April 14, 2019

Your Worth and Your Cost

I read an article online this week that I am quite sure is reflected in the hearts and minds of nearly every girl and woman out there at one time or another. It was about being able to see the beauty and value in other females but not in ourselves. When we look in the mirror we see every flaw and when we look inward we see every character flaw, too. It can cause despair and negative thoughts and possibly even suicidal thoughts. We deem ourselves, because of these flaws, as unworthy of love or even friendship even though we deeply desire to have love and friendship. 

As females we are quite unique in the fact that we can, on one hand, applaud another while maintaining envy in our hearts. Envy that we are not as pretty or don't have the sexy body or sweet demeanor or we are not the great cook or do not have as successful a career as the one we are applauding. Our mind can be cruel to ourselves if we let it. 

We need to realize our worth and our cost if we are to move past this mental torment. When my husband and I worked with teens, (who truly struggle in this area of which I speak but are not alone I realize as I get older--women of all ages struggle - at least most do) some of them would confide in me that they felt worthless and like they didn't matter. I would look at each one of them and tell them "Nonsense. When I look at you I see the fingerprints of God". Then I would make them listen to the Christian song with that title. Then I would remind them of God's love and how He loved them so much that He sent His Son to die for them. If they had been the only one on earth God would still send Jesus because He loved them so much. That made them of great worth. Indescribable worth! 
When we see our worth as being established by God, we can stop feeling like we are unworthy to have love or friendship. I cannot explain why God chooses to make some people easier on the eyes than others but I do know that God loves each of us. He loves us in our uniqueness and desires a relationship with everyone of us. It is why He sent Jesus-- to be reunited in a relationship with us after sin separated us from Him. 
Now let's look at your cost. You my friend (and I) are very costly! Jesus gave His life to be our ransom. Our sin required a ransom (a payment for the release of someone held in bondage) and Jesus paid that ransom. How can there be any greater cost? How can there be any greater worth placed on your life than that? It wasn't His debt but He paid it anyway. That's the love of the Father and the Son. 
So, the next time you look in the mirror or have those negative thoughts that you do not deserve love and friendship just remember that you are not a one in a million kind of girl but you are a once in a lifetime kind of woman and very much worth knowing. Trust and believe it when others tell you that they love you or enjoy your company or think you are wonderful or whatever statement that you instantly doubt in your mind and heart. Close your eyes when the doubts come and remember that you have the fingerprints of God all over you! His love never fails and never leaves. Even when troubles come He is still loving you. He is always just and fair even when we don't understand. Just trust Him! He thinks you are worth it!