Each of us begins life with a parent or parents to take care of us. They generally make sure we are fed, clothed, bathe regularly and have a good place to sleep.
I find it fascinating that God's plan was for things to reverse as we age. We begin life drooling and end it the same way if we live long enough! As our parents age we are suddenly the caregivers. It's now our job to make sure they eat, get dressed, bathe and have somewhere to get rest.
Let's throw in some dementia and the scenario changes moment by moment. Now the care takes great patience as you are often dealing with a 150 lb or more toddler who can throw a tantrum as well as any 2 yr old. (As any one of us can from time to time!) The difference is that 150 pounder is too big to manhandle and put to bed for a nap! They ask even more questions than the toddler and are often frustrated by your answers. Confusion over where they are and who they and everyone else is can be an ongoing battle. Which can again lead to more angry outbursts.
The mind is such a complex thing! One minute they can spout out their spouse's social security number but 30 seconds later cannot tell you when or where they were married. It's sad. As a matter of fact Dementia is a cruel illness that destroys dignity!
They often become the poster child for ADHD and cannot sit still for more than 5 minutes as they pace the floor, open and close cabinets, move objects from place to place and turn fans and lights off and on. You think to yourself "My 2 yr old grandson is less active"! Then your heart breaks as you watch this unfold before your eyes over and over in any given day.
All you want is for them to be who they were all your life. Yet, roles are reversed and you are now provider, protector and caregiver. Yes! Much patience and endurance is needed! The bible says in Proverbs 23:22 - Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old. Making good and right choices isn't easy as you decide what is best for them.