February 11, 2022

That's My Job...It's What I do


There's an old country song of Conway Twitty by this title. It's about a father and son's relationship. As a parent we have different job duties at different stages of our children's lives. When they are babies and toddlers we teach them all the physical things they need to learn as they grow. We teach them to talk, sit up, eat, drink, walk and potty train. As they grow into older children, we teach them how to dress themselves, make their beds, brush their teeth, do some chores and ride their bikes. As teens we teach them to drive, fill out applications for jobs and/or college and all about dating or courting. Even in adulthood we are still training. The difference from childhood and adulthood is that we should probably wait to be asked for the help or advice. If we've done a good job while they're still under our roof, then they will know how to conduct themselves wisely and responsibly as adults in the world and will still seek our help and council when they are unsure. That's our job. --To help when we can. 

Some of us have many jobs. Some are daily out in the workforce. Others are homemakers or stay at home moms. One of my job titles is wife. That comes with many duties that cover a multitude of various things. It can include cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, running errands or tending to phone calls that must be made, caring for the farm animals and yes, also having a romantic, physical relationship. It absolutely involves being a support system and cheer leader! That's my job! It keeps me quite busy! We strive to have a biblical marriage and home as much as possible. I enjoy being a "keeper at home". I LOVE that I am not required to daily get up and report to a boss outside the home. 

I have other job titles, too, such as sister, daughter, friend, fixer and counselor. The duties for these are to listen, encourage, rebuke when necessary, help in any way I can, and just be available. Ever since I was a kid, these last few job titles have fallen upon me easily. I have always been someone who has had people open up to me and share with me their troubles, burdens or when they just need to vent. Perfect strangers have done this! I have stood inside stores and had strangers just open up and pour out their heart like we were old friends! I am not sure why but even at times in my life when I have tried to step back from these roles, I just can't seem to do it. It's just who I am, I reckon. These are apparently, forever, my job. It's what I do! 

The job title of Christian has some of the same duties that fall under the previous titles but my most important duty is to tell people about the love and saving grace of Jesus. Along with that is to live so that they will want to listen when I do speak to them about Jesus. If you are a Christian, it's your job. It's what you should be doing! So be like Nike and just do it!! 😉