April 11, 2023

To See the World

 The above lines are just the beginning stanza of a much longer poem. If you google this poem you will find various opinions of what it means. I'm not sure if any of the opinions are fully grasping the meaning. At least not how I see it.

What comes to my mind is for us to truly SEE what is before us each day. See everything for the specialness in which God created and intended them to be. A grain of sand is but a speck that built a beach. A wildflower is planted by God and shares with us a fraction of the beauty of heaven. When we look at God's creation through aww of Him, we can experience just a glimpse of infinity and eternity. What a beautiful world God made!

When we look at people through God's eyes, we see the souls He wants to save. ---For God so loved the world...John 3:16 --- He's not willing that any should perish...2 Peter 3:9

If we would see the world with heaven's view, we would love more purely, forgive more freely and witness about saving grace more tediously. See! Open your heart and see! 

Just a thought that's been on my heart lately. Hope it was an encouragement.