September 13, 2019

When Faith Rises

Today I want to talk about what happens when faith is allowed to rise. Last week when I was making the four hour drive home from my daughter's house, I listened to the same song over and over again. --- My God is Big Enough. I took much comfort from the song and sang until my voice was gone. My family and my church family had all been through quite a lot the past few weeks and I just really needed the reminder of this song. 

It inspired the desire for this post. When we are facing dark times or scary times or uncertain times and when those around us are saying something can't be done. I know my God is big enough. It's at those moments that I allow faith to rise up within me by trusting in God's work and plan and timing that He is glorified the most. It's when I feel faith rising up that I gain strength from the Holy Spirit and from the truths of God's Word. It's at these moments when I can have peace in my soul when chaos ensues around me. Sometimes, the Lord doesn't calm the storm. Sometimes He calms me. Then I know and trust it's for my good and for His glory that it is happening. So allow faith to rise up!