October 20, 2020

Whose Lives Matter?


This post may upset some people but it's been weighing on my mind for some time now. In the past few months there has been a surge on Facebook of information and posts about pedophilia and sex and human trafficking. Awareness is always a good thing. Knowledge and truths will most definitely help save lives from abuse, destruction and death. I feel very strongly that every effort should be made to stop these dangerous practices.  

However, along with the posted information some have posted things such as "All lives matter except for pedophiles". When I read those, it made me cringe as I thought about what Jesus would say about that. See, I believe Jesus died for every person. Implying that a pedophile can't be saved is deciding which sins can and can't be forgiven and which people can and cannot be saved. I believe whosoever means anyone and each one who will accept the saving grace. Like I have stated before in a recent post, Jesus even died for those who will not accept Him. This is the all and the whosoever. I'd like to point out that God had to reach down just a far to save my wretched soul as he does the murderer, rapist, thief, and pedophile. When it comes to salvation from hell, liars, gossips, gluttons, and idolaters are equal sinners. God demands perfection and the only way to be perfect is to have the blood of Jesus covering you and applied to your sin debt. This is called imputed righteousness. It means that when you die, God will look at you and if you have accepted Jesus as your savior, He will see the righteousness of Christ and not your sin. 

So, to say that a pedophile's life doesn't matter is, in my opinion, wrong. Do I think they are sick? Yes. Do I think they should be punished for their wrong doing? Absolutely! They should be punished in a just and appropriate and fitting way. This may possibly include death for the heinous crime but it doesn't mean their life doesn't matter to God. Jesus in the gospels told us not to call anyone worthless. Sometimes in our humanness it's hard not to call someone that when we see a wasted life or one that causes harm. I've seen people who have turned their lives around and left drug or alcohol addictions behind. I've seen others mess up and do jail time but then straighten their life out and walk the right path from then on. Do their lives matter? Yes. No one has to stay what they once were or make the same mistakes they did in the past. I realize many do, but there are many who do not. Praise the Lord, I'm not what I once was! I am not what I hope to be but I can continue to strive towards my better self as long as I have breath left. Maybe the pedophile or so called worthless person you have a low opinion of just needs Jesus. Will you tell them about Him?