August 15, 2015

Truth Sets You Free!

In my devotions the other day I saw a passage in a new way. I was in John 8:31-36. Jesus tells the Jews listening that if they would continue in His Word then they are truly disciples (paraphrasing) and then they shall know the truth and the truth shall make them free. In their arrogance, they tell him that they were born free and had never been in bondage. Jesus tells them that if they commit sin then they are in bondage to that sin and all that goes with it.

Knowing truth from God's Word frees you from bondage of sin and worldly ways. 
      * First, it leads you to salvation which frees you from the debt of sin
       * Second, it leads you to godly living and away from the entrapment of worldly lusts

Accepting truth is what helps you in is freeing for your peace of mind and soul
--It frees you from denial - as long as you deny the facts you stay stuck
--It frees you from pretense - you no longer pretend that a situation is the way YOU want it to be
--It frees you from lies - you no longer need to lie to cover up for yourself or someone else
--It frees you to move past the situation and on with life

Truth indeed sets you free!! 

Just a little something to ponder. ..Embrace truth!

August 7, 2015

The Brokenness of People

Most of my life, I have been a people watcher. I tend to observe the inner actions between people, their body languages, facial expressions, words they say, etc. I like to know what makes people tick...understand them. Even strangers. I often watch and wonder what is going on that makes them do what they do. Sometimes, in my busy days and/or my cynicism, I forget to realize that every person is broken in some way, shape or form. Yes, it is true. Listen to their story and you will find this out. Even the most together person has cracks and slivers of brokenness that need healing. Life has a way of doing that in this sinful world. Every person has a story that makes them say or do the things they do. Most try to hide it from the world and especially their close friends and relatives but the broken scars are still there. 

What everyone needs (along with Jesus) is to feel understood, to feel loved unconditionally and to feel like they matter in this world. (I think I've posted about that particular subject before but it bears repeating) To provide these things there must above all be compassion. Compassion sees the hurt and damage behind the words and behavior. Compassion allows you to reach out and to be understanding and help them. 

Over the past couple of years the Lord has worked on my mind and heart about judging others' habits and addictions. By the way, habits ARE addictions! I had a thought a couple years ago (probably from the Holy Spirit) that who are you to be judgmental about someone else's addiction just because theirs is illegal or if not should be due to the harm it leads to in their own lives and those around them. Examples are drugs, alcohol and smoking. My addiction to soda is also harmful. Food addiction is harmful, too. Now, when I talk about being judgmental, I'm not talking about "judge not lest ye be judged". This is often misused scripture for those who want to continue in sin. When the Bible says this, it means not to judge in condemnation. (to think you are better than them) God does expect us to make decisions about right and wrong and to judge righteous judgment. If we do not, how can we follow the command to come out from among them and be ye separate? I confess that in the past I have been guilty of feeling superior to those with chemical dependency or alcohol and even felt disdain for them. I have worked up close and personal in a Christian addiction recovery program to try to help people. I have seen in friends and family members the lies, destruction of the body and relationships and families so I allowed my heart to become hardened towards these folks. After struggling with giving up soda, I fully understand addiction! Now, I do not understand wanting to try drugs in the first place but I DO understand trying to quit. (I say I don't understand wanting to try it in the first place but really it probably has to do with whatever brokenness has come their way) By the way, while working in the recovery program, many used to say that cigarettes were much harder to quit than illegal drugs. 

As I said, EVERYONE is broken in some way. Some only have some cracks, some have big cracks that they have allowed to mend but scars are still present and some are shattered so severely that it could take a whole life time to be mended. 

I don't think anyone but God knows just how many people walking the earth have been sexually, physically or verbally abused. Only God knows how many have been through emotional and/or physical trauma so traumatic that they cry inside every single day. And here's the thing, sometimes it doesn't have to be a major trauma. What is a small thing to one person is completely devastating to another. 

I reckon this post is just to make people realize that maybe the person being a jerk or being rude today is broken. Of course, the biggest brokenness is the severed relationship between God and man that can only be fixed by Jesus. Some days I just look around and am saddened by the fact that less people know Jesus than most people realize. Even professing Christians speak and act out in ways they shouldn't due to how they were broken in the past. Maybe we should realize that what all need is kindness, or a hug, or understanding and without a doubt COMPASSION! 

August 4, 2015

Great Expectations

 Great this is not about the book. (I've never read it, but I'd like to) I want to address the topic of our expectations. I came to realize years ago that our biggest disappointments in life usually stem from our expectations. When things don't go as we expected them to, we get sad, angry, and may even have a complete "melt down". Basically, adults are often like the three year old that doesn't get what they want, right when they want it. This can be displayed in many areas from road rage to birthday gifts to supper plans, to date plans to bedroom plans and on and on. We get angry when traffic doesn't move along as we want. We get sad when we don't receive the gift we were hoping to receive. We may feel cheated when we don't get to go out to eat or when something other than we want must be cooked. We get upset when a date must be cancelled or is not what we wanted it to be. We feel unloved if romance doesn't carry on the way we daydreamed earlier in the day. When these things happen and we dwell on the not getting what we want, we react in negative ways. Even if we don't react, we deal with all these emotions inside because expectations were not met. 

The old term, "the honeymoon is over" stems from when newlyweds have the newness and giddiness wear off and reality sets in. A few days, weeks or months (depending on the couple) after the wedding, reality of life...habits, characteristics unknown until you actually dwell together, finances, work schedules, reveal themselves and adjustments must be made as starry rose colored glasses come off. Pretty much every married man or woman out there at some point after the wedding has the thought "this is not what I thought it would be like". Most people adjust and take it in stride and learn to give and take and accept shortcomings and missed expectations. There are some who do not, though, and these are the folks that struggle with bitterness and resentment. They become cynical or short tempered or live in a state of distress or depression. They become nagging (not just women) and critical. 

The higher you set your expectations the greater chance for disappointment and hurt. Now, I am not talking about setting expectations for personal goals to achieve or expectations of our children. Realistic expectations. I am talking about day dream type of expectations. Wanting a husband to be sweet and thoughtful and romantic 100% of the time like the guys in the chick flick movies is unrealistic. 50% may be unrealistic for many! Wanting a wife like June Cleaver who cooks breakfast dressed in pretty clothes with full make up on and wearing pearls (who also cleans in the same way!) is also unrealistic. Face it...everyone wakes up with morning breath, hair sticking up and in need of brushing their teeth! Men, especially those who do physical labor for employment, get dirty and stinky from working and sweating. Reality is reality and we either accept it or get upset.

Expectations must not dictate our lives. Plans often must change due to unforeseen circumstances. Cars break down, children get sick or have ornery days, and needs arise. I always say "make your plans in pencil and give God the eraser". (In fact, this saying is on our church sign outside right now!) 

Everyone day dreams or fantasizes about how things may be for a particular moment. That is ok as long as you realize that it may not become reality and you don't allow yourself to become upset if it doesn't and you can enjoy the moment that truly does happen. Ladies, if your guy texts or calls during the day to say hello and to hear your voice, be happy and thankful and don't be upset if he doesn't bring you flowers when he gets home or take you out for a candle light dinner. Accept the good things that come your way. Guys, if you come home from work and she is wearing baggy lounging clothes with her hair in a ponytail but has cooked a great meal then be happy and thankful. And remember, she looks the same under those clothes whether they are baggy sweat pants or a pretty dress. ;) Just saying! 

Maybe we need to evaluate our expectations and remember to keep them in check and make them realistic. If we don't, we are in for much hurt feelings and disappointments. Learn to go with the flow!