May 22, 2022

Invite God to Your Marriage


Hello you few regular readers! I apologize for being absent for so long. I really do try to get at least one post a month in on this blog but lately life has been a blur. Quite frankly, I've been just worn out. My mind has had trouble focusing and gathering thoughts into anything coherent. I jot down ideas in my notebook but don't always have a chance to develop them into a good post. Anyhoo, today I want to encourage every wife and soon to be wife out there to invite God right into the center of your marriage.

You may think that you are a bible believing Christian and therefore this is just a given. However, it is not! We must make a conscious effort to put God in His rightful place within our marriage. Because we are human and because our husbands are physically here in front of us, we can make him the center of our lives. We can get so busy doing around the house and for our husband and for the kids that we put God on the backburner or give Him the leftover time we feel we can spare. This is not the best way to have a personal and close walk with the Lord.

How do we invite God to our marriage? Well, let's see....literally invite Him. Ask Him to be right there in the center of the relationship. I think it should be a part of every Christian's wedding vows! Ask Him to guide and direct daily. Ask Him to help you each to forgive when the other messes up and causes hurt. Ask Him to help you overlook the annoying flaws and irritating habits that drive you bonkers some days. So, I reckon the first way is to pray. Ask for His help. Ask Him to be a part. I think this should be done together as a couple but if one spouse isn't willing the other can certainly pray on behalf of the marriage relationship. 

#2 - Read and study the bible together. You will grow closer to one another and closer to God when you grow together in His Word. This is a guarantee! I have proven this over the past 20 years. We are talking about marriage here but I might include that as your children grow old enough to read and understand, it will go far for your family to read and study together and invites God into the whole family unit. This will also help your children to understand why you take the stands against the world that you do and help them to make decisions based on the Word of God instead of peer pressure. It will ground them in their faith beyond what you can imagine. 

#3 - Get involved in ministries at the church and in your community together. Working together in a common goal serving, unites hearts to one another and to God. It also builds eternal rewards in heaven which will lead to hearing "Well done thou good and faithful servant" someday.

#4 - Pray together for others. When you know of someone who is in need, of course you can pray alone but as a couple it can be even more powerful. Jesus said "where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst". Also, as you take turns praying over the person or persons in need, one may remember a detail to add that the other hadn't thought of but is an important detail to include. For example one may pray for the immediate need of healing in a situation while the other may remember to pray for peace as the person goes through it or for the doctors and nurses involved. Get what I mean? 

I hope this post has been an encouragement and made you think. Invite God to Your Marriage, especially if you never have or if you have drifted from the idea.