Palms Up
Let me say that I have blogged about this topic before but not sure if on this blog or my old one. Either way, it is on my heart lately and I was reminded of it during the message at church last night, so I'm writing about it again. I'm sure there will be new ideas displayed in this post that are different than the last time I posted about it.
The way we humble ourselves to God is to submit. It means to decide to allow God to work in us and through us however He chooses to work. Often times this experience is painful for us but we must just remember His love for us and that He is molding, shaping, strengthening and teaching us. If we remember this, then it is easier to not fret and to allow whatever is happening to happen. Even if we don't understand what is going on, remembering these facts will help us. Acceptance goes such a long way to peace.

Did you know that a clenched fist cannot give?! It can not give a handshake to someone, help to someone, or money to someone. The only thing a clenched fist can give is a punch. To give to someone else, you MUST let go. You must open your hand or fist. Last night at church, I was sitting there and was reminded by the Holy Spirit that I needed to open my hands and turn my palms up to God. (I did physically do this a couple different times during the service) For me, doing this is just a big reminder that my life and future are to be given over to God and that I cannot control everything around me. Turning palms up says "OK God I leave it to you". I cannot fret about how we will pay the bills after a salary loss. I cannot fret about where or if we will be in full time ministry again. I cannot fret about whether I will get to live near my future grandchildren. I cannot fret about mistakes made during our 7 years at Rock Solid Baptist Church or the what ifs or if onlys. I must just wait on the Lord and rest in Him. I can only serve Him today with the opportunities and talents He has provided just as I served Him before. Only this time I can work at serving better.
Sometimes we hold such grips on things in our lives that God must pry up our fingers because we are unwilling to open our hands and give it over to Him. Sometimes He prys up our fingers one at a time and gently but other times He may rip the thing we are so tightly holding right from us very abruptly. It can be finances, health, a loved one, job, home, etc.
What is it that you are holding on to so tightly? Do you need to turn palms up and let God take over? Just something to consider.
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