I want to start by saying that I am white with a German and Irish heritage. I do not know what it's like to walk a day or a mile in a black person's shoes. Nor any other skin color for that matter. I was born in 1966 so I have very little first-hand knowledge of the civil rights movement. My knowledge comes from history books and documentaries and movies. I was a child of the 70's and a teen and young adult of the 80's.
I do believe that there was a time in this country where there was systemic racism concerning black people. I think it's awful that there was ever a time in our history that you couldn't use public drinking fountains, eat in restaurants, go to the same schools as whites, or hold certain jobs based on your skin color. I can't begin to imagine what that was like. However, I would like to point out that there was also a time in our country when there was extreme prejudice against Irish people, Asian people, Polish people, and Jewish people. I grew up in a time when racial and ethnic slurs and jokes were common in society. Who from that era hasn't heard a "Polack" joke or some of the names associated with different people groups? But, you know what? Those jokes and names or terms are no longer common place in society. Are there still some who ignorantly use them? Yes! Because sin and evil people exist but it's not the norm. We had a black president for 8 years! As a matter of fact, I believe he was instrumental in stirring up the race problems again in this country during his time in office. Now, it's out of control.
There is no systemic racism in this country anymore. People of all colors have the same laws. They have the same rights to pursue life and happiness as much as they want to try. Quite frankly, blacks and Hispanics have more opportunity for education than the average middle class white person. There are way more grants and loans available to minorities than there are for whites.
When I watch what is happening in this country I'm sickened and saddened. People of color are demanding that white people pay for and make amends for things that happened before the white people were even born, or the people of color, too, for that matter. How is me kissing someone's foot going to fix something that happened 50, 100, or 200 years ago? How is it that a black person is owed restitution for something that never directly affected them? Just because they had an ancestor that was a slave, how does that mean they are owed money? By the way, not every black person is descended from slaves! While we're talking of restitution should the Irish and Asian people also be paid since they were also enslaved? How does tearing down a statue or changing the name of a street, building, or institution help someone of color better themselves? It doesn't...be honest. None of this makes sense! Except that evil and sin always wreak havoc.
Jesus says ALL lives matter. He made that abundantly clear when He suffered, died on the cross and rose again. He reaffirmed it when He said "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". Whosoever means ANYONE. Whosoever means ALL that will call. By the way, all means everyone in the world, and Jesus died for even those that would not call on Him. I would like to point out that I believe God created the different races at the Tower of Babel. I'd also like to point out that racism (which swings in every direction) didn't begin with America. It has existed since bible times. That doesn't mean it's right or acceptable but it does mean that people need to stop blaming the USA for it. There is an account in the book of Exodus where Miriam and Aaron (the sister and brother of Moses) were murmuring against Moses because he had married an Ethiopian woman. Most scholars believe that Zipporah was black. Many people try to say that God doesn't see races only the human race. Could be. Maybe. Galatians 3:28 - There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:11 - Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
These verses don't mention race or skin color. They also don't say that God doesn't see color. What they do say is that He doesn't differentiate between them. In other words, He loves them all! For me, it matters not skin color or ethnic back ground or heritage. If you treat me and my loved ones right, I will treat you right. Actually, I work hard at treating others right whether they treat me right or not.

Satan is using people, as he always does, to divide and conquer this country that was built on God. There used to be two main groups that was used to accomplish this, race and class (skin color and rich vs poor). These are still being used but Satan is clever. He's added to that politics, environmental issues, social distancing and masks among many others. At this point, people can no longer agree to disagree and respect another's opinion even if you think it's wrong. People now DEMAND that all agree with them or they will scream, destroy property and become violent towards anyone who disagrees with them. It's mayhem and chaos and Satan is delighted by it. The more we bicker and take sides, the less people are focused on the true, behind-the-scenes motives and destruction of our country. The less focused on the cause of Christ which is the spreading of the Gospel. Guilty!!! I have often been caught up in the news and the chaos to the point of not telling others about Jesus. The latest craziness around the country is easier to talk about with passion and my opinion than telling someone how to go to heaven. NO MORE! I won't let my passionate feelings and opinions outweigh what is most necessary! I will fight for this country, my freedoms and my Savior on my feet and on my knees in every moment necessary. It's time every Christian remember the vocation by which ye are called and walk worthy of it! Keep the main thing the main thing. Don't let Satan distract us!