May 28, 2020

It's Best to Be an M&M

Last fall I took a few ladies to a ladies conference here in Oklahoma. One of the lessons has inspired this post. It was a lesson on the story of Mary and Martha. The lesson focused on the two different personalities of Mary and Martha and their priorities in life. 

When the lesson was over, my first thought was it seemed to me that the best thing was to be a blend of both Mary and Martha. Then I pictured M&M candies and thought it would be a good logo for a ladies ministry in the church. 

Wouldn't it be great if every lady could be the perfect blend of Mary who devoted her time to sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning of Him and adoring Him and also Martha who is a take charge and get things done kind of woman? Unfortunately, most of us are not that perfect blend. We tend to lean one way or the other. That's why we need both type of ladies in our churches, to keep things running smoothly. Sshhh! Don't tell the men leading that we are the ones keeping it smooth but really that's the case! LOL :) Think about it... the men leaders of the church say, "Let's have fellowship dinner" or "Let's do VBS" or "Let's have a carnival" and yet it's almost always the women in the church who organize those events, set them up and make sure things happen. Even with office stuff or mail outs or whatever. CEOs of large companies have secretaries and personal assistants that help them stay organized and get all the behind the scenes things moving so that they can be in charge. 

We need all the Marys at church to grow spiritually and pass on their new knowledge to others at church. We also need the Marthas to see the need and take the lead when things are needing done. I think maybe I should put up posters or pictures of M&Ms around the building to remind us ladies to be a blend of Mary and Martha. Both bible characters are important and we should strive to be a little of both.