August 28, 2020

Becoming a Noticer

 I want to say this post is inspired by an excerpt in a book I'm reading called "Only Love Today". I highly recommend this book for daily encouragement. 

I think I am a noticer most of the time in my daily life. I probably have days where I could be better at it than I am. However, I like observing people and watching their facial expressions, body language, actions and reactions. 

When you are a noticer you become tuned in to seeing what's really going on with a person. You notice the sad eyes behind a smile. You notice the bags and dark circles under the eyes that reveal tiredness and even exhaustion even though the person keeps on keeping on. You hear the cry for help behind the "I'm fine" statement when a person is at their wits end. You notice the anxiety and fear behind a child's acting out boldly to those around them. You notice the stand-offish attitude of another is probably from mistrust and feelings of isolation of a former hurt. You notice that the loud and boisterous person is probably covering their own feelings of inadequacy that was instilled in them earlier in life. 

You notice someone is in need of help at the store when you take your mind off self. You notice the withdrawn person may need an encouraging word or even a hug. You notice the excitement in someone's eyes when they are ready to explode with news to share when you pay attention to others. 

See, you can't just notice. You must do something about it. You must take some sort of action in order for the noticing to do any good for the other person and quite frankly for yourself. Giving of yourself and helping others does the heart good. You cannot lift up another without lifting yourself in spirit. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

I believe one of the best things to teach a child is to be a noticer. Teach them to notice hurt in another child when the whole group is against them. Teach them to notice a struggling waitress who is feeling overwhelmed but trying hard. Teach them to notice that all kids want to feel like they belong and teach them how to help that situation. 

Teaching a child to be a noticer will also keep them safer. Teach them to notice the cues of strangers that may want to cause harm. Teach them to never be so distracted they are easy prey for predators. Teach them to pay attention to their surroundings so they can describe where they are if they get lost. 

The noticers of the world are the helpers. They are the ones who see the beauty in the little everyday blessings of life such as the flowers, trees, sunsets, children at play and animals scampering.  They are the ones who enjoy the world around them. 

What a better world it would be if more people were noticers. Being a noticer could change the life of someone today.