It has been awhile since I posted. It's not because I haven't had things to write about but there have been so many topics that I wanted some time to think on and sort through before I posted. I want to blog with a clear mind and not during passionate reactions.
Let's talk about what it means to dabble. I want to talk about the second meaning which is to take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way. Boy, this is what I see being played out in the USA today. Christians who think it's alright to be casual in their Christian walk. I will address this further later in this post.
As I observe what is happening around the country these days, I feel that Christians are to blame at the core. Far too long we've been allowing the loud, liberal minority of the country to ram their ideals down the throats of conservative Christians. In an order not to offend, they make their demands and we say, "Okay" and do nothing much to stop it. By minority I am not referring to a race, skin color, ethnic group or any other. I am simply referring to the fact that their agenda and ideals are those of the lesser number of the population because I do believe that Christianity is the most common view. It's just that since the 1960s Christians have been so worried about not offending and being accepting that they have gone silent. We are now the silent majority.
So now let's address what I mean specifically by dabbling. I mean being nonchalant and casual in how you live and conduct yourself on a daily basis. I can't tell you how many of my Facebook friends claim to be a Christian and one minute will quote Scripture on their wall and then post vulgar or crude images and/or profanity in the next post. I shake my head in exasperation and hide the post from my news feed. I see the posts about getting drunk or partying over the weekend and wonder does no one care about testimony!? Does no one care that they may be a stumbling block to someone's salvation? After all, why should they have a need for salvation through Christ when they see you who claims to be saved, act just like them?
Faithful church attendance means nothing. It is something that is done when there is nothing else more important going on. I have been a member in several churches in several states now and I am tired of hearing how much someone loves the Lord yet won't come to Sunday school or church or heaven for bid, be on time if they do show up. If you showed your love for your spouse or anyone else you claim to love in the same way, the relationship would not last.
Dabble, dabble, dabble.
Is there a prayer life going on? Do you pray outside of the walls of the church? Many church prayer lists are left laying in the pews. I reckon some of you are only praying while actually present at the church because you sure aren't taking the reminder list with you to know who needs prayer. And, some are only there occasionally so I suppose you are only praying occasionally.
Dabble, Dabble, Dabble.
What about getting involved at church? There is no commitment or faithfulness. Everyone seems too involved in their own lives to help do anything at church, or commit to take part in an activity until the last minute or at all. Church services, church activities and the church building are not priorities. They are not thought about. I have had conversations with fellow pastors and pastor's wives and know the things I am writing about are widespread throughout many churches across the country. These things leave those in ministry questioning, floundering, frustrated and confused about how to move forward. What is the next thing to try to motivate people? Is it any wonder pastors are leaving ministry life at an alarming rate? They grow tired mentally and physically.
I have said all this to make the point that this is what a world of Christian dabbling has lead to. Are you dabbling? Are you part of the problem in this country? Maybe it's time to self-evaluate.