March 16, 2023

Fences for Protection


I heard a preacher say recently that fences are to protect. We fence yards to keep young children and pets safe from the street. People live in gated, fenced communities for safety for those who live there from strangers that may cause harm. 

Prisons have fences to protect the public from convicted criminals. Without those fences the criminal would probably go right back out and keep committing crimes. 

Fences at the borders of countries are meant to protect the citizens from those who would enter to cause harm. It also helps to protect the sovereignty of that country and the rights of the citizens. Rights and privileges of a country belong solely to it's citizens! This topic has become very divisive in the USA since 2008 and used politically to reinforce the divide and to try to gain votes in my opinion. 

We also tend to put up fences around our hearts as protection. We do this to try to prevent hurt and protect our emotional and mental well being. There is definitely a time and place for this but it can also be detrimental. We can keep people at such arms length that we never have real and honest relationships. Finding the balance between what kind of fence and how high of one to build and leaving a gate open to allow some people in and close can be tricky. We should remember that we shouldn't make one person pay for the sins of hurting us that another person committed. 

Just something to think about.

March 8, 2023

Carving Out a Place


It seems that we spend our lives trying to carve out our own spot in the world. Even as children and teens, at the same time we're trying to find a group to connect and fit in with, we're also trying to find our own identity and way to stand out and be noticed for our special talents and abilities. Not sure if that's pride or what. I think more likely it's wanting to matter. Wanting to matter in this world as we make a way of life for ourselves and those we care about. So, we chisel and carve a little here and a little there as we forge ahead. 

Some are trying to carve a place in their career, and see just where they can excel. Others are trying to carve a place in their education. Especially in higher education as they hope for knowledge to better themselves. 

Young couples are doing their best to carve out a place in the world separate from their parents. To make their own choices and see where life takes them.

The past two years my husband and I have been trying to carve a new way of life different  than we lived for 18 years. We're trying to use knowledge and wisdom gained from that former carving and see where we can chisel ahead to a place in a new church with different roles. To find more and new ways to minister to people. It's not easy. 

Sometimes the chisel and even the pick ax seem too dull and heavy for the task. Sometimes the area you're trying to carve on seems like granite and you're never going to get through to the place you long for so desperately. Just keep carving. Some day you'll look around and realize you do have a place and the carving is beautiful even if there's flaws where the chisel slipped.