overly melancholy, and the list goes on. Some people just know how to push our buttons and cause us to react when we wouldn't normally react. If we want to get right down to it, all of us can be that difficult person at times. This is why we should cut some slack to the ones we feel are difficult. 
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. This is a verse that all of us should commit to memory and embed deep into our hearts. If this verse is in our hearts, we will recall it at those times we are dealing with a difficult person. 
We need to remember that those difficult people are giving us a chance to reflect Christ. How we react and respond to them, can show forth the love of Jesus or can be an opportunity to allow Satan to use us in a destructive manner. Did you know that patience is not something that God just zaps into us? It is most often a learned trait that comes through enduring and surviving trials and allowing our mind to have peace and contentment in a situation. Usually the struggle inside us comes from fighting against what we are encountering. When we take a deep breath and accept the situation, the struggle ceases. When we are patient in dealing with a difficult person, it is because we are first and foremost forgiving them for their words or actions, whether we realize this or not. It may also be that we have been through a similar situation in the past or may come from the knowledge of understanding why the person may be acting in the difficult manner. Understanding why a person does what they do always makes them easier to tolerate. 
The fact of the matter is, some people are more difficult to deal with than others. At times, we can all be difficult in the right circumstances. We always have a choice in how we react or respond in a situation. More often than not, arguments or other situations escalate because people are reacting instead of remaining calm. They begin slinging words or objects or fists instead of listening and understanding the other person.  

This is just a thought provoker. How's your reaction with difficult people? Do you respond as a difficult person right back at them or do you do your best to reflect Christ to them? 
I'm sorry it's been quite some time since I posted. Life has been a bit chaotic with illnesses and church busyness. 

September 5, 2018

Learning From Job's Friends

I want to look at some things we can learn from Job's friends. They take kind of a bad rap. Preachers speak harshly of them (except mine!). 

First of all, it tells us in Job 2:11 that his three friends heard of all the evil that had come upon Job and they came together to mourn with him and to comfort him. This is EXACTLY what we should do. The Bible tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with them that weep. Romans 12:15 

Secondly, in Job 2:13 we see that the friends sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights AND SPOKE NOT A WORD for they saw his grief was great. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just be there. Don't offer advice or recommendations or solutions. We as humans just need to feel as though someone is near. We just need their presence. Maybe a hug is the cure for the moment.  Whatever the case, just the NOT being alone often helps. 
Later, in verse 3 we see that Job was allowed to vent, to talk and let it out of his system. The friends at this point just listened! Many times, a person will feel better (even if problem isn't fixed) if allowed to just say whatever they are feeling. Do not interrupt them and try to offer advice. Let them speak until they are done. Even when they are done we must tread lightly because they still may not be ready or willing to heed correction, admonition or solutions unsolicited. Even if they ask for an opinion, they may not be ready to hear it. 

Thirdly, the friends, when given the chance to speak, take turns trying to reason with Job. They remind him of God's justness and perfection and ask him to judge in himself if he has brought on judgment from God. Now this is why they are criticized by preachers but in reality, it is pretty Biblical. We are to warn sinners of their ways. We are to reprove and rebuke and steer people towards right and Godly thinking. 

When I am counseling with someone who is going through struggle after struggle and they can't understand why, I tell them that everything we go through is for our good or for His glory. I tell them to self check and make sure they have not fallen into sin that they have ignored. I tell them that if they pray and ask God to reveal to them what needs confessed and God doesn't bring to mind something then they should realize that God may just be using the trial to strengthen them or maybe God just wasn't afraid to let Satan loose on them (like in the case of Job) because God knew they could be trusted not to turn on God. 
Being a good friend who is there when someone is hurting is the best kind of friend. It is the truest friend! I think Job's three friends actually did some things right. I hope this post will help you to be a friend who is there for a friend whether they are weeping or rejoicing. Be there for both! 

August 29, 2018

Expect Much

I've learned over the years that when you don't expect much from young people or even older people, that's pretty much what you'll get. When you don't allow a child to try a task because you think they are too young or too small, you create in them a fear of trying. The same goes for their behavior. When you coddle them and baby them and continually allow them to be silly all the time without expecting them to conduct themselves correctly all the while saying, "They are just a child" or "They are only 2 or 3 or whatever age they are" you are allowing them NOT to learn to act correctly. While we cannot be rigid and demanding to the point of discouragement, while teaching them to do a chore to the best of their ability or to sit still and quiet during appropriate times; we must still teach them! They will not be able to make their bed at 3 or 4 as well as a 10 or 12 year old, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have to do it or try their best. 

When Bob and I worked with the youth department at church, I was pretty rough on those teens. I expected a lot of them. I expected them to pay attention during the preaching and teaching sessions. I expected them to act appropriately and maturely in public places. I didn't expect perfection. I allowed for fun and laughter and even the occasional mess up but I did not allow disrespect of authority or ignoring of the preaching or inattentiveness. I used to constantly tell them that I wasn't their parent and I didn't care what happened in their home but they were on my turf now and I loved them enough to make them mind. They knew I meant it! I constantly reminded them of God's love and forgiveness even when they messed up but never let them off the hook for the mess up nor did I let them off the hook of my disappointment in their conduct. 

I am perfectly aware that the concept of expecting much can swing too far and that people push it to the point of setting young people up for failure or feelings of failure because they just can't live up to the expectations. Expectations MUST BE realistic but don't count out the 4 year old being able to tie their shoe or open their own bag of chips or put their own straw in a juice box. By the same token don't say that it's impossible for a 4 or 5 year old to sit quiet through a church service. They will sit through a movie. They just need to be taught! -- Taught to sit, taught to hush and taught to pay attention by telling them to look at the preacher. If you refuse to listen when they try to talk and just tell them to ssh and look at the preacher they will get the message. If you don't engage in conversation with them by asking what they want then you can nip the talking in the bud. 
Don't assume a teen can't get good grades. Encourage them to study and help them figure out how they best learn so that you can help them to study. Not all kids will be straight A students but neither should you write them off as not very smart and allow them not to try to get the best grades they are capable of achieving. 

Often times I have watched parents with young adult and even older adult children still living at home and allowing them to just pretty much sponge off the parents. Then you look back through their family history and find that the child has ended up that way because they were never pushed at all. The parent never expected much of them and the child lived up to that expectation. While we are on adult children living with parents, I don't get those who allow them to live under their roof and do things contrary to what would have been allowed before age 18 or contrary to the Word of God just because they are now adults and the parent thinks they don't have a say. I say that is wrong thinking! It's YOUR house! They live with you! You have a right to set rules in your house or they don't have to live with you. They are free to go elsewhere. No child, adult or not, will live in my home, not go to church, not pursue work, smoke, drink or sleep with their boyfriend or girlfriend on my property...period! The work issue would be waved if there were a medical reason or something like that.  (That last part was free...just a rant!)

I hope I have ranted enough and explained enough for everyone to get the point. Stop saying "oh they can't or oh they are too small, young or dumb to do that". Many little ones have told me that they can't do something and they need my help even before they ever tried. I make them try. When you expect your teen to be irresponsible, they are much more likely to be irresponsible. Force them to be responsible. Hold them accountable for their actions. The two best things you can do raising your children is teach them to know and love the Lord and to be responsible for their actions. 

August 16, 2018

The Tall Order For Christians

This passage was in my reading a couple days ago and the first 10 verses just jumped out at me. Paul has quite a tall order for the believers he is writing to at Corinth. Paul begs (beseeches) them not to receive the grace of God in vain. That means empty. In other words, don't be nonchalant or flippant or apathetic towards the grace you have been given. He reminds them that God says He heard them in their day of salvation and (succoured) helped or relieved them. 

Paul then goes on to give some commands. He tells them (and us!) to not give offence in anything, so that the ministry could not be blamed. In other words, so that no one can say they don't want to be a Christian because you are not conducting yourself correctly! --- This would be the case for my dear father-in-law. He sees no need to get saved because he has seen too many so called Christians lie, steal and cheat their way through life and he feels no need for salvation when he does right by others and many Christians have done him or family members wrong.
It may seem a tall order but it is none the less given as command in 2 Corinthians chapter 6. Paul goes on to say that we must approve ourselves as ministers of God (not just for preachers but all those who name the name of Christ are ministers of the gospel) and that we must be patient in afflictions, necessities, distresses, beatings (stripes), imprisonment, tumults (chaos or disorder), labours (pain or weariness), watchings (sleeplessness), and fastings (lack of food). Not only are we to be patient but we are to also do all this in pureness (blamelessness), by knowledge, longsuffering (patiently enduring with a good attitude), by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned (sincere affection), by the word of truth, by the power of God, and by the armour of righteousness. 

Verse 8 is a bit confusing for it says by honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; -- I think in simplest terms this just means in every way you should be putting forth for the ministry of God as a Christian no matter what others are saying about you. 

Verse 9 says as unknown, and yet well known: as dying, and, behold we live; as chastened, and not killed; -- Some don't know us yet others know us well, and even if we die we will live forever in heaven, some will chasten us but we are not killed just because we are chastened.

Verse 10 says as sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich: as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. -- even when we are saddened by the world we can rejoice in our Christianity and grace of God, even though we may be poor we can make others spiritually rich by telling them of the love and saving grace of Jesus, and though we may have few or no possessions on earth we are the child of our Heavenly Father who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and everything else! 

To conduct ourselves in the manner that Paul tells us to in this passage, is indeed quite a tall order but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to live it daily! We will fail at times but that's what the grace of God is for! When we ask forgiveness, He gives it! He removes our sins as far as the east is from the west and buries them in the depths of the sea never to be remembered again! WooHoo! Praise God! 

July 27, 2018

Guilty of Addiction!

I confess! I have an addiction. Most people do! Any "bad" habit you have that you can't seem to stop yourself from doing is an addiction. Not all addictions are illegal. In fact, more are legal than illegal! I'm sitting here currently trying to think of only the addictions that are illegal and guess what I'm only able to come up with a couple of them. Drugs, child pornography, and prostitution. Smoking, drinking, gambling, adult pornography, body piercing, tattoos, (I have had people admit to me that piercings & tatts are addictive) and video games are all legal addictions. What about other addictions? How about food, shopping, nail biting, chocolate, candy, sweets, and the dreaded soda pop? 

Many of the above cause withdrawals. Some withdrawal symptoms can be headache, shakes, sweats, elevated heart rate, yearning for the item, and the need to pace back and forth all the while thinking of the thing you want to do or taste. Then you give in and do or have the desire. Satisfaction! The high that takes you away from reality, the sugar rush from sweets or just the taste buds being satisfied, the playing of one more game to try to win, or the great purchase at the store. The NEED has been met but at what cost?  

For me, it's the bubbles from a cola (especially RC or Pepsi) as it hits the back of my throat! I love the feeling...especially first thing in the morning on a dry thirsty throat! It brings happiness to my soul... as it brings destruction to my body. Most addictions bring some sort of destruction -- eventually. 

God has used this addiction to teach me, humble me and help me better understand others. I admit that I used to look down on or allow myself to feel a twinge of superiority over someone who has drug or other serious addictions. I work hard these days at keeping that in check. My soda addiction is not nearly as tough to beat and yet here I am still sucking it down on a regular basis. It comforts me. It is really the only "comfort" food I have. It is my go to when I miss my mom (which is still often) and when I am upset or having a tough day. 

So, while I don't fully understand getting started on some of the horrible addictions out there, I understand addiction much better than I used to. When the addict continues to go back and go back and makes awful choices to have the addiction, I do understand it's not really them acting as much as the addiction driving them. This is not an excuse for their actions but it is a way to hate the sin of addiction and not the addict. They need help in quitting. They need help making the appropriate changes. Sometimes it may mean that it's time for tough love and not enabling them to continue. Often times, if they are not enabled by friends and loved ones, they wake up much faster to the fact they need to stop. 

You may ask how someone is enabled. They are enabled by someone helping provide the addiction. They are enabled by covering up and making excuses for their behavior. They are enabled by someone baling them out with money. When they waste their own money on the addiction and can't pay bills or purchase necessities such as food and utilities but someone always helps them with those daily supplies; they have no reason to make better choices. This is enabling them to continue in the addiction and not get help to stop!

Just a reminder that most of us have an addiction in our lives. Let's not get our halo crooked by thinking we are better just because our addiction won't necessarily land us in jail. Work on yourself and help others when you can by helping them quit! Don't enable them to continue because that's not help! 

July 24, 2018

Ignoring God's Word Has A Cost

We went to a Bible & KJV Heritage Conference the past two nights. The preacher made this statement "There's a price tag for ignoring God's Words". There may not be many truer statements! 

I want to look at some things that it may cost you. It may cost...

1. God's blessings - It is clear in Scripture that obedience to God brings blessings on your life. .  Ps. 25:10 says All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. Ps. 106:3, Ps. 119:2, Ps. 5:12, Ps. 115:13, Ps, Prov. 8:32, Luke 11:28, John 14:23, John 15:10

2. Falling into sin - Ps. 119:11 tells us that hiding God's Word in our hearts will  help us not to sin against God, James 4:7 tells us that if we will submit ourselves to God and resist the devil then the devil will flee from us
3. Closeness with God - Prov. 15:29 - The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. Ps. 66:18 - If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear. 

4. Testimony - When others see that you are living your life not by God's Word but are continually falling into sin, they do not want to hear what you have to say about church, the Bible, or God and Christ. Over and over in the Bible, especially the New Testament, we are given examples of people who have a good report among those around them and therefore the people respected and listened to them.

The Bible, God's Word, was given to us as a manual, a way to learn more about God and His expectations, and as a way to draw closer to Him. When you ignore it, you pay a price! 
Just something to think about. Do you want to pay the heavy price for ignoring God's Word?

July 19, 2018

Ministry Means Flexibility!

I want to talk today about what it's like to be in full time ministry. What best describes ministry life is flexibility. You cannot be rigid in schedules or you will quickly be overwhelmed and frustrated. Yes, you can have a plan or schedule but you must remember that the plan or schedule can change at any given moment. Why? Because life is unpredictable. While you may plan on going to the church to clean, set up for a dinner, decorate for the season or create a bulletin or prayer list; a phone call may alter that plan and you may now have to make a hospital visit or go and counsel with someone in distress. That's just the way it is. Being available is what ministry life is all about! To be available you MUST be willing to change your plans in order to accommodate others. 
It also means that you may have to multi-task many times a day in order to keep up with what needs done on time. Sometimes, this can get overwhelming. Learning to prioritize the necessities over the wantities helps. For instance, I want to put up new sayings on the church sign today but a member had surgery in Oklahoma City yesterday, and we need to go check on her and pray and encourage her. The current saying can stay up another day. Get it? 

Of course, it's not just ministry life that needs flexibility. In fact, it should be a part of every one's life. I always say --- Make your plans in pencil and give God the eraser!
In most ministry life, however, there's not really a choice. In life, you must be flexible! If you are considering full time ministry, please remember this. Are you willing to become a flexible being? It really is a must to have peace of mind. 

July 14, 2018

Comparison is a Thief!

I heard this quote today on the radio during an interview... Comparison is a thief of joy. It hit me like a ton of bricks! How true a statement! We as people, and especially women, spend much time comparing. We compare our looks, our weight, our marriages, our finances, our children, our vehicles, homes and vacations...our lives in general! 
Comparing is not a good thing! When we compare, we become discontent with ourselves and our lives. Like the box above implies, what we are comparing ourselves to may have taken someone else years or tons of work to obtain. We also have no idea what they may have went through to become who they are or what they have accomplished. A marriage in the first year or two is much different than the one 30 years later that has been tested, tried and endured the give and take and much forgiving of the other's faults to remain in tact. 
Essentially, living in comparison mode, makes you constantly think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence (often it's greener because of the septic drain!) and creates unhappiness with self. Instead, remember the above box and that God loved you enough to send His Son, Jesus to die on a cross for you! Jesus loved you enough to do it! Remember that in Psalms 139:14 it says I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:... So take heart and be content, make changes where you can and accept what cannot be changed so that you may have joy within.

July 11, 2018

Learning About Food Allergies & Sensitivities

A little over two months ago, I did a food allergy/sensitivity test. Actually, back in Nov. of 2017 I did an Ige food allergy test. It tested for 26 foods. Only one thing came back positive and apparently was a false positive because when eating tomatoes I have never had any reaction and in my second testing it was negative though on the verge of a mild sensitivity. Ige allergy testing is a blood test that checks for immediate reactions to certain foods or other substances like seasonal allergies or pet dander, etc. That's what allergy generally refers to; an immediate reaction or reaction within a short time frame. Breaking out from exposure to poison ivy is an Ige reaction. Watery eyes from cats or dogs is another. Stomach pain, diarrhea, swelling or rash is also common if you are allergic to certain foods, such as seafood. These are all Ige reactions. Anaphylactic shock is the most severe Ige reaction.

Igg blood testing is a test that checks reactions over a period of 3-5 days. These would not be allergic reactions but sensitivity or intolerance reactions. Symptoms of intolerance or sensitivity to a food might include sinus drainage, excess gas and bloating, brain fog, low energy, stomach pain, constipation &/or diarrhea, arthritis, insomnia, hyperactivity, aggressiveness & disobedience in children or a host of other symptoms. Igg testing usually covers many more foods, spices & additives than Ige tests check. 

I tested positive for several things out of 96. These tests results range from a 1 to 3 in severity. 1 being mild to 3 being strong. For me eggs were my worst sensitivity. Egg whites being a 3 and egg yolks being a 2! Cow's milk was a 2 along with cheddar cheese & mozzarella cheese. However, cottage cheese & yogurt were only a 1! It's all about the processing! The only other 2 was for oats.  My doctor explained that over exposure to any food or any substance really, has the potential to cause an allergy or sensitivity to develop. This is what I believe happened to me for the most part. In trying to steer clear of gluten (which I don't have even a sensitivity to by the way) I was using oats and oat flour to substitute. I also ate eggs often. My normal breakfast routine for quite some time had been a soft boiled egg and a 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt or a cup of oatmeal. All three of these showed up in sensitivity! I also enjoy having breakfast type foods for supper which means eggs more often. Also, many, many, many foods have eggs as an ingredient...from baked goods to mayonnaise! The foods that showed up as a sensitivity-1 for me are...asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, green olives, almonds, chia seed, banana, watermelon, malt, black pepper, oregano, & tarragon. Dr. said he had only had two other people ever test positive for black pepper. I currently use white pepper! However, hard to completely prevent using due to restaurants or eating at friends and family. This just goes to show that it matters not at all how healthy a food is supposed to statistically be if you are intolerant to it! 
In my heavy research of food sensitivity, I discovered that most often sensitivities begin because of leaky gut or poor gut health. Nearly every autoimmune disorder can be cleared up completely or made better by fixing the digestive system! One thing that leads to leaky gut is Vitamin D deficiency, along with poor thyroid function and low liver function (low liver function may lead to the vitamin D problem!). All of these go hand in hand. In fact, the gut is the second brain of the body. If it isn't working correctly, the other systems will not work correctly either. BTW, I do not believe the Vitamin D deficiency problem in this country is from lack of milk but lack of sunshine! People spend way more time indoors than out than they did 30 years ago. Technology means more sitting around playing on a computer, gaming system, phone or just watching tv than a generation ago participated in. 

I am working on a theory and will let you know the outcome as I gain more knowledge about this. I tested sensitive-1 for several vegetables. Most of these vegetables are the "gassy" veggies. When you have a thyroid problem, you are not to eat those veggies raw at all or often even cooked. As regular readers of this blog know, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroid disorder last November. I just wonder if I tested positive for those vegetables because I have a thyroid issue. In another month I will retest for the thyroid antibodies to see if we've made any headway on correcting the Hashimotos. I will report any findings. I had already made headway in this area just by starting vitamin D. Now that I am on a natural thyroid supplement, I hope to completely rid myself of the disorder. 

Now, to report on quitting harmful foods to my body. Cravings were not hardly an issue at all which totally surprised me. I really do enjoy eggs! Dr. was hoping it would eliminate my joint pain completely but has not so far...but it IS better! The best part of it is that I most definitely have more energy on a regular basis and just feel better overall. I was really struggling for some time with energy crashing between 1-2:30 almost every day. That isn't an issue anymore unless I've really been active working on a something or didn't get a good nights sleep. I seem to be sleeping better, too! Now if only I could get the pain and tingling to stop in my neck, shoulder and arm from the bulging c5&6 I might feel like a new woman! I also would love to stop gaining weight even when I watch what I eat. 

I know this was a very long post but I wanted to give an up date on my health and hope to help others in theirs! Do not be so quick to poo poo the idea of food allergies and sensitivities. I believe with all my heart it is MUCH more common than people realize!

June 24, 2018

Life is a Circus

Comparing Circus Performers with Real Life

I. Clowns - they are fake - they hide behind makeup
--Don't be a hypocrite - Matt. 23:27, Luke 12:1, 1 Ptr. 2:1

II. Trapeze Artists - They practice for hours for just a few minutes on stage
--Seek God Continually - 1 Chron. 16:11, Gal. 6:9, 1 Cor. 15:58
--God is the one who perfects us - Ps. 138:8
---Perfect practice make perfect!

III. Jugglers - They can juggle many things at once
***But they only touch one thing at a time in each hand!
--We need to prioritize - God 1st, Husbands 2nd, Kids 3rd, Christian Service 4th 
---Serving is not necessarily putting God first, you can get so busy doing that you neglect spending any real time with God (Mary & Martha story)
--you can also neglect husband, kids & home
- Deut. 6:5, Gen. 2:18, Prov. 14:1

IV. Lion Tamer - Gets in cage with lion but only gets so close
--Be separate from the world - 2 Cor. 6:17, 1 John 2:15

V. Tight Rope Walker - They must walk a straight line high above
---As leaders in church or a leader to your own children & grandchildren we must be good examples - Ps. 101:2-3, Titus 2:7-8
--The tight roper walker also has a safety net below them
---God catches us & holds us - Ps. 54:4, Is. 41:10

VI. Ringmaster - They represent the pastor & his staff
-They call the plays or what's coming - Heb. 13:17, Jer. 3:15

VII. Cleaner of the Circus - They are behind the scenes, not in the spotlight
--Not all jobs are glamorous or receive recognition but they are still important 
- 1 Cor. 10:31, Col. 3:17, Col. 3:23-24

June 20, 2018

How Does Body Temperature Effect Health?

We all know that the average normal body temperature of humans is 98.6. However, in recent years it is now considered normal if anywhere from 98.6-99.8. 

When a person runs even a low grade temperature, they are considered contagious, sick and fighting infection somewhere in their bodies. Fevers are God's design to help heat up and kill off bacteria and viruses. 

What happens when a person begins having a below normal body temperature? 
I recently discovered this to be the case in myself. My average basal body temperature was 97.5! For years I have struggled with being cold. Feeling cold most of the time even to touch my arms, feet and nose. I have never liked winter time and being cold because when I am cold, my muscles stiffen up and then my joints and body hurt and ache. As I have aged, I figured that I just had poor circulation and that was due mostly from age and lack of exercise. A month ago, while visiting a chiropractor that specializes in natural path internal medicine, we discovered my low body temp. He recommended natural thyroid medicine because low body temperature is a sure sign of a thyroid problem. (BTW, in Nov. 2017 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's - a thyroid autoimmune disorder. Dr. has told me to stop saying I have that because we are on the road to fixing it) After a month of medicine, I have more energy and my average body temp is now 98.3! I rarely feel cold and shiver anymore! 

Now that I have learned of low body temps and the symptoms and health issues associated with it and the thyroid, I can look back to the age of 34 and the symptoms I began having, and realize that I have been unhealthy and chronically ill for many years. I am now 51. I was just unaware! I knew I didn't feel right. I knew I struggled with issues but had no idea it boiled down to fixing one main thing in my body. You can have symptoms before having anything show up in lab tests. - possibly for years! I chalked it up to aging quicker than normal because I had such trauma to my body when I was in the car/train collision. Along with my thyroid medicine, I am also taking a liquid iodine daily. This is supposed to help shrink the uterine and breast fibroids that also began at age 34 - I was unaware of this back then too! 

Here are some facts and symptoms about Low Body Temp ...
A low body temperature is more than enough to explain many health problems, such as: Fatigue, headaches, migraines, PMS, easy weight gain, depression, irritability, fluid retention, anxiety and panic attacks, hair loss, poor memory, poor concentration, low sex drive, unhealthy nails, dry skin and hair, cold intolerance, heat intolerance, low motivation, low ambition, insomnia, allergies, acne, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, odd swallowing sensations, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, muscle and joint aches, slow healing, sweating abnormalities, Raynaud's Phenomenon, itchiness, irregular periods, easy bruising, ringing of the ears, flushing, bad breath, dry eyes/blurred vision, and more.

This does not mean that if you have one or many of the above symptoms you automatically have low body temp and a thyroid issue, but it is something to keep in mind. BTW... a one time low body temp is not the same thing. To find out if you have a below average body temperature you need to have an accurate working oral thermometer and take your temp first thing in the morning for five mornings in a row. Take it before rising from bed and before drinking anything! Keep the thermometer and a piece of paper to keep track next to the bed where you can reach with little movement. After the five days add all temps together and divide by 5. This will be your average temp. If it is below 98.0 then you are experiencing low body temperature and the good news is it can be fixed!  Ask your doctor about some lab work to test your thyroid function including antibodies. Ask for Armor Thyroid or one of the generic natural thyroid medicines. 

It remains to be seen if the thyroid medicine will help with my antibodies (Hashimoto's) or the iodine with the fibroids but I will keep you posted. I will say that my monthly period was lighter than usual for the last one and that was after being on the two supplements for only a couple weeks! It has been heavy for 7-10 days for about ten years!