December 23, 2016

Study of Leaven

In my devotions this morning I was reading in Luke 12 and it comes right out and tells us that the leaven of the pharisees that we are to beware of is hypocrisy. I'm not sure I have ever heard it preached. I suppose that it was assumed since it is preached that we are not to do as them but I never caught that before in Luke 12:1. It says the leaven IS hypocrisy. I think I've always felt that the preaching used about the pharisees has always leaned more toward that we are not to add to or change the Word of God like they did. They added to the Law. They made extra, more astringent rules that were quite frankly nearly impossible to live by and the commandments are hard enough to live by when we battle the sin nature we have daily! 

Now that I have caught that idea of hypocrisy being the leaven, I pondered on it for awhile (we are supposed to do that when reading God's Word --- think about what it means and what and who is being talked about and to). I wondered why hypocrisy was compared to leaven. What does leaven do? It expands! It grows! It is what makes baked goods rise. Maybe the warning comes because hypocrisy will keep growing in our lives when left unchecked. As hypocrisy grows in our lives, we become more judgmental and self-righteous. We become more filled with indignation towards others thinking we are better. It can get out of control and cloud our thinking and correct judgment of others. I think this is what the warning is about. 

Now I'd like to address the way many preach that all leaven mentioned in the bible is bad. That it always represents sin and that many seem to think that the Jews never ate anything with leaven in it at all. This simply isn't true. Some even go so far as to preach that during the Passover they were to eat unleavened bread because of the representation of sin. Noooo, they did that because during the exodus and flight from Egypt, there was no time to allow the bread to rise using leaven (yeast). Anyone who has ever made homemade bread, knows that it takes several hours to do correctly. Now, when Jews celebrate the Passover it is observed that they eat unleavened bread in remembrance of the flight from Egypt, not because leaven represents sin. They did eat leavened bread at other times----read your Bible! In reality, there would be no need for a command to refrain from leavened bread during certain times if they didn't eat leavened bread. Is that not logical?! 

Get in God's Word and STUDY for yourself. Do not let your only knowledge be from what you hear preached and do not let the only time you hear preaching be on Sunday morning! Most often the more meaty sermons that help you grow and learn come on evening services. 

December 14, 2016

People are a Process

I'm not sure what this post will hold. It may be more theraputic for me than one to help someone else. I was looking through some old notes from a biblical counseling seminar that Bob and I took this past summer. While attending the seminar we felt that many things were taught out of context of the bible but there was still much that we could learn from. It is good to go back and re-read over notes or texts used as a reminder of things we once learned. (this is also the reason churches have revivals and conferences... because we need reminded!) 

I had written down the phrase when taking notes "People are a Process". We need to remember that change is hard for everyone even when we desire it. It is extremely hard to make positive changes in ourselves so it is next to impossible to help someone else to make changes in themselves. We need to remember that it will take time... there may be only baby steps at first. However, forward is forward no matter the pace. If we keep this in mind, we will be less likely to become frustrated--with ourselves and with others especially. 

In ministry, frustration comes when you feel there is no progress. When you look around and see no growth, no results or spiritual moving forward it is easy to become discouraged and question if you are where God intends. Did you misread His calling? Did you make a mistake? It is even easier to become discouraged when it seems that not only is there no progress or spiritual growth, it appears that it is actually going backwards! You not only question God's intentions but your own ability. Do I have the ability to lead others? Am I hindering the work of the Holy Spirit or holding back someone else's spiritual growth because of my inability to teach and get across? Do I lack the personality to attract others to the church? Do I offend when I speak? Many questions come to mind when you do not see results. Many preachers say that you should not be results oriented but results is the only way to measure what is happening. Is the church growing or shrinking or stagnant? If not growing, there is a problem somewhere. Is it the fault of leadership or is it the apathetic, hard hearted and stiff-necked membership? I suppose these are futile questions that only God knows. One thing is for sure, a church that is not growing spiritually and/or numerically is in reality a dead church. It needs revival. How this revival is brought is the question. 

While people are a process, and they may take time, there should still be a growing and moving forward that can be seen. Even a sloth that moves so slowly that at times it can barely be seen, if you watch long enough and close enough, it can be seen! Process or not---- eventually there is change. At a processing plant of whatever sort, a product starts at one part of the plant and goes through a long process to the other end of the plant and by the time it reaches the end of the plant it is something different than what it started out as. 

I have no idea if this post made any sense but it helped me so, I reckon that's what is important at 4 a.m.! 

December 13, 2016


Many people dabble in a lot of different things. Some dabble in painting, crafting, gaming, animal training, sewing, quilting, horseback riding, gardening, or you name it. There are many areas and things in life for a person to play around with or dabble. 

Sometimes dabbling can lead to destruction. People dabble in drugs or alcohol and it takes over their lives eventually. Some dabble with flirting. They are married and continue to flirt with those of the opposite sex or maybe they are single but flirt with a married person. This is dangerous for all involved. Some dabble in gambling, they just partake once in awhile yet eventually, this can lead to very destructive patterns or major debt. 

As a pastor's wife, one of the things that I watch people dabble in is church. They dabble around in attendance or involvement or tithing or helping or whatever, where church is concerned. This can be frustrating for pastors and church leadership to watch. People do not take church seriously. It is just a place to come on Sunday mornings, when nothing else is pressing, so that the person can meet an obligation and feel like "Super Christian". They do not bother to be on time, to dress as though they expect to meet with the Lord, to come with a heart and mind ready to be spoken to from God's Word, or with an attitude of servitude. They dabble! They think they can play around with church attendance and not have their lives fall apart or their kids to go astray or leave the church as soon as they are old enough. When you dabble at something it is just something you do once in awhile. Some people dabble with photography. They go out and take pictures once in awhile or do photo shoots for someone occasionally. They are not serious about really making a living at it but enjoy dabbling around in it. This is the approach of so many with church. Dabbling in church attendance is when you show up when it fits into the schedule or there is nothing else you want to do but you have no intention of getting serious about it or committing to it or being faithful. Maybe they enjoy the service when they are present but they can really take it or leave it. They have no intention of ever allowing themselves to be convicted by the preaching and making lifestyle changes. Church is just there. It is what they are supposed to do, so they go when they feel like getting around to it. Then when their children go astray they try to convince everyone that they did right and raised their kids in church but really the children saw the lack of commitment, they saw what really mattered, they saw what took precedence over God. Kids are smart. They also see when you live at home different than what you do at church or what you "Amen" about at church. Kids see hypocrisy! 

Dabbling in hobby type things can bring enjoyment but dabbling in things that should be taken seriously, can only lead to something bad or catastrophic in the future for yourself or those around you. 

Think about and evaluate whether or not you are dabbling with church. Maybe you do not even realize that you are but this woke you up and you need to decide to commit to finding a good, Bible believing and teaching church and get involved and be faithful. 

November 30, 2016

Roller Coaster Rides

I have been on an emotional roller coaster ride off and on for a couple months and then I thought I had gotten off on November 22.  Twenty four hours ago I was shoved back on... unwillingly ... yet there I was yesterday on my 30 year wedding anniversary getting a phone call from my primary care physician's office telling me that there were abnormalities on my mammogram and ultrasound report and it was being recommended that I see a breast specialist and see if they thought I needed a biopsy. I was in such shock that I really didn't ask questions but gave permission to set up a referral to the specialist. I then decided to call back a little while later and discuss it. I was told it was routine to set that up when everything wasn't completely normal. However, when I had gone for the testing, of which was extensive, the radiology Dr. told me she saw nothing that concerned her and that she wanted to put my mind at ease. Naturally, I was confused by the phone call yesterday. 

---Jump ahead to today...this afternoon I got a letter in the mail from the breast health center where tests were done stating that all appeared normal and to follow up in 6 months as per conversation on test day. Confusion began again. Now, I spent some time off and on in tears the past 24 hours and tried to keep myself from worrying too much. I started getting angry and decided to call my primary doctor's office to see what was up. After an almost argument with the receptionist and her insisting that the report they had (which she read to me and stated that they had discussed findings with me and my husband) --which they had! --- and she said they always refer patients to a specialist when anything shows up. I proceeded to explain to her when she didn't understand why I was confused or questioning the referral, that I was told about those abnormalities on the day of testing and that the doctor expressed she had no concerns at all. By the time I was off the phone with her it was left that she would set up referral and I could decline later when they called. Now, I was a teeny weeny upset and had trouble not blasting the woman. I finally said, "There is a mistake or misunderstanding somewhere. Either the radiology doctor had no business telling me on test day that there was nothing to worry about and then reported that there is, or you guys are misreading the results and scaring the crap out of me for no reason." 

I was so upset and crying that I called Bob and told him what happened. He suggested I call the center where the tests were done. My daughter said the same thing. So, I finally got through after several attempts and spoke to a very kind lady. She pulled my test results up while I was on the phone and read the report to me. She said she didn't know why they were making the suggestion to see a specialist. She then further told me that "this is a breast health center. If doctor would have had any concerns or thought you needed a specialist, you would have been taken off the table to her office immediately and had an appointment set up before I left the building. We don't mess around here with people's lives!" She then told me that the only recommendation was to follow up in May (6 months) and to do self breast exams each month to see if I notice any changes such as size or more soreness. If I do, I am to call right away. 

I am emotionally drained! I feel so tired! On the way to church tonight I told Bob even though I had good news I still feel like I am going to cry. 

I know that some may say that it is better safe than sorry. I understand that to a point but really? To order an appointment with a specialist and possible biopsy that is going to cost the patient money and stress waiting for that appointment. Seems to me unnecessary. Btw...when I was talking to the receptionist that wanted to set up referral, she told me that they may not even be able to get me in until January!!! I almost reached through the phone line! It took every ounce in me not to scream at her that it was inhumane to expect someone to worry that long over a possible cancer scare! ---Over the holidays! Really? How nuts is that?!!

I'm tired of this ride! I want to sail on some smooth water and just drift around awhile soaking in the sun, the air and the beauty God created not go on a fast paced, hilly, up and down, twist and turn ride that makes me cry and scream and feel relieved and calm and then start over again.

I know I am not the only one who has gone through something like this. We went through it several times when my mom got diagnosed with cancer but I want my roller coaster rides to be chosen by me and strictly for thrills and fun! No more forced rides! 

November 23, 2016

Putting Things in Perspective

The past couple months I've had a health scare. In July I found a lump in my left breast. I prayed and waited and tried essential oils but the lump wasn't going away so I finally told Bob about it in October. At this point, since it was breast cancer awareness month, I thought I'd try to get a free mammogram through a charity program since our insurance had run out at the end of August. We didn't qualify for a free mammogram and Bob set out to find us insurance. My doctor felt that the lump I was concerned about was probably not anything to worry about but she found another lump that concerned her. Insurance was purchased and I finally was able to have a mammogram and ultrasound yesterday. It turns out that they feel it is nothing to worry about but do want me to be rechecked in 6 months to keep an eye on things. It had been since 2002 for my last mammogram and so they want the recheck in 6 months to have a comparable. 

During these past few weeks, I have had lots of time to reflect on my life and think about the things that really matter. Think about dreams and goals that I have yet to meet. Think about things that are really important to put things into perspective. To face my fears and doubts. To wonder about things I never did before and to realize my flaws, my vanity and weaknesses. 

To talk about them openly would be difficult because they are so personal. It would potentially cause hurt to others and may lower other's opinions of me. I could make a list of things I have realized about myself but I will refrain for now. Who knows, maybe someday I will feel compelled to share the details.

One thing for sure, is that a cancer scare will make you do some self evaluation, reflecting on life and realize what's important. No one is guaranteed tomorrow so make the most of time with loved ones. 

One thing is interesting to me. For this whole past year, I have been taking steps to become healthier and then I had this scare. At first, I really focused on natural cures and keeping myself from things that are known to feed cancer. Then, as time ticked by, and I felt like no one else close to me was concerned and had thoughts of "I may not have much longer so why deprive myself of things I love and enjoy". I started allowing things back into my eating habits and now that the scare is over, I must purge those things again, such as sugars and gluten and soda. 

Yep, cancer puts things into perspective. It puts it into persepective even if it is not you but someone you care about. However, it hits differently when it is you. Even when you have strong faith, your mind plays out things and you ponder many scenerios. See, I believe completely that God can work miracles and often does but it doesn't mean He WILL heal. I had prayed the entire time that it be nothing but if it was, that God strengthen me and use it to glorify Him and that natural and alternative methods would be shown to work. 

November 7, 2016

More Than Prayer

Last night Bob preached on America's Greatest Need----intercessory prayer. Very convicting. I agree that what this country needs is someone to stand in the gap and make up the hedge and call out to God on behalf of the welfare of the country. Secondly, what's needed is obedient Christians! God blesses obedience and He considers it more important than sacrifice. 

Now, as we were flipping to different places in our bibles last night and reading different examples of intercessory prayer, I noticed something. The different people praying to God, were not just praying; they were pleading and REASONING with God. They were explaining why God should grant their request. Moses did, David did, Jacob did, and plenty of others. Some were reminding God of His promises. Some were reminding God that to do what He intended would let other nations believe wrong things of Him or take away from Him being glorified. The point is, they didn't just ask in prayer for what they wanted...they reasoned with Him. They gave good points as to why He should grant the request. Some people say we should pray once and let it go and leave it to God. Well, the bible tells us to pray with persistence. (this means more than once) It also gives examples of pleading and reasoning with Him. All is given for our example, so maybe we should do more than pray.... maybe we should make our case before Him. Just something to think about.

November 2, 2016

As Time Goes By

Well here it is November of 2016 already. What a quick year! It's funny how fast time goes by after high school. One day you are at graduation wondering what the future holds and the next you're half a century old looking back at all your life has held and wondering how many more years are in your future. All of us go through so many changes in life just living day to day. Some have grand adventures and experiences but most people spend their lives going to work. getting married, having children and raising them, and doing our best to live happy, healthy, productive existences. There is nothing wrong with's life. It's what makes up the fabric of our day to day. See, this is what makes up the dash between our birth and death. The everyday. Yes, there may be special and exciting days but mostly it's the daily routine that makes us who we are.

Lately, when I attend a funeral and look at the photos and videos of the deceased person's life, it reminds me that what someone was at the end of their life, isn't what they always were. Choices throughout have molded them into who they became. You find out that they were once young with dreams and ideas about their future. You find out what kind of person, husband or wife, father or mother they were. You can see how life has changed them physically. Their young skin and youthful hair color gives them a different look than when they are aged. 

As time goes by, live each day, even in the daily routine things, as though it is special....Because it is! It's what makes up who you are...the fabric of your life. Some day, people will gather to celebrate your life and mourn the loss of you and those pictures and videos and stories about you will be the story of YOU. None of us are who we once were ... hopefully, we are learning new things, growing intellectually, lovingly, and spiritually. 

October 12, 2016

Running the Race in Your Daily Walk

Just wanted to do some blogging during my break from painting the jr church room. Actually, I may not even get back to anymore painting today. My neck is hurting. But all the cutting in is done and we are ready for rollers.

The Bible is clear that as we go through life, we are to have a walk with the Lord, a Christian walk. One in which we walk circumspectly redeeming the time. One in which we spend time in God's Word and praying. One in which we are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. One in which we witness to others about the saving knowledge of Jesus. One in which we show compassion and care of others. 

The Bible is also clear that as we are walking we are also in a race. We are to run that race with poise, grace, holiness and steadfastness. We are to run to win. We are to finish our course. It's not about what place you finish in, it's about finishing! Finishing what course God has for you. Being obedient at every turn, hill, mountain, valley and straight stretch He allows. I think it is interesting that both terms are used in the Bible. While we are having our daily walk, life is continually moving forward most always at a fast pace. I think the term race is used because life is short. We have but a short time to accomplish the things that matter in heaven so it seems as though life is racing by. And in reality it is. Even if one lives to be 100, in the grand scheme of things it goes by so quickly.  That person will probably say it seems like only yesterday I was but a child. One day you are a young adult getting married and starting a new life and then one day you wake up and you are 50 or 70 and you look back wondering where time went. 

May you look back, no matter what age you are, and are able to say as the Apostle Paul said, "I have finished my course. I have kept the faith." 

September 29, 2016

Why We Should Learrn What is Written

Last night at church Bob taught out of Colossians chapter 2. This post came to mind because of some things he said. 

As to the title of post--why we should learn what is written.

First, it was good enough for Jesus! When He was tempted in the wilderness by Satan, his response was always "It is written". He quoted the Word of God to avoid the temptations. Memorizing Scripture is important for us, too, in order to avoid Satan's temptations. You never know when you will need to rely on Scripture to help you but may not always have a Bible ready with you.

Second, we are to always be ready with an answer for others. --- to defend our beliefs, or to give encouragement to others. 1 Peter 3:15

Thirdly, in order to witness. Romans 10:17 says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We are to use the Bible to encourage, admonish, rebuke, and show the love of God and Christ. We are to warn the sinner of his ways. 

You won't always have a Bible with you so memorize it. Even if you have one with you, it is best to know your Bible and where to find the scriptures you are looking to share. 

Just a little something to encourage you to learn what is written!

September 25, 2016

God Looks on the Heart

It's rainy out today so I thought I'd choose blue font for my post. I know probably most of you don't even notice the font color but it usually is chosen for my mood or to go with the theme of the post or whatever. I maybe should have chose red for the font color because of the word heart.

In Sunday school today, the topic of God looks on the heart was mentioned and how the world view today uses the verse. It so often is used to say that no one has the right to judge someone on their appearance or even their actions. --In essence, it doesn't matter what I look like or how I live because God knows my heart. Well, I don't mean to sound unkind but doesn't that thought even remotely scare you if that is your attitude? God DOES look on the heart! He knows our thoughts, our actions, what's in our heart that drives those thoughts and actions. That should be pretty scary if you ask me. Here's the thing...what's in our heart reflects the outside. It reflects our words, our appearance and our actions. 

So you say, how I dress or wear my hair should not matter because God knows my heart. He knows I am a kind, compassionate or ___________you fill in the blank. Maybe so. However, God said let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. People can only see the outside. (at least at first, until they get to know you, after getting to know you, they can then decide no matter what's on the outside what is in your heart) but first impressions still exist.

So, we are not to judge someone based on appearance? Sorry, but that is just in the nature of most humans. Let me put it this way, if you are driving in a city and see a woman dressed scantily or provocatively on the street corner, what is your very first thought? Prostitute? You more than likely would be correct in your thought. Does that mean the woman is beyond salvation or the love of Jesus? No! But it DOES mean that they are involved in a life of sin according to God's Word. Are you wrong in your judgment of thinking that she is probably a prostitute? I say no. Because if the shoe fits wear it! She is for sale. She is dressed that way to let a man know that she is for sale. I say to ladies -- Don't advertise what you don't want noticed and to those to whom you have no business advertising it to. Save it for your own husband! 

Now, I will say that my first impression of someone based on appearance has been wrong many a times. For instance, when at a gas station or convenience store the men that seem to treat me the rudest have been the well dressed men. (those in suits or nice casual clothes) They are the ones who not only don't hold a door for me but have actually let it slam in my face. They are often not the ones to offer help when I am putting air in my tire or carrying something to my car. On the other hand, some of the ones doing the opposite have been those dressed roughly, or (forgive this judgment) been kinda scary looking with tattoos everywhere and wild hair. They have called me "Mam", held the door, been quick to help if I looked like I needed it. So, I know that first impression judgments based on appearance can leave your heart convicted but that doesn't change the fact that they are there. ----because I can't see their heart. I must make a judgment based on what I see. It isn't until later that I may see that they can be kind. 

God sees our self righteousness, our selfishness, our anger and hatred, our pettiness, etc. He sees it right there in our hearts even when we are good at hiding it on the outside from others. People cannot see right away. This should also be convicting in that no matter how we clean up the outside God sees the heart. 

It has been my experience that those who want to dress and look like they choose no matter God's standards or live in actions contrary to God's Word yet throw that verse around are justifying their rebellion to God. And, that's usually their attitude and tone of voice when quoting the verse! 

September 20, 2016

People are Not Erasers

I recently saw a facebook post where it said we need to teach kids that mistakes can be fixed. I'm sorry but not all mistakes can be fixed. Yes, some can but many cannot. When you make a mistake with a pencil all you need to do is turn the pencil over and use the eraser. Unfortunately, people are not erasers. You can't just simply turn yourself over and fix the mistake. 

Many times when we make a mistake, we must just live with the consequences. We can say "sorry" and try to make amends, but often the mistake is so big and has such far reaching effects that nothing we do can fix it. This is the reason I often say that you can do something in a moment that will give you heart ache for life. Those mistakes will haunt you. All the "sorries" and sincere apologies in the world will not change the results or consequences of the mistake. 

So, while yes, I believe we should remember that children will make mistakes and that some things are not worth getting too upset over, we should also teach them to make wise choices because our decisions will impact others and not all mistakes are fixable. We are not erasers! 

September 14, 2016

What About Those Picky Eaters

I've had some conversations lately with some people about picky eating. Picky eaters are often criticized. My husband gets upset when this topic comes up because when our kids were little, I made our kids try all food items but if they didn't like it, I wouldn't make them eat it. I don't eat things that I don't like and I don't think anyone should have to do that. People who disagree with this approach will say that it causes pickiness and that then a person won't eat anything and that if you force them to eat something that they don't like, they will learn to like and eat anything. I have concluded through seeing and watching both ways that this isn't the case. Both my kids were raised exactly the same way. My son has always ate and liked many food items-almost anything really. My daughter on the other hand, has always ate only certain things. --Bible college helped some with that. When I was young and visiting a cousins house where the kids were forced to eat everything on their plate and all items on the table being served I too, was forced to follow those rules. As a kid, I hated rice. To me it appeared too much like maggots and my family always served it with raisins, butter, sugar and milk as a breakfast food. So, to me it looked like a bowl of bugs! I didn't care for the taste either and gagged with each spoonful. I was forced to eat it but I did not develop a taste for rice as a kid. I began eating rice as a high schooler when a boyfriend's mom made it and served it with gravy. I had never had it that way before and wasn't really wanting to try it but didn't want to offend so I did. I liked it but still had to push maggot thoughts out of my mind. Now I love rice but it has been developed through trying different ways of cooking it. Almost all people have something that they prefer not to eat because they don't like the taste or texture or whatever. It's just that some people have more of those than others. My point is that forcing to eat something doesn't make someone less picky. I know too many "picky eaters" as adults that were forced to eat everything as a child. To further prove my point, be observant the next time you go to a buffet restaurant. Everyone picks and chooses the foods they want and the foods they enjoy eating. They don't take foods that they don't like. Now, maybe someone who has learned to force down a food they really dislike the taste of can eat anything sat in front of them so as not to offend the cook but that hardly makes them less picky. I was grateful that I had a mom that almost always stuck with foods my siblings and I loved rather than fixing foods she new would have to be forced upon us. When my kids were little, I sometimes felt that relatives purposely cooked and served foods that they knew my kids didn't like just so they could complain about them being picky and not eating. 

One more thing, just because someone is picky doesn't mean that's why they are thin. I know many heavy set people that are very picky eaters and my son will eat many varieties of foods and he is skinny as can be. I know lots of examples like this. 

I say leave people alone and let them eat what they want! I do think we should be concerned about HEALTHY eating not necessarily about eating everything and anything that is set before them.

September 12, 2016

Being Late

Just some thoughts running through my mind since yesterday. For some being late can have different meanings. It can mean "Yay! I'm pregnant!" or "Oh no! I might be pregnant." 

For some, being late is a way of life for them. They are consistently or chronically late whereever they go. I was raised to NOT be late. As a matter of fact my mom was always at least 15 minutes early if not more any where she went. I was taught that it is rude to be late. This "fashionably late" is inconsiderate. Being late sends the message that your time is more important than someone elses. It is self-centered and gives the impression that you matter more than others. 

Many, many doctors offices have a sign up that says if you are more than 15 minutes late you will have to re-schedule. (which I find quite amusing because I have often been kept waiting in the waiting room for more than 45 minutes after my appointment time before being taken back) Most employers will fire someone who is consistently late even if they are otherwise a good worker. Therefore, most employees work hard not to be late. Yet, there are people who are consistently late to church. They seem not to mind that nearly every time they show up, they stroll in 10, 15, or 20 minutes late to either Sunday school or church services. I can not understand this. If you are always late the same amount of time then it is easy to correct....GET UP THAT AMOUNT OF TIME EARLIER!!! These same people claim to love the Lord, yet to me don't seem to care enough to be at church on time. If your spouse was late for a date on a consistent basis, you would question their love of you. Right? You would more than likely become upset with them for being late so often. So, why should we not question your love and loyalty to God if you are late all the time? Just something to consider. 

If you are someone who is chronically late, please consider seriously this post and try to do better. Remember, fashionably late has always been inconsiderate. People are waiting. 

September 7, 2016

Are You Part of the Problem?

I've been trying to figure out all the things that may have lead to what America has become. It pretty much comes down to an agenda set forth years ago in the 1920s and 30s by the socialist/communist groups that wanted to take this great country down and everything it stood for. Before you brush me off as just some conspiracy theorist, do your own research on the things I will talk about and understand that they wrote their agenda down and there is documented proof. I gotta say that it's almost admirable how they were willing to set forth a plan in motion that they may never get to reap the benefits of just like many who were willing to fight for the independence of this country during the Revolutionary War. 

There are two big main things on the agenda. One, to divide the country into small groups pitted against one another and two, to remove God and godliness.

They were smart enough to know that a kingdom divided against itself would be brought to desolation. Jesus talks about that in Matthew chapter 12. A united America would not be beaten....EVER! So, knowing this, they instill and keep going strife among the people so that they are pitted against each other and fighting and even hating one another to the point that they will no longer care for or appreciate or help one another. Certain political parties most definitely use this type of stuff to divide and conquer for their agendas. Look at all the different small group separations that exist. Blacks against whites, hispanics against whites, cops against blacks and actually everyone, children against parents, old against young, rich against poor, women against men, and the list goes on. It's often a distraction tactic. If they can keep the groups fighting among themselves, no one will notice what they are trying to do. It is easier to get laws passed or pushed through unnoticed. It is easier for an enemy to swoop in and conquer. A united America would be much harder to take down. Instead of saying I will stand for and help and treat my American family member with respect, I will do what is necessary to take them down and out of my way so that MY rights and wants are tended. I have long said that "rights" will be the downfall of the USA. 

Two, a moral God fearing nation would also never be conquered. So God, the church and the family has been under constant attack in this country. The socialist agenda believed in "spoon feeding" immorality to us over time until we no longer recognized it and it has even infiltrated the churches. Do you know that you can build up immunity to even many poisons if fed in small doses? They wanted to remove God from every aspect of life. I remember when the show "Soap" was on the air in I think the early 80s. It depicted the first gay character played by Billy Crystal. The homosexual agenda was one the socialist groups fully intended to use. It began slowly. They used Hollywood first to press this issue. If they could use immoral ideas in casual slow ways and make you laugh while doing so and make you feel for the characters then slowly you would build up empathy for them and then when encountering it in real life, you would be more accepting. Many people that I know, even self-proclaiming Christians, don't see a problem with gay lifestyles mainly because they know someone who is a "good" person and really "to each his own". Well, that was the agenda people! ...To get the country as a whole to accept what God says is wrong. Abortion was another one. Sex outside of marriage was a big one they used Hollywood to spread. They used romantic settings to tug at the emotions and eventually there is full blown nudity and cursing in most movies and many tv shows now. It was spoon fed until it no longer makes us blush. It no longer grates against our nerves or conscience. Emotions play a huge part in getting us to feel sorry for or feel guilty about or what ever so that we will give in. Children use this tactic often against a parent or even their siblings or friends. They cry and use words like "you don't love me" or "you're not fair".  This tugs at the emotions of the listener and often makes them back up from their stance or give into the demand of the child. The agenda was just used on a grander scale for America. 

This grand scheme has indeed infiltrated the church. Worldliness and immorality run rampant throughout the churches all across America and that was the goal. They succeeded. No wonder the lost feel no need to come to Christ when they see no difference in them and those in the church. Not even a TRYING to be different! There is no talk of God or praising Him for blessings. Too often we have become whiners and complainers and murmurers so when we walk around defeated instead of joyful, why should anyone want what we have?!!! Bob and I have had several discussions among ourselves and with our children on this whole big topic and the apathy of the church and the effect on the country. It seems to me, there are few committed, sold out, servants of God willing to put the Lord first in their lives and make a difference in their community. Instead what children and observers in the community are seeing is, church is good if I have nothing better to do, I am eternally saved so it matters not how I live, as long as I show up and fill my section of a pew at least once a week then I really don't have to listen to the preaching or try to apply it to my life or let the Holy Spirit work through the preacher in my heart and mind. (sorry for the run-on sentence there) I'm afraid that the socialistic agenda has indeed succeeded in spreading ungodliness within the church. They have been a great tool for Satan. 

These two things mentioned are not the only things being used by the socialists but they are two of the biggest. They have also used the education system. Beginning first by using the theory of evolution and then moving on to removing the Bible from the class rooms and then rewriting the history books and then teaching alternative lifestyles and "safe" sex. THEY HAVE SUCCEEDED!!! Christians LET it happen! But that is because Christians have allowed themselves to be influenced to the point of empathy for others' sins based on "judge not lest ye be judge". (this is a whole other lesson which I've blogged about before so I won't go into now)

So, to my title question. Are you part of America's problem? Do you allow yourself to be pitted in small groups against another? Do you have an apathetic spirit towards church and God and the things of God? If you are guilty of any of the above mentioned things in the post, then you have been part of the problem that has gotten America to this time!!!! 

2 Chronicles 7:14 is still in the Bible and while yes it was written to the nation of Israel, it absolutely applies to the true Christian who was adopted into the family of God by inheritance through Christ! So pray for forgiveness, turn to God and seek His face and maybe then God will save this country for the next generation.

Hope I have made some people think.

September 3, 2016

Life Lessons

It's funny how in life we sometimes must learn lessons over and over or in a difficult way. Life is constantly teaching us whether we like it or not. Have you noticed that some lessons are very hard learned lessons?! There are times when I must re-learn the same lesson months or years later because I let myself forget what I had learned the first time. 

Bob and I recently learned a very hard lesson. Sometimes we don't wait long enough on the Lord, or rush into a decision because we feel pressure from other sources, or sometimes even when we have peace about a situation or decision it turns out to be a bad decision. (maybe some would say it was just something we were meant to go through and learn from rather than a bad decision) Either way, it was difficult and a growing, learning experience. 

I learned very young how short life is, yet I often find myself taking things, situations and people for granted. I don't like that but it is true. One thing I learned five years ago is that small, petty stuff is not worth getting upset about for very long. Cancer taught me that through my mom. Life is too short to live it unhappy and in anger and bitterness yet this spring and summer I struggled with those emotions....A Lot! I most definitely struggled with selfishness that in turn put extreme pressures on my husband (who is my favorite person). I feel awful about that now. It took me several months and until recently to figure out just what my inward problem was so that I could begin working on changing it. I will not share any details because it is private and not for lots of people to know. However, I will share that when you find yourself angry all the time and unable to sleep and getting upset over small things that shouldn't matter, you need to self evaluate and find what's at the source. For me there were several factors weighing in that contributed but ultimately, I was being selfish. I blamed people for things that weren't their fault instead of allowing myself to feel the anger at the one whom I was actually mad at. I also have been given by God an intuition and discernment about people that lets me know when things are not right with when they tend to not be completely truthful or when they are not quite what they pretend. I just tend to know. 

I will be 50 at the end of October and I like to think I've learned a thing or two over the half century. Life is short! Much too short to live it in a job you hate (no matter your financial circumstances...find a different one asap!). Life is too short to hold petty grudges with friends and family. Life is too short to live in past regrets. Make amends and move forward! Life is too short to live in the "if only" or "I wish". If the wish is feasible, then take steps to make it happen. Remember, if you are a saved child of God, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Just figure out how to do what you are wanting and do it! 

Just some things to ponder. Pay attention to the things you are learning in life and do your best not to have to learn them a second time. 

August 28, 2016

The Christian Life and Leaven

This morning Bob brought a good message from the parables series he is in on Sunday mornings. It was from Matthew 13:33. He talked about leaven and how it radically changes whatever it touches. 

Bob used baking of bread as an illustration to show how leaven (yeast) works. I thought it was such a good illustration. Being somewhat handy in the kitchen, I could picture the things he was saying and it really made the sermon come to life for me. 

He talked about how when the yeast is put in, it doesn't just work on part of the dough. It effects the whole thing. Picture don't have only one end of the bread loaf rise and bake. The whole thing rises. This goes along with the verse that says "a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump". It is a great picture of what happens when a person gets saved. The Holy Spirit moves in and they become a new creature. When true salvation comes, the person is different. They act, walk, talk, dress differently. Now, it may not be 100% of the time because they still fight against the old sin nature but there is a new desire to be different than before. 

Another thing Bob talked about was that it's not only radical change that comes but gradual. It is gradual and progressive! You don't become super Christian overnight. There is growing to do. This comes through hearing preaching, reading the Bible and studying it and prayer. Some Christians grow slower than others in certain areas but the fact remains that the Bible says there WILL BE growth if they have the Holy Spirit in them. It is progressive growth...or should be. We should never stop trying to move toward more holiness, a better walk with the Lord, or better understanding of our knowledge of God's Word. We should never feel we have arrived or attained enough. We should keep striving to grow toward more righteousness. Back to bread baking...when making bread from scratch, you must give the dough time to rise before baking it. It gradually grows from the yeast that was put in until it is ready to be put in the oven. It also is a gradual process but is very progressive! Once started it continues until time to bake. Pretty cool idea huh!?

Thirdly, it's permanent! You can't undo yeast or leaven in dough. Once it's there, it's there. The process has begun and continues. You can't unbake a loaf of bread. Once you are saved, you remain saved until Jesus calls you home. The Bible is clear about this. 

That's this morning's message in a nutshell. I thought it was such a neat way to illustrate how leaven works. By the way, I disagree with the teaching that every time leaven is mentioned in the Bible it refers to sin or something bad. For instance, the verse mentioned in Matthew 13:33 says that the kingdom of God is like leaven. So, for some who believe it is always bad when mentioned...heaven is bad? Noooo! 

Just some illustrations to help you think about your Christian life. 

August 18, 2016

Faith Like Moses

Finally getting a chance to blog. I have been having such a good time in my devotional time lately. I love when new light bulbs come on where the Holy Spirit makes something clearer to me. I was in Hebrews last week and reading "the walk of faith" chapter in Hebrews 11. It gives this list of people who did things by faith that God told them to do, often without knowing or seeing where they might be lead. So many are referred to as dying in faith not having received the promises but seeing them afar off. Almost all of them lived by faith expecting to see the promises in their lifetime. However, I want to talk about Moses. He lived by faith even knowing that he would not get to receive the promise. God told him he would not get to enter the Promised Land and he still lived by God's commands and what God wanted. To me, he may be the greatest of all those mentioned in the walk of faith because of this. 

When he came of years he refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter but chose to suffer affliction with his own people. He esteemed the reproach of Christ higher than the treasures of Egypt. He knew that the pleasures of sin for a short time were not worth being outside of God's Will. ---Too bad more Christians do not have that attitude! 

To many, the here and now and what feels good this moment is much more important than living God's way and waiting for future blessings for obedience or for future reward in heaven. Yet this chapter 11 walk of faith is given as an example of how to live our lives...and leads right into chapter 12:1-2  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Now, I can't tell you how many times I've heard preachers use verse 1 to say that the cloud of witnesses is our saved loved ones in heaven and that it is proof we will see them again. Weeelll, I disagree. The cloud of witnesses is those mentioned in the walk of faith in the previous chapter. Hence the word "wherefore". (Because of) 

The point of the above verses is to say that the previous chapter folks are our example and that because of that we should get rid of weights and sins that keep us from running the kind of race God wants us to run. 

I want to have faith like Moses and live not just for the moment but what will come in the future. 

August 10, 2016

More on My Health Journey

I'm almost through my candida overgrowth detox that I started through my FDN practitioner. It has been an interesting journey. I think everyone who can should go through some of their labs and supplemental programs to get the body organs functioning correctly. The Gut, especially, is truly the second brain of the body! The labs that are done go in depth to help to figure out hormonal, fungal and parasite problems and if you want can check for food allergies and in tolerances. 

During my labs I found out some things I didn't know, reconfirmed some things I'd learned in previous labs and also learned I wasn't quite as bad off as I had thought I'd be. The adrenal exhaustion diagnosis explained many of my symptoms including no energy, sleep problems, etc. My hormone levels were all nearly zilch and my liver function was low. I also had a higher blood sugar level than I should. This could be due to the candida overgrowth and the low liver function. 

After going gluten free first, many side symptoms subsided. I recommend everyone try gluten free for 30 days and just see how they feel. Yes, it is difficult because you must be aware of what you are eating. But I think it is worth having reduced headaches, joint pain and stomach and abdominal issues. By the way, if you go gluten free and develop symptoms that seem like flu or feeling run down for a few days (DON'T GIVE UP! THAT'S A GOOD SIGN! IT MEANS YOU PROBABLY HAD AN ISSUE AND YOUR BODY IS READJUSTING). Push through and stay the course. It will get better! I promise! What makes gluten free diets so difficult is that it means you MUST be conscious of what you put in your mouth. You learn to label read and to stop eating quickie foods such as processed foods (canned soup, ravioli, frozen pizza, etc) and you must be very careful at restaurants. Gluten is hidden in many many products and foods. Gluten comes from wheat and barley mostly. So, if the label has wheat flour, or all purpose flour or malt it more than likely has gluten. Malt or barley malt is often used as a sweetener and even a binder in processed foods....pre-made rice Krispie treats! Most soy sauces have wheat in them. These are just examples. Most canned soups, gravies at restaurants and any other food that requires a thickener will have gluten because they are thickened with flour. I use tapioca flour, corn starch or potato starch at my house as a thickener in gravy. Tapioca flour is wonderful! 

The Candida detox was actually harder than the gluten free because it required a strict, very strict diet for the first 10 days along with taking many supplements to help aid in the rid of the overgrowth and to also help boost and jump start my organs that were functioning at low capacity. The diet was no sugar, dairy (except lowfat cottage cheese and plain yogurt and butter), gluten, fruit or pork and no starchy vegetables. I lost 8 pounds in that 10 days!!! 

What I gained from this detox was completely regulated bowels, removal of joint pain, blood sugars regulated, less headaches and an overall "I feel better". 

I highly recommend getting in touch with a FDN practitioner and just doing the first steps and labs. Again, this can all be done via phone and emails and ups!!! Not once did I see my practitioner---we were not even in the same state! I would be glad to put you in touch with him. He is very compassionate about with his patients because he wants to help people get better and feel better. He wants to spare them unnecessary surgeries he went through and find a better way besides prescription drugs that may help relieve symptoms or issues but also often destroys body cells and gives new symptoms. Don't get me wrong, the traditional medicine has its place, but I believe there are often even better ways to take care of an issue. 

July 21, 2016


Just been pondering some things since the message at church last night. Bob has begun a series in Colossians on Wednesday nights called "Complete in Christ". It is a series of lessons that delves into alot of doctrine and good meat for grounded Christians but also eases in the milk of the Word for new babes in Christ. My life's verse is in Colossians. ...1:10. Anyhow, 2:2 speaks of "being knit together in love. " Something struck me about that phrase last night and that it was possibly a good topic to blog about. It is speaking of those who are connected to Christ because of salvation. I had planned to blog about that and wrote the verse down so i wouldn't forget. I will address that part later in this post but today on the four hour drive to my daughter's house, I was pondering over how I wanted to approach the subject in my blog and all of a sudden my cousins came to mind. Memories flooded my thoughts. So, I started considering my family and extended family and how the verse can apply to them. 

See, my very first and best friends growing up were my cousins! ---on both sides of my family. Actually, I had sort of a strange family compared to most. My mom's family and my dad's family all knew each other growing up. After my mom and dad were married, our families often mingled. Several parties and get togethers had both sides present and getting along. I had three cousins start kindergarten with me and go all the way to graduation at the same school. I had another cousin on my mom's side also do that but in a different school. So four of us girls graduated high school the same year. We spent lots of time together and at one anothers' homes. But even those who were older and younger spent time together. We just were very close. We all played hard together and fought hard too. One thing is for certain though, my family members may fight amongst themselves, but if an outsider runs their mouth or causes harm we have each other's backs and WE WILL TAKE THAT PERSON'S HEAD OFF! I tell people that I may look like a small, sweet Christian lady who only wears skirts but when I get riled I make Rambo look like Little Mary Sunshine. Mostly that only comes out when protecting my family. I don't see my cousins often anymore but I have absolutely no doubt if I was in need that i could make a phone call and they would be there for me. I also am very certain that if someone were to harm me that they would show up ready for retaliation. I'm so confident in this that I have more than once told someone who was being somewhat threatening towards me that "if you do anything to hurt me, my family will come out of the wood work and hunt you down like a dog on a coon and the depths of hell won't keep you from them so you best think long and hard about it"! 

Our hearts are knit together in love. ---Because we are family. Because we were taught and shown the value of family. Because we've been through the ups and downs of life together.  Because we have a connection and memories and laughter and tears and that binds us. 

It is amazing to me how many families out there don't share this.  There is disfunctional chaos and fighting and not speaking and trying to harm one another within their own family. I don't understand this really but I've seen it. 

Now, church family should be the same way. Even if there is disagreement or arguing, when push comes to shove or an outsider tries to do harm, we should have each other's backs. BECAUSE we are family....knit together in love by Jesus Christ. We have that common bond. We work together in the church, we serve together, we sing, praise, pray, study God's Word and learn together. We laugh and cry together too. The Bible says to share one another's burdens and joys. 

Things in common do bond people together. What do you think support groups are all about?! Tragedies bond people. Illnesses bond. Even happy times bond people. Why can't this country have one another's backs as a whole? We are so divided. How about the common bond of United States of America? For a short time we united after 9-11. ---because the outsiders and enemies came in and attacked. Tragedy struck. Suddenly we needed to bond and huddle together and mourn and regroup and circle the wagons and be on the defensive first and then the offensive to make sure it never happened again. Now, that bond seems broken and we are self-destructing from within. More and more division lines are being drawn. You know that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. How about the HUMAN race instead of all the different ones being named. By the way, muslim is not a race it's a religion! How about LIFE! All this figthing amongst ourselves to the point we are at, makes us weak to our enemies. It seems it is not like the family unit I know....that even though there is fighting among us, outsiders still better beware cuz we will still fight against you for the whole. No. Everyone is too worried about their individual rights and their causes and their wants. It just keeps up the separation and fighting and unity matters not at all. I wonder what God will need to do next. Will He bring another whole country tragedy or maybe He will just allow the USA to self destruct on the course it's on. 

I'm here to say ALL lives matter. All murder is a hate crime. I have blood family. I have church family and I also have American family. If an outsider wants to harm....I'm going to fight for them. Figuring out who the outsiders and enemies are is becoming increasingly harder but I still think you have your family's back. 

I hope this post made some sense. 

July 20, 2016

Considering Trump

Been rolling some thoughts around in my head the past week or so. Thought I'd share some. With the biased media coverage and this political era completely going bonkers this past year, at times it is hard to keep facts straight and not get caught up in the distractions and rhetoric. 

Now, let me say right here that Trump is not my first choice candidate...that would have been Ted Cruz. As a matter of fact, I'm a little concerned that Trump until now, has always heavily supported Hillary Clinton and other democratic candidates. Ever since he threw his hat in the ring and began running his mouth, I said that we don't need another dictator, we already have one; even though he may be saying some things I like and that are more in line with my way of thinking. Talk is cheap as we learn when every election time comes around! As the old country song says, "When a president goes to the White House doors and does what he says he'll do. We'll all be drinking that free bubble ub and eating that rainbow stew."!!! In reality until lately anyhow, the president's power is limited and we are really run by congress. However, until congress gets a back bone and stops allowing illegal and unconstitutional things to take place, nothing will change. It will also not change as long as it's a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" system and worrying about the next election time. I do believe that after this election, no matter who is elected in November, come four years from then, if the Lord tarries, the good old USA will be tired of a two-party system and open to much more. I'd love to see the electoral college gone and the president elected by popular vote across the land. No state should be more powerful than another! It is one country. 

Now, back to Trump....Let's sort out some of the junk. Conservatives think he's not conservative enough. I've wondered that myself in some aspects of his life, considering his past choices. I think "his change of mind" is yet to be seen and it is a wait and see game if he's elected. All I do know is (and I'm still scratching my head over it) that he beat out 16 other candidates to get to this point. Some of those were very good, strong candidates! When I scratch my head I remind myself that God has a plan. (that's what I had to do the last two elections...sometimes nations face the wrath of God for turning from Him as a whole, hmmm something to ponder!) Anyhoo, Christians question his morals based on his casinos and divorces. Hmm...I can understand that to a point. However, none of us knows the ins and outs of the marriages and divorces. Many of the former presidents had affairs (some had many!) while in the White House (literally!) Including everyone's precious JFK! When Bill Clinton did one cared! All everyone said is "it's not that he did it. It's that he lied about it". Just because Trump got divorced doesn't mean he was not a good father. Obviously, his children seem to love and respect him. They have been taught to be successful in things they pursue. I don't know personally (though I may not be up on it) of any scandals concerning his kids. I'm pretty positive that there are some former presidents and vice presidents that cannot be said of them! I'm going to leave the casino thing alone. Not my thing but I'm pretty sure that many current and past politicians in every area have made money in other less than desirable ways. That doesn't make it right but I'm just saying. We all draw our lines somewhere. Some may question him becoming rich because of someone else's addictions. There are times when I question someone becoming rich from running a funeral home so....

Some question him having no political background. (though I'm pretty sure he's been in the circles for years) I'm also pretty sure that's why he's the nominee --people are sick and tired of politicians. They no longer trust them. Besides, that's what good advisers are for! Hopefully, he won't have czars! lol 

Now, let's look at some positives about him. He absolutely knows how to run a company. He is an extremely successful business man. And here, he will be conservative because a person that builds an empire business is not all willy nilly about his finances. He won't be successful that way. So, maybe he will be the one to rein in the out of control spending in America. 

I believe whole heartily that he will rebuild a strong military and maybe even steer us clear of some of the foreign junk going on. I am hoping he will help to make us a powerful and fierce nation that the rest of the world fears enough to leave alone. Trying to appease every other nation is absolutely ridiculous! I guarantee that other nations do not allow outsiders to come to their nation and make demands and cater to them. If you want to be a part of this nation then come be a part ... LEGALLY!... and blend in...don't demand it be the way the country you left was!!!! (that was a free rant)

Now, to the most important reason to back Trump....supreme court judges! The next president will get to appoint possibly up to five! For the past several years we have had our liberties stripped and unconstitutional junk crammed down our throats due to unchecked liberal judges rewriting laws instead of interpreting them. One can only hope that Trump's choices would lean more conservative cuz God help this country if he doesn't! I'm absolutely for term limits on every level of politics!!! Even if you have a good one. I think that there is too much possibility of corruption sneaking in to even the best politician's character. 

Well, I reckon that's all I have to say about that. Just some thoughts to consider---not that I reach many but hey sometimes it's little by little. 

July 15, 2016

She Broke the Box!

Giving our all to God.
Mark 14:3

First, I'd like to point out that Mary didn't remove the lid or cork & pour the ointment out. 
--if she had she might have been tempted to keep some of it for herself to use or sell

Sometimes we hold back giving something to God or someone else because we will have to give up something---time, money, possessions

---we say, "if I give to this offering, I can't go to the movies, or out to dinner, or buy this certain item"
--we say, "If I drive a bus route or visit a bus route, I have to get up early on Sundays, eat later than normal for lunch, and/or give up time on Saturdays"
--we say, "If I drive that person to the doctor or store, I won't have gas for my own trip somewhere or I don't feel like doing that, I want to do something else"

Let's look at two areas in our lives where we can give all to God...
In Giving & Offerings
---Widow's 2 mites - Luke 21:1-4
--Ex. 36:5 - And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make.

-- people gave so much willingly for the building of the sanctuary that Moses had to stop them from bringing any more
--1 Chron. 29:3 

--If we set our affection on the house of God, we will want to give - it is hard to invest time and money in something when our heart isn't in it - Matt. 6:21 
--Fireproof movie -- dare challenge

In Our Care of Others
 - story of man with palsy - Mark 2:1-5

friends or family cared so much that they took much effort and time to get the mad to Jesus
--Jesus saw their faith

--story of Good Samaritan - Luke 10:30-35
He showed compassion, - it cost him time and money 
--caring for someone's injuries is also kind of gross, but he did it.

Mary broke the box...she held nothing back...she gave it all to Jesus

We sing the song "All to Jesus I surrender. All to Him I freely give."
What we should sing is "Some to Jesus I surrender. Some to Him I grudgingly give."

June 29, 2016

Candida Detox health journey update

Well, today is Day 10 on my Candida Detox. It has been hard! Giving up dairy, sugar, caffeine, heavy starches, all vinegar and especially my soda has been very hard. The cravings haven't been unbearable though. The yeast die off symptoms stink. I've had a headache at least some on most days but at least no migraines. I also started my menstruation period a week early. I'm assuming from throwing my body into shock. Wasn't expecting that. I have seen an ease in joint pain and I also seem to be sleeping better at night which are both pluses. The extremely strict diet is over now, but still no sugars and I am to slowly add back in restricted foods. A by product has been that I lost 8 pounds in the past 10 days. Keeping up with all the supplements to get rid of the candida yeast, and get my adrenal glands and liver functioning right again is also a difficult task. I am on several that must be taken before I eat and several must be taken after. some are taken only twice a day and some are taken three times a day. I still have several more to add! There are a bunch. No, I won't be on them the rest of my life, just for a month or so...maybe up to three months. Then, by that time I'm hoping everything is again working properly inside me! 

Bob has been trying to do the candida free diet with me just to purge his body and try to lose some weight. He has good days and bad. He doesn't have the benefit of the supplements (which are exclusive to my lab works) to help with energy and stuff. 

Along with this, I have been dealing with a bulging c5 disk and protruding bulging c6 disk in my neck which has caused pain, numbness and tingling in my right arm, hand, shoulder and rib cage. I had to see a specialist. The good news is that he doesn't think I need surgery. I am using a neck traction device to relieve the pressure on the bulging areas to help the nerves. So far, it has helped alot since it first started. It is not completely gone but much better. I go back for a review on July 12. 

I know some are not interested in my good health journey but I hope to inspire some of you to check into seeing an FDN practitioner. (functional diagnostic nutrition) I can give you the name of someone who is good and who is compassionate towards patients because he has been through it all himself. It can all be done via telephone conferences and lab work being sent UPS. Just contact me and I can give you his name.  

June 10, 2016

Not Why But What

I've had some computer issues lately and some time issues prohibiting me from blogging. It's been on my mind but things have been crazy busy. We are finally living in the new house but there is still much unpacking and settling in to do along with minor things to still finish construction wise. (baseboards, hanging interior doors, installing ceramic tile by door, on hearth and around garden tub)

Now to the title. I have learned over the years (tho I still have to stop myself some times) not to ask "Why Lord?". "Why is this happening?" I've learned to first check myself to see if I harbor any un-confessed sin. I've also learned to not ask why but what? What do you need me to learn Lord? What can be used from this to help me or others or glorify God? 

Trials, bad things happen for many reasons. Sometimes it is just because of foolish or selfish choices we've made. Sometimes it is God getting our attention. Sometimes Satan is attacking. Sometimes it is for influence of others around us. Sometimes it is a trying of our faith. Sometimes it is for training for our future. Whatever the reason, God is in it, you can be assured of that! 

Asking "why?" will drive you crazy. It is much more constructive to ask what. It brings you out of self pity mode and moving towards helping yourself. 

Just a thought for you to consider. 

May 29, 2016

A Time for Everything Part 2

Verse 5:
A Time to Cast Away Stones - We need to cast away stony walls between us and others - Heb. 12:14-15, Prov. 14:17
- Walls get built up when we get hurt or wounded and this leads to bitterness

- We fix this by forgiving and also praying for God's help to forget it and for the other person

A Time to Gather Stones Together ( in Bible times, gathering stones meant to gather to build a wall) - Sometimes we need to build walls of protection around us
- We should keep sinners at a distance - Prov. 22:24-25

- 1 Cor. 5:11 - But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not eat.

A Time to Embrace - We need to show affection. Touch is so important. It has been proven through experiment that in the NICU babies that get touched and handled develop better and faster than those not touched. A colt that is handled as soon as it is born is gentler and easier to train than one that is not.
- Song of Sol. 2:6 (marriage) - His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.
- Acts 20:1 (friendship) - And after the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them, and departed for to go into Macedonia.
- Luke 15:20 (kids)

A Time to Refrain from Embracing - We need to be careful as women who we show affection to. Sometimes touching or hugging on a man that is not our husband sends the wrong signals.
- 1 Cor. 7:1-2 - Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

Verse 6:
A Time to Get - We need to allow others to help us or give to us (it takes as much grace to receive as it does to give)
- Be humble enough to ask for help and accept help
-Be humble enough to accept random acts of kindness or gifts
- Others will get a reward in heaven for their deeds of help
-Matt. 10:42 - And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

A Time to Lose - We all face losses in relationships.
- Death of a loved one - Rom. 5:12
- Friends who walk away
- Spouses who walk away

A Time to Keep - Make special memories with those we love and keep track of those memories with pictures, journals, scrapbooks, keepsake boxes with mementos of special occasions
- Luke 2:19 - But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
- Josh 4:6-8

A Time to Cast Away - We need to get rid of unhealthy relationships
- Sometimes we must walk away from people for our own good
- Sometimes we must walk away for their good (we allow them to depend on us too much)
- 1 Cor. 15:33 - Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
- Eph. 5:6-7 -

Verse 7:
A Time to Rend - We need to tear away our bad habits that harm our relationships - negativity, gossip, being too talkative, losing temper easily, impatient, lying, etc.
- Prov. 17:9 - He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.
- 1 Peter 3:10 - For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. (deceit)

A Time to Sew - We need to sew into our relationships love, compassion, encouragement, kindness, patience (the fruits of the spirit)

A Time to Keep Silence - Sometimes it is just best left unsaid
- Momma always said, "if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all".
- Eph. 4:31 - Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.

A Time to Speak - Prov. 25:11 - for God, for what's right, to correct kids & others
- Witnessing - Mark 16:15

Verse 8:
A Time to Love - We need to love God and love others
- Luke 10:27 - 
- Rom. 13:10 - Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
- Titus 2:3-4

A Time to Hate - We should hate evil.
- Prov. 8:13 
- Ps. 101:3 - I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
- Ps. 119:163 - I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.

A Time of War - Fight for your relationship with God
- 1 Tim. 6:11-12
- 2 Tim. 4:7 - I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

A Time of Peace - Be a peacemaker in your relationship & in the relationships of others
- James 3:18
- Matt. 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.