He's a mess. He has Wylie Coyote ears. He is such a sweet little thing and listens pretty well compared to many other dogs. We inherited him last November from my son. I got attached to him before we could find another home and so he is my dog.
When I was on the couch with him and petting him the other day. I had a thought of the unconditional love of a pet, especially a dog. They just want to love you and have your attention. Even when you ignore them for a time, they are so happy when you reach out and touch them or talk to them. They look at you with so much love in their eyes....just like a baby or toddler.
Pets always become part of the family. When you lose one of them, most people grieve. It truly is a loss. We went through this during the winter months with one of ours. Last night a sweet lady in our church (a widow) lost her little Shih Tzu. She was attacked by another dog. She was crying at church and I understand completely. I've been there. Zoey was her companion to help in loneliness. She also only a week or so ago lost a good friend to cancer so this must have hit her extra hard.
Another thought hit me while I was petting Peanut. Jesus also loves us unconditionally. He is always waiting for us to talk to Him or spend time learning about Him in the Bible. Unfortunately, many times we ignore him (like our pets) until it is convenient for us to pay attention. This shouldn't be the case. None of us like to be ignored...wives, you know that if your husband ignores you then you do not feel close to him, or feel like being affectionate when he has paid no attention to you. Do not take the Lord for granted or your pet that is just waiting for your attention. Just a little thought provoker.