This is a topic that is used often in the world to justify living in sin. We are going to take a look at the passage in Luke 15:1-7 of the parable of the lost sheep.
First of all, I'd like to point out that the publicans and sinners came to Jesus.(verse 1) In the previous chapter Jesus had been teaching any and all followers. In the last verse of chapter 14 Jesus tells them that "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. The publicans and sinners were interested in what He had to say. We often tend to spend most of our time with those who WANT to spend time with us. The parable is told because of the murmuring of the Pharisees.
The second point I'd like to make is that Jesus never tells the Pharisees that they shouldn't judge the sinners or condemn them for the judgment of calling them sinners. Jesus knew they were sinners. By the way, the judgment condemned in the bible is that of judging as though you are better than the other person. Now, I'm aware that in other places of the bible the Pharisees are condemned for judging and it is in the respect of thinking they are better. Jesus tells the parable to say that He was spending time with them to "save" them. He came to seek and save the lost.
No where in the passage does Jesus condone or make excuses for the sinners. He just lets the Pharisees know that the sinner is why He came. Saving the lost one that's gone astray is what causes joy in heaven.
Jesus ate with sinners yes. It doesn't say He went into the places where the people were involved in their sin. It says He receiveth sinners. They came to Him! He received those who came to Him hungering for what He had to offer matter who they were.
Another purpose of the parable is to show the Pharisees their hypocrisy. He uses the same type of wording in another passage when the Pharisees say that there shouldn't be any work done on the Sabbath (when Jesus heals). He tells them that they would pull the ox out of the ditch.
Please stop trying to justify your sin by saying that Jesus hung out with sinners. The Bible is very clear that we are to be IN the world but not of the world. It also says not to be worldly. It tells us to come out from among them(those that are worldly or involved in sin)and be separate. It tells us to have a good testimony before men so that they will listen when we tell them of Christ and God's love and so that we will glorify God. If you are doing the same exact things that those around you are doing, you will not have a good testimony before them!