December 30, 2014

One of Those Days...

Ever have one of those days? Not one of those days where all seems to go wrong; but one of those days where emotions are running high and ideas and future goals are a dim, dim flicker far in the distance? Most ladies, I think get what I'm talking about. Welp, I'm having one of those days. It's been coming for some time now, I believe. Not sure what is causing it except that there has been a year full of major change, I can only see dark lines and wrinkles and frumpiness when I look in the mirror, an overwhelming feeling of tired, and aches and pains that I should be too young for but apparently not. Anyhoo, I decided yesterday that I would get my hair cut and try a new style tomorrow. I called a friend who owns a salon to see if she had any openings. Apparently she must be closed this week because I got no return call from my message on the machine. I have felt on the verge of tears since waking this morning (I do not know why..really I don't). I have a strong and happy marriage. I have an opportunity to serve the Lord in a new ministry in OK. Even though I had to leave a home I loved and give up being near much family, I have determined in my mind and heart to be joyful here and make the best of the given opportunity. My goal in life is for it to have mattered that I was ever born. What better way to accomplish this than to serve the Lord and share God's Word? Right? Right! 
Ok, I digress ... I was sitting at the table at noon eating a chicken salad sandwich and just burst into tears! No kidding! I had been waiting for Bob to call to say he was off work (he was supposed to get off early today) and then right when the tears came, he texted and said he was working the whole day. I reasoned that was good so I could find some place to treat myself to a shampoo, cut and style. I actually had the intention of a complete make over, and in my mind was pretty willing to go with whatever this lady recommended to make me look better than when I walked in. ...Barring a pixie cut or blue or pink hair! Get it? I was ready for a change. 
The lady though, seemed to pick up that a real big change might not really go over as well with me as I think or with my husband. She gave me a shampoo and a great scalp massage in the process! Then she gave me a similar cut to what I have with some suttle changes. She took two inches off, making it slightly shorter in the back than the front and put in long layers and then gave me side bangs (the biggest change). What I really liked most was that she took much time in showing me how to style it into the beach wave look and how to get the lift if I want it in certain areas. I'm sure if she'd have had another client waiting she may not have taken such time, but God knew I needed some special attention. It doesn't really look much different but I was shown step by step how to do the same look and she told me the cut would also be good straightened or left scrunched and dried naturally. What a great type of cut! After all, don't we ladies like variety and choices?! It is the spice of life!!! hee hee Now, I have more options in styling.

Much of the emotional feelings are gone (tho not completely). I'm very thankful that we are financially better off than 6 months ago and I was able to go and treat myself. I go months between hair cuts --often only going about twice a year. I just trim my own bangs out of my eyes and figure the rest can wait. Bob and I are planning to make changes to get healthier and lose a few pounds in the coming months. 

Why are we as people made happy for a moment when we get to buy something for ourselves or do something for our selves? Why does that bring joy? Is it just because we are so carnal, worldly or selfish? What is it about "new to us" that brings a smile? I mean, the whole church was happy and excited about the new flooring in the fellowship hall (that was long overdue!). At the Christmas party, everyone was smiling and excited to see it. Hopefully, spending money or doing something new is not the only thing that brings joy and happiness to us. If it is, then we most assuredly, are shallow people.  

I just wondered if anyone else has "One of those days" like I had today. To those of you who follow this blog, thank you for sharing in my life's journey. This blog is certainly an outlet for me not to keep things all bottled up inside. It gives me a voice, a place to express myself. It also, I hope, is a help and encouragement to others as I strive to share and make people think about different topics. 

December 18, 2014

Why De-Bunk Christmas?

Had a conversation with someone recently who was frustrated about things preached about in her church and talked about amongst the congregation. I do not understand why some out there feel the need to be critical of the Christmas celebration, traditions or items surrounding it. 

While I know that December 25th is not the date of Jesus' birth, that is not really important, is it? No one knows the exact date and many so called scholars even debate over whether it was Spring time (March) or Autumn (October). Sometimes people today celebrate their birthday a few days before or after the actual date, does that make the celebration any less special? The point is that a date has been chosen to set aside the remembrance of His birth. For the USA and many others in the world, it is Dec. 25th. Many say, that we were never told to remember His birth only His death. Well, there would be no cross without that cradle! It also doesn't really matter that it was originally chosen because of pagan traditions. It is only important that your heart be right in the celebration of Christ's birth. (BTW, to all the non-Christian religions and atheists out there, if you don't celebrate the birth of Christ, get over it and leave those of us who do alone! We do not holler and throw fits over your celebrations!) 

I know that we do not know how many wise men there were but I DO know that the Bible is plain that they were NOT there on the night of the birth but quite some time later as they came into the house. This is why my nativity scene does not display the 3 kings or wise men. However, I don't get hostile cuz someone else decides to display it. Many say that three is the number of gifts given so that kinda makes sense but still there could have been two or more than three men. I have been told that the Catholic Bible in one of the books of Macabees names three kings by name. ---this is probably more than likely where the three comes from. BTW, many of our holidays are tied to the Catholic religion.

Oh my, apparently some preacher recently griped about there not being an innkeeper! Really? Well, one with a thinking brain may reasonably assume that if there was an inn there would have been an innkeeper! An inn implies a pay for establishment which needs someone to attend it and take the money! 

Christmas trees are something else to get people stirred up. There are many many stories around the internet to say the origin of this tradition (don't know which is right) and I don't know if it is something that makes God cringe when we do this. (Pleasing God is more important to me than pleasing preachers and scoffers who gripe about traditions and if I can't find command or principle against, then I choose not to speak where God hasn't and I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me) I only know that today, it is a beautiful display to commemorate the Christmas season. It is a symbol of this time of year. It is kinda like candles on a birthday cake. Again, I think it is a heart issue (as most things in life are) and as long as you do not worship the tree I don't think it is a sin to decorate one. 

Gift giving is one that I still do not fully grasp. It is the birth of Jesus yet everyone else gets the gifts. Bob and I try to do something to give a gift to Jesus by buying gifts for a Christmas charity or buying for the church as a way of gifting to Christ. Again, there are many stories out there attributing to the origin of this practice. All are different. 

Gifts, brings us to Santa Claus. Now, my mind goes round and round over the years on this topic. I do not know if I was starting over with my kids if I'd do the Santa thing or not. Knowing me, I probably would. As long as you keep Jesus in the forefront (our family has read the Christmas story on Christmas morning from the Bible since kids were little) and as the main thing at Christmas, Santa can be a fun part of the holiday. If you look at him with critical eyes you see a fat man in a red suit but if you look at him with the heart, he is part of the magic of Christmas. I do think that "Santa gifts" should be re-evaluated. Shouldn't the best gifts and biggest gifts be from the parents? Shouldn't we strive to keep their love focused to us and their appreciation of us? Let Santa bring the small stuff and Mom and Dad bring the best and most perfect gifts. After all, every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above and cometh down from the Father of lights...(James 1:17). God, our heavenly Father, gives us good gifts. He is the perfect parent! When you let Santa bring the big gifts it makes him a respecter of persons. After all, some cannot afford big and expensive gifts, so when kids go to school and talk about what they got from Santa, it could cause some heartache for others when they get smaller gifts. 

All this has been said to say this...if you choose not to do some or any of the Christmas traditions or choose not to celebrate it at all, keep your mouth shut. Don't go to church or someone else's home and tell kids that there is no Santa Claus or it is wrong to put up a tree or whatever. It is not your place to do this. You are not those kids parents! Take care of your own house. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm quite frankly, tired of preachers and Sunday school teachers deciding to take it upon themselves to inform other people's children about the evils of the holidays we celebrate. 




December 10, 2014

Having Compassion

Wow! It is already December! Time sure flies when you are trying to get a church building into shape, a missions apartment and a home for sale in another state! Christmas is around the corner and ministry life rarely has much down time. There is always something to do or someone to visit or help.

Bob started a new temporary job this week doing more line work. (the last one laid him off because of lack of work) He is driving further but it is only for 3 to 4 weeks. Anyhoo, when he works, some things fall to me to handle or take care of. I'm glad to do it most of the time but sometimes it means I must make "executive decisions" myself on the spur of the moment. Today, a family needed some help and I tried to gather as much information as I could to relay to Bob so he could make an educated and informed decision about their need. Which he did while on a break. (He made decision but I took care of executing it)

While out taking care of this "need", I pondered about all the Bible has to say about the subject. See, after years of being in the ministry and trying to serve people, you come across many people wanting a handout and who make a habit and practice of this church jumping and asking for help. You will hear every sad story in the book and quite frankly, it is easy to become cynical and hard hearted. There are many out there who are users and abusers of anyone or any church they can scam. And YES it is a scam to waste your own money on habits and things of the world and then ask a church or someone else to help you pay for necessities! They promise to come to church, to pay it back and that they don't make a habit of this type behavior. Most of the time they are lying. 

The Bible tells us though, that we are to help those in need when we have the opportunity and ability to do so. It also tells us that we should not shut off our bowels of mercy from them. 

1 John 3:17 - But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

Galatians 6:10 - As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

While I believe we, as Christians and as a church, should be good stewards of what God has given us; there is a fine line between being foolish and being compassionate. We can become so cynical and untrusting that the next person in line needing help doesn't get it because some before them abused the system and took advantage. I did a whole blog post some time back about empathy and compassion. Empathy makes you feel for the person and sympathize with them but compassion always always moves to action! Jesus was moved with compassion for people and helped them with their problem! 

I just studied the first couple verses in 1 Cor. 4...the ones often quoted when talking about being faithful with money. I reckon it is used because of the steward word in it. However, this in context is not even talking about money. A steward is simply a person in charge of another's goods or services. The verses in 1 Corinthians are talking about ministers and their stewardship of God's Word (the mysteries of God). 

My point is we need to not become hard hearted in our attempts to protect the finances of the church. We should be wise but we still need compassion for the needy. By the way, Jesus told us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. This reminds me of the doctor's oath. They are not only to do good but to do no harm. A serpent is cunning and smart but the dove is a picture of innocence and harmlessness...therefore we are to be wise and do no harm. If someone has a true need, and we do not help them when we are able, we can cause harm to them. --Possibly to their physical being by lack of need, or harm can be done to their faith and spiritual walk. 

November 23, 2014

Jello-Minded Christain

Just thought I'd post this lesson I did in Jr. Church this a.m. It is a lesson that came to me all at once while Bob was preaching a few years ago on Romans 12:2 -  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

While he was preaching he explained what conformed was and what transformed was and this idea just came to me about Jello. So, I confess that I allowed myself to be distracted from the lesson for about 2 min and jotted down the idea of jello on some scratch paper so that I could later develop a children's church lesson. I then refocused to pay attention but hey, when the Holy Spirit prods and gives ideas you better take a second or two and jot them down before you forget by the time the sermon is over! :)

The lesson:
I make Jello ahead of time and put it in a certain shape bowl. (shape of choice)

I read Rom. 12:2 and explain that conformed means shaped by outside influences and how this verse says we are not to let the world shape who we are. 
I tell the kids that Jello takes on whatever shape the container is. = "conformed" 

-I talk about Jello Jigglers (they never heard of! - too young) and then about playdough and the molds you use to play with it. How it takes on the shape of the mold. 

--I then tell them that God wants us to let the Bible, our church and godly people to shape who we are 

Then I explain that transformed means shaped by inside influences. Jello has gelatin in it that turns it from a liquid to a semi-solid. It is made into something different than what it started as by the gelatin INSIDE it. This is a great picture of transformed!
- we spend time talking about other things that start out as liquid and change to solids because of what is in them - ex. pudding, cake batter, etc. (let the kids give examples)

Then I proceed to talk about how the only way we can be changed from the inside out is by having Jesus transform us by getting saved. He lives inside us and guides us when we accept Him as Savior. I then go into a child's version of salvation - simple. Use 2 Cor. 5:17.

Then we all eat Jello! 

--you can also add into the lesson how once you are transformed by Jesus that you can then have ability to prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.

November 14, 2014

My Bible

I was looking at my Bible yesterday during my devotion time. Bob preached on Wednesday night about the value we place on our Bibles and how we take it for granted. My Bible is so personally mine. I know it. I know it well enough that in my mind I can see where certain passages are...which side of the book it is on, where on the page and if it is highlighted or underlined. I have notes from personal studies and notes of different preachers...some points of sermons but always preacher's name, date, and title of sermon or verses used. It is MY BIBLE. I'm thankful for it and that I have it and don't have to hide it. I got it Feb 18, 1998. I try to often thank God for it when I have just read it.

It is not my first Bible. That one had my name on it in silver letters as a kid and I received it for memorizing scripture at a small VBS I attended. I was so excited about getting it. I was about 10 and didn't know enough to value it back then. I do still have it put away in  memory box somewhere.

My Bible has been used to lead others to the Lord, to debate correct doctrine with others, to admonish and teach other ladies and kids and many teens. It has been my source of strength, peace, and knowledge and wisdom. It is timeless and always relevant when I read, search and study with an open heart and mind seeking truth from God. I cannot imagine living daily without it as a part of my life. If for some reason I do go a day without getting into it, I feel so out of sorts. My day just doesn't go as it should.

Is your Bible personally yours? Is it precious to you? How much do you value it? How well do you know it?

November 3, 2014

What is Normal?

What is normal? I think "normal" in society and the world is ever changing at a rapid pace the past few years. I look at things around me and think often "that is NOT normal" but in actuality it is. You see strange and appalling things more and more. 

In each person's life "normal" is different for everyone and for every family. Traditions and habits and styles of people and families are different for each one. Sometimes, life takes a dramatic change and there becomes a "new norm". I remember when my mom got cancer. Life become very different in a hurry...for her, for my step-dad and for all of us. We suddenly had a new norm for our lives. Norm was pain med management, feeding tubes and driving to chemo and radiation and watching my sweet mom deteriorate as the cancer, radiation and chemo stole her health, memory, and dignity. It was hard but for 14 months was the normal for our family.

Society, our current government, Hollywood, and the media keep telling us that "Normal" is what they say it is and that we must accept that or be called haters or racial or bigots. 

For some children, normal is being hungry, abused, different boyfriends or girlfriends constantly moving in and out, drunkenness or drug use of care givers and seeing what the government can give you. Unfortunately, when this is normal for them as children, it often becomes normal for them as an adult and then is passed on to their own children. 

For some children, normal is a loving home where there is respect, church and the Bible taught. I didn't grow up in church but I was taught to pray and fear God and was taught respect for elders and authority and a good work ethic and paying my bills and being on time. Meals were always ate together as a family and talking together was expected. I was surrounded by love and laughter with my cousins as my first and best friends and my grandparents were a huge part of my life. I was a country girl and practically raised on a river bank going camping, fishing, swimming and playing every sport imaginable with my cousins. I would never know how to survive in the city hardly. I am 48 years old and have never taken a public transit bus or subway or even the St. Louis Metro Link. (Nor do I ever want to!) Normal for me was going barefoot, Pepsi, Koolaid, riding in a pickup (back and front) and boat rides and getting good grades in school and becoming a responsible adult.

Some children have normal as being sports driven and that is all that matters. ... To excel and be all you can be in a sport. 

For some, good grades and achieving a higher education and becoming important is what is driven into them. Their normal is studying constantly, taking tests, going to college and climbing the corporate ladder. 

Even though there are many "normals" out there and some would say that no one can judge another person's normal, I believe it doesn't take a psychology degree to recognize "off" or "odd" or even down right "crazy" other words, "Not Normal". It is not normal for a person to desire or to walk around with 30 piercings on their face. It is not normal for people to be going around beheading people because they are angry or for a religious cause. Those who desire to have genocide of certain sects of people as a control issue or to weed out undesirables is not normal!!! 

Some days, I am sooo ready for Jesus to come and call us home to Him by the trumpet sound that I can't hardly stand to go another day in this wicked world. Some days, I am ready for a Heavenly Normal with streets of gold and the tree of life and no more aches and pains and seeing my loved ones again. Some days, I just can't wait for that new Norm! 

I'm concerned for my future grandchildren (Addelyn Jane who is on the way in March and any others) and the world and country of the USA that she will be living in. What will be her norm? I'm fearful of what she will be allowed to live through. I know that as a child of God I am on the winning side and that someday my "normal" will be wonderful but I learned very young that you'd be surprised what you can live through! 

I know that this seemed very random as a post and maybe the thoughts a little scattered but I have been thinking lately about normal and what the world tells me it should be and quite frankly I don't like it.


October 29, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Today I turned 48. I have been thinking lately about all the things I have done and been through in my life. (Quite alot for someone my age I think) In one month I will be married for 28 years and I raised a son and daughter to live for the Lord. I have my first grandchild on the way in March 2015...a girl, Addelyn Jane! Can't wait to meet her!

I have been in full time ministry with my husband since February 2003. I was a pastor's wife for 3 years, an associate pastor's wife for 1 1/2 years, and then a church planter's wife for 7 years (All the same husband!!! LOL) and now am a pastor's wife once again at my husband's first pastorate. (as stated in a previous post)

I lost my mom to cancer in 2011 after a long battle and my dad died when I was 12 years old from a massive coronary heart attack. My mom was re-married when I was 17 to my stepdad who has been my father longer than my dad was my father.

I was in a car/train collision when I was a senior in high school (see previous post for more details if interested) and this changed my life forever in many many ways.

I love teaching women and kids at church and planning church events. I like poetry, reading my Bible and listening to good preaching and debating about anything I am passionate about (ex. politics, Bible, creation, global warming, rights and the USA, etc.) I can nearly quote the first five seasons of the Andy Griffith show, and also enjoy The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, The Cosby Show and The Facts of Life show. I love aprons and collecting them and enjoycreating things in the kitchen. I like working side by side with my husband on nearly anything!

Followers of this blog (which I know are few) have seen many of my seasons of change. I just wanted to get another post in for October and give a quick low-down on me for those who do not know it already. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world.

Happy Birthday to me! I just heard my niece Amelia sing to me. She is sooo cute! I miss her bunches!

October 20, 2014

Ministry Field Perks

After being in the ministry in 3 different states, I can assure all that every ministry field has its perks and its downsides. I want to share some of those for our current field of Cleveland OK.
1. Perk - speed limits are 65 mph unless right in town & 75 mph on most turnpikes (toll roads)
        --Downside - Road Conditions (and I don't mean winter conditions!) They pay a much higher sales tax than in MO or AR and the roads are horrendous! Gravel and black top!

2. Perk - being at a church with people we served once before gives us faster acclamation time and sooner to be accepted as pastor and pastor's wife (most people say that it takes new pastors about 3 years to be accepted fully)
          --Downside - We have changed in view and age and so have those who are still here from when we served previously (having them understand how and why our views have changed in 10 years is going to take teaching)

3. Perk - Sunsets & Sunrises - they are very pretty in OK (tho I like them in MO too but don't really remember them in AR --could be cuz I was so very busy there!)
           --Downside - ground/soil is not as rich as MO so I'm interested to see how the garden does next summer - there has also been a drought here the past few years

4. Perk - being closer to my son in Texas 
            --Downside - farther from my daughter & Amelia and both Bob and my families

5. Perk - Living here before helps us know where things are (streets, businesses, etc.) & also the culture of the townspeople
            --Downside - explaining to those same people why we would move back here when we are not originally from here! lol

6. Perks - the town has grown in many ways (businesses and new folks) Yay! they have a Wal-mart Market and a McDonald's!!! Two other good restaurants - Mexican and our own church member's place "Josie's Express" where you can get American, Mexican or Asian (owner is Fillipino!) All good food and cheap
            --Downside - with the pipeline work all around near here, there are alot of people only here short term

I am sure if I sat here longer I could come up with many more perks and downsides but I will stop for now. I just didn't want to go a whole month and not post on my blog. I know how busy it can get -- we have been slowly moving for 6 weeks now a little at a time and trying to get things in order at church and our apartment and get our MO home on the real estate market, but I do not want to become guilty of neglecting my blog.

September 29, 2014

R E S P E C T - Find Out What it Means to Him!

Bob recently taught (part of a message) on the differences in what women & men want from a relationship. He elaborated on that women generally (when polled) want to know they are loved unconditionally while men want a wife to respect them. How interesting this is when God in His Word places commandments concerning these very two things! Husbands are commanded to love their wife (Eph. 5:24) and wives are commanded to reverence their husband (Eph. 5:33) In other words, respect!

I thought I would post some things to make ladies think about whether or not they have been respecting their husband. Often times things we do or say can actually be disrespecting our husband and we do not even realize it.

I cannot take credit for all of the things I will mention because I have sat under some good speakers and teachers from which I have gleaned wisdom. I often am reminded of these because I am sometimes guilty of some of the things I will mention. So, this is a good reminder for me too!

One of the biggies is do not second guess or question his decisions (especially in public). When you do this, the man feels as though you do not trust him or that you do not think he is smart enough to handle a situation. They are commanded in scripture to be the leader and caregiver and provider of the home, wife and children. If you feel there is a mistake being made, approach the subject with caution after you feel he can be approached and at an appropriate time. Think about it ladies, when you are making a mistake in the rearing of your child at the moment, do you like one of your lady friends to point it out at that given moment? No! We will be more receptive after the urgent moment has passed. Now, sometimes it is necessary to correct immediately but this should not be a thing that happens regularly or often. Usually, my rule of thumb is to ask Bob if he has prayed about a thing or situation. If he tells me yes, then I submit to his authority or leadership whether I agree or not and then I pray for God to help Bob in that decision or change his mind if it is not good for us. Prayer changes people and situations!

Do not, DO NOT, say to your kids "Don't tell Dad about this"!!! (Unless it is a surprise for him) You are teaching your kids that you in a sense want to lead, that what he doesn't know won't hurt him, that he is not worth respecting as the leader of the home, and you are undermining his authority with them. This also teaches them to be sneaky and underhanded and that it is you and them against him. Also, if you teach them this, it will eventually teach them to be sneaky with you too!

Do not be critical of him to others. This is especially important to ladies who have husbands in ministry positions (paid or unpaid - ex. Deacons, Youth Pastors, Sunday School teachers). They are leaders over certain groups and when you are critical it shows others that you do not respect him. Then why should they follow or listen when he tries to teach or counsel?

Do not imply or make reference that he does not supply enough money to take care of you. Sometimes situations and life circumstances cause financial burdens and stress but sometimes we just need to buckle down and not spend! Men generally like to feel they are good providers. Maybe you don't get to have all you want but do you have all you actually need? When push comes to shove, you will be surprised how much longer a car, couch, washer, dishwasher or clothing can hold out until you are more stable financially.

Never NEVER compare him to another man (as though he isn't as good or physically fit or romantic) even if it is a celebrity. Do you want to be compared to Jennifer Aniston or
Taylor Swift or Sandra Bullock? Or do you want to be compared to you sister or friend who is a better housekeeper or cook? Nuff Said!

Welp, I think that is enough things to get your mind thinking and heart convicted about your words and actions. Hope this helps you realize if you are guilty of not respecting your husband. If you are guilty --- make it right. Apologize! It will make for a sweet night at your house!

September 10, 2014

What's Your Super Power?

Have you seen those t-shirts that are out there that say..."I'm a ________, what's your super power"? Well, I want one that says "I'm a Preacher's Wife. What's Your Super Power?"

What does it mean to be a preacher's wife? In no particular order, it means you are the master multi-tasker, emotion hider (put a smile on despite the circumstances), prayer warrior, counselor, husband/pastor encourager, role model, teacher of children, teacher of women, criticism taker, event organizer & coordinator, peacemaker, sermon & letter proof reader, and still keeper of the home and all that goes with it.

I'm sure I have forgotten a few hundred things but I think you get the picture that a lot of responsibility comes with the title. I have had a five month break from the role but am beginning again to take on that responsibility. I love the role but am not ignorant to what comes with it. I have over 10 years practice. I hope I am improving as the years go by.

We are headed back to Cleveland, Oklahoma and Grace Baptist Church (Bob's first pastorate). We have spiritually and geographically come full circle. We left Missouri in Feb. 2003 to begin life in the ministry in Oklahoma, after 3 years we moved to Heber Springs, Arkansas for Bob to become the associate pastor and learn and gain experience without going to Bible college, after 1 1/2 years we were sent out of that church to start Rock Solid Baptist Church in Cuba, Missouri. After 7 years the church closed and we are now headed back to Cleveland. So, spiritually and on the map we made a circle.

Bob and I are excited about this opportunity that God has provided. I pray that we be found worthy of the work God has placed us over. It is hard to leave family and friends in our home state but serving the Lord is the only way we know. God has paved the way there and has provided a job and income after we tried to do it our own way and stay where we wanted. Truth is, I was the hold up on moving back there quite some time ago, but that is another story for another post.

Welp, I have explained my Super Power (from God mind you), what is yours? I DO plan to have a t-shirt made!

August 22, 2014

Gluten Free Oatmeal Brownies

Now let me say right off this recipe is still full of calories but I discovered today that you can make them sugar free using Stevia in the Raw powder. They taste great with sugar or with the Stevia!

2 sticks butter 
2 c. sugar, molasses or Stevia powder
4 eggs
1/2 t. vanilla or orange extract (I prefer the orange because they will taste like orange chocolate truffles)
1/2 c. cocoa powder
1/2 t. salt
1/8 t. baking soda
1/4 t. cream of tartar
1 c. oat flour (you can make your own in the food processor or blender!)
1/2 - 1 c. nuts (optional)

Preaheat oven to 325. Coat 9X13 pan with cooking spray or grease.
Melt butter in large saucepan over low heat. When completely melted, remove from stove. Beat in sugar or Stevia. Add eggs & choice of extract. Beat til glossy & smooth. Add cocoa, salt, soda, cream of tartar, & oat flour. Add nuts. Put in pan and bake for exactly 30 mins. Cool slightly and cut into squares.

***Check on them after about 25 minutes. If they are pulling away from pan at edges and middle seems set then go ahead and pull them at that point instead of waiting the 30 min. They will get too hard at edges if you do not.

The Mary & Martha Point

Wow! August has been an extremely busy month! I can't believe this is my first post for the month and it is already the 22nd! So much is going on and there just hasn't been time to put thoughts into type lately. Gardening, babysitting Amelia, teaching children's church, and going to Oklahoma for Bob to candidate at a church where he had his first pastorate has been using all my computer time. Also, we had our cell service down for almost two weeks which meant having to drive up the road to make calls or send texts!!! Anyhoo, that is just a light catch up for my life.

Have been thinking lately and heard a sermon about the story of Mary and Martha. Not the one where their brother Lazarus dies but the one where Jesus comes to their house to visit. Mary sits at Jesus' feet and worships and listens while Martha is "cumbered about" doing things and making everything just right because Jesus is coming and is there. She gets upset that Mary is not helping her and even asks Jesus about it and tells him to tell Mary to help her. Jesus replies that (paraphrasing) she is too worried about the serving and that Mary has chosen to do the one thing that is choose to worship him.

I have heard lots of lessons on this passage from ladies at retreats or meetings and have heard preachers preach on it too. I think lots of applications can be made and learned from the passage. However, one thing that I think is overlooked as a point to be made and learned, that I don't think I have ever heard taught, is this...If you are going to serve and do for the Lord, then just do it. Do it with a humble and serving heart and do it heartily as to the Lord and not to impress people around you. Don't worry about what others are doing and how they are serving...Just serve!
It is easy to allow ourselves to get "weary in well doing" and gripe because "no one else is helping" in this area or that area. ---Been there! I believe we are all guilty of this at some point once in awhile. But this poor and prideful (yes prideful) attitude will rob us of rewards and will also create anger and bitterness in our hearts. It will also cause us to not give our 100% in the area we are serving. We may start doing with a half-hearted will and the fruit of our work will then show this half-hearted attitude. Not as much time and effort will go into cleaning, teaching, cutting the grass, or even door knocking.
In reality, scripture tells us to do all to the Glory of God and to do all heartily as to the Lord. It doesn't matter what others are doing. Just do it!! Your reward depends upon you and your attitude!

July 31, 2014

Broken Pieces

When I was reading in my Bible this morning, I was in the passage in Acts where Paul is being taken to Rome for judgement and the ship is wrecked near the island of Mileta. I read the verse that told the men who could swim to jump ship and head to land and then the rest clinged to boards and broken pieces of the ship and all made it safely to shore. It struck me as I read, that often times it is the broken pieces we cling to that get us through. Sometimes they can be our life line, our buoy that keeps us afloat.

When things in our lives are shattered, sometimes all we can do is pick up those pieces and start trying to put them back together. This alone can help distract us from the tragedy of the moment and help to stabilize us for a time. Some of those pieces may be pictures, memories, possessions, treasured keepsakes, relationships, etc. Clinging to these can help our hearts and minds to heal as we go about our daily lives. When my mom died three years ago, pictures, memories in my mind, letters and cards in her handwriting, home movies were and are some of the things I cling to that help keep me afloat. I also have my niece Amelia that is a joy to be around but also is bitter sweet because I often watch her and think how much my mom would have loved her. Staying busy with day to day chores help to keep me afloat as Bob and I wait out this time he must be away to work. I feel very broken these days but have ever since April. Even though life has gone on (as it always does no matter how badly you want it to stop for awhile), I still don't feel quite stabilized and like my feet are back under me firmly. I still feel a little lost but I am doing my best to rely on the firm foundation of God and His Word. Still, clinging to the broken pieces floating around my life helps me.

Another thing I'd like to address is that broken pieces of anything can sometimes be sharp and dangerous and possibly even be something to let go of and not cling to so that you don't have further breakage in your life. We must decide what things are worth hanging on to and what things are not. Sometimes this decision is hard. People for the most part do not like major change. ...Even though we women do get bored with ourselves and our houses and routines at times and go for the makeovers or rearranging the house or whatever, we still don't like change that comes suddenly and that we haven't chosen!

If you have recently had some shattering in your life, cling to the things that help keep you afloat.

July 27, 2014

My Current Journey's Dash

Just wanted to blog about what is going on with me lately. Regular readers (which are few - some may wonder why I even bother with this blog since I do have such few followers but it is an outlet for me...that's all I can say) anyhoo, those who do follow know that there has been alot happening in our lives since April. We closed our church, started attending another church in the area until we understand God's Will for our next step, and spent time grieving this and trying to press forward. There was alot to do to empty the church building and finalize the closing. Because the church closed, we lost almost half our monthly income. We were given something as sort of a severance pay that helped keep us going until recently. Because we are in somewhat of a different situation than the average person who just lost a job...Bob couldn't just go get another secular job to replace the church income. Bob is burdened to be in the ministry and serving God in a pastoral capacity. This means he must find a way to earn money and still have time to apply at and candidate at churches that are seeking pastors. He MUST have this freedom. He didn't want to get a job and quit right away if a church called him as pastor or be tied down so that he couldn't have time off to candidate. He is an electrical lineman by trade and decided to go back to doing line work through contracted union labor. This means leaving home and going on the road traveling wherever the work is. He is currently 10 hours away from me in Ohio. It was 2 weeks yesterday since he left. The good thing about it is that the pay is good and will help us get back on our feet and caught up on bills AND it is easy to just decide to quit and go home when he feels it has been long enough or if a church calls him. That is how lineman contract work is. People come and go from jobs on a regular basis and as long as you keep your "dues" paid up, you can accept or decline work as it is offered. It gives you some freedom and good pay. The drawback is the being away from home and the usually always long hours. He is currently working 10 hours a day 6 days a week!

Of course, military wives, truckers' wives and oil workers' wives also deal with those same issues of husbands being gone, so I am not trying to "boohoo" here, just going to write about what this is like for us. Military wives being the ones whose job is the hardest for it is for much longer periods of time than the others and with less contact by phone or mail or whatever too.  Often they are in another country on the other side of the world. I applaud you for your sacrifice of giving them up for my safety! (clap clap clap)

 It is hard bearing all the load and burdens on the home front when a husband is gone. You cling to the idea of when they get back and that helps you get through each day. And IT IS day by day!!! If kids are there it can be in some ways easier because they are a daily distraction but it also means you assume full responsibility of their care...24/7. If you are an empty-nester (as I am) there is more lonely time to fill.

You are taking over the "home duties and responsibilities" that the husband normally does. ...grass cutting, car maintenance, trash, home repairs, (and for me taking care of our large garden and harvesting it), etc. This may mean doing it yourself or being responsible to find someone else do it. It can become overwhelming when added to your normal daily chores that most women have. There is less laundry and less cooking meals so that burden gets cut as you take on the new ones.

Staying busy doing things helps to pass the time. When I stay idle too long I get sad and cry. I spend alot of time praying and asking God to keep Bob safe, his back and knees healthy and bring him home to me safe and sound asap.  Line work is dangerous. You need the other people you are working with to be conscious of what they are doing and to KNOW what they are doing or you can get seriously hurt or killed.

The longer the husband is away, the bigger adjustment to daily life when he returns. It may be hard to understand but that is the way it is. You are both sooo happy to be together again but you both have gotten used to being alone and doing things in your own little ways and dealing with things and it just takes some adjustment to get acclimated again. For instance, the woman has had to make many daily decisions on her own without him. It may be hard to step back and let him take over the head reigns again if you do not work at it. It may take time to get used to sleeping in the same bed again after a long period of time (even tho you have waited and waited for that) because you have started sleeping stretched out all over the place.

I'm just stating facts here that are the way it is often times. I'm not trying to boohoo or complain or say it can't be done. It has been done by me before and by many others now and in the past. I'm just letting those who have never gone through it understand how it is and what it is like.

If you know someone who is going through this, please be understanding and lend an ear, a hand or just a respite out. Call and check on them so they don't feel so alone. Just wanted to talk about what is going on here and give some insight into what life is like when a husband has to be gone.

July 15, 2014


Just wanted to post about the influences surrounding us. Everyone has things and people that influence them. Everyone is an influence to others whether they want to or not and whether they realize it or not. You are always influencing for good or for wrong.

The Bible says: Romans 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.

This verse tells us that we all have an affect on others around us.

This is why it is so important to protect ourselves from wicked influences. It is important to protect our eyes and ears and mind from what is taken in.

This is also why it is important to have a good testimony and be careful how we walk and talk and even dress. We are influencing others. For some people we are the only Bible they currently know. We are the only representative of God or Christ that another may know. If they see you living in sin, fretting over life's situations or being careless in our words, they will have a negative view of Christians and God. That is why so many people think that churches are full of hypocrits. --Because they SEE and HEAR them acting, talking, or living incorrectly to God's Word.

Children surely learn what they see in the adults around them. If they see and hear criticism of others they learn to be critical. If they see and hear negative view points all the time that is what they learn to focus on. If they see and hear parents praying, reading their Bible and statements about trusting God for the future and for daily provision they will grow up learning to do those things as well.

By the same token, if an adult surrounds themselves with people who are negative and gripe and complain about everything they soon learn to be the same way. Attitudes and moods are catching! Don't believe me?...See how fast a household gets out of whack when Momma is in a bad mood!

Just a post to remind you to be careful of the influences you allow near yourself and to be careful of the influence you are having on others around you.

July 10, 2014

Zucchini Boat Ideas

Some of my facebook friends have been asking for my recipes for my stuffed zucchini boats. I have already posted on here a low-cal recipe but here are two more.

First of all, you can stuff any kind of vegetable with just about anything you like...zucchini, peppers of any sort, tomatoes, egg plant ... don't be afraid to experiment! Just think it up and try it!

Here goes... Select some zucchini and cut in half length wise. Scoop out the pulp or meat of the veggie. I chop it up (as coarse as you like it) and saute it in 1-2 Tablespoons of coconut oil (use oil or butter of choice or cooking spray). Coconut or safflower oil is usually my choice cuz it is extremely good for you despite the fact of some extra calories over margarine. I also saute the scoopings with chopped onion, minced garlic. You can throw in some chopped tomatoes too! When tender scoop into zucchini boat shells and then top with some Parmesan cheese and bake at 350 til shells are tender. I use Mrs. Dash seasonings and any other I feel a fancy to throw in and try for flavoring. These are very tasty and very low calorie and good for even the nutri-system diet. (Especially if you use spray to saute veggies)

Recipe number 2:
This one is not low cal at all but is extremely flavorful and a joy to eat!

Cut zucchini in half. Scoop out pulp and chop up. Get 1/2 to 1 lb Italian sausage or sausage of choice and brown with chopped onion and zucchini pulp til tender. Drain off grease.

In the mean time get a box of stuffing mix of choice (I use chicken flavor from Aldi because it is cheap and I think tastes better than Stove Top!) Make according to pkg directions. When done, mix stuffing, sausage/veggie mixture and some mozzarella cheese. Scoop into empty boat shells and bake at 350 until boats are fork tender.

***Note: do this in a casserole dish or 9X13 pan because there will be juice from the zucchini that builds up. It will not be wise to do on a pizza pan or cookie sheet. You will have a mess in the oven!

June 24, 2014

The Power of a Praying Parent

It is 2:30 a.m. and I am having trouble sleeping so I thought I would do some blogging. This subject has been on my mind a few days so I must be supposed to post about it.

I do not think that most Christians utilize their most valuable commodity which is prayer. Prayer is the one thing you can do that is constructive and powerful for it moves God (as long as it is within His will) and because of Jesus we in this day and age have bold access to the throne of God. Hebrews 4:16 tells us this! Prayer is a much more productive use of time than fretting and worrying. Both of these do nothing but cause anxiety, nervousness, raised blood pressure and other physical ailments.

 Not only do Christians in general not utilize prayer but especially parents do not. The most important thing a parent can do for their child is to completely cover them in prayer...about everything. Parents, start when they are born and never stop! Pray for their health, for their safety, for God to use them, for their surrendered will to God. When my kids were teens I began praying that they never be allowed to get away with sin. I would pray "Lord, if my kids do something wrong, let them get caught". (I learned this idea from an article in a Christian magazine written by another parent) Pray for their character. Pray for their purity until marriage. Pray for their future spouses to be godly. Pray for their salvation from the time they are born until it happens. When they begin driving, pray for their safety. Pray for evil influences to be kept at bay (especially secret influences that they may try to hide from you).

Also, teach your child the power of prayer, of God's love, and a relationship with God. Teach them that God hears and always answers even if at times the answer is "no" or "wait for my timing". Lead by example. Let them see you praying other than at meal time. Pray with them, too, not just for them! Have times of a family circle of prayer. Prayer is sooo important. God tells us in the book of James that "ye have not because ye ask not". Let your kids know that nothing is too big or too small to pray about. My kids used to hear me pray over a new recipe I was trying. My daughter definitely has prayed over her own since becoming a new wife over the past year. I believe that was her seeing me do it. She trusted a small thing to God!


June 19, 2014

Homemade Ideas

Just wanted to share some homemade ideas and/or remedies...

First of all, I think I have been doing this since February of this year (2014). Coconut Oil makes a wonderful moisturizer for the face and neck!  I read about it in a magazine and decided to try it as soon as my Oil of Olay ran out. I just put a scoop of coconut oil into the washed out container that the old moisturizer was in and it works great! I feel like my face is softer and has less lines than before I started using the coconut oil. The patchy dry and flaky spots went away almost instantly that were happening during the winter and early spring months here in Missouri. (We had such a long cold winter!)

**I love this recipe for homemade deodorant...

3 T. coconut oil
2-3 drops Tea Tree Oil
1/4 c. baking soda
1/4 c. baby powder or cornstarch (I use baby powder)
Few drops of essential oil of choice (I use peppermint and/or lavender)

Melt coconut oil in small sauce pan on low heat. Add rest of ingredients. Mix well until lumps are gone. Pour into small container of choice. Allow to harden at room temperature or in frig. Apply with fingers. In winter it is harder in the jar and takes some rubbing around to get onto fingers to apply to pits but in summer it is almost runny at times but still works the same. If you don't like it runny you can keep in frig or cool place.
(Commercial deodorants put aluminum into your body and that causes many health issues over a period of time) Do some research on your own.

**Using cider vinegar as a rinse makes the hair soft and shiny and brings out natural highlights.

**White vinegar is a great cleaner for nearly anything. You can dust with it, clean mirrors and windows, makes tile, wood or vinyl floors shine, makes marble and chrome shine, and is good to use from a spray bottle after the shower on the shower walls (works like the clean shower stuff only it is all natural) Mix with baking soda and you have a great "comet" type cleaner that bubbles!

**Honey is great for bee stings, allergies, and burns. Also, mix honey and cider vinegar and sip for sore throats.  

**Alkaseltzer (I use Walmart brand) is a wonder cure for UTIs and sometimes yeast infections. (Not the cold med but the plain stuff for stomach pain). I used to get lots of UTIs and haven't had to be on antibiotics for over 4 years! I take one tablet in water at first signs of symptoms and it takes care of it. I have only had to take more than 1 tablet about 3 times in four years! Pretty good statistics if ya ask me!! :)

**Lavender Essential Oil is nearly the best thing to put on burns. Especially if blisters are present. Do not pop blisters but put the oil on and leave alone. If skin gets dry then add more throughout the day. Recently I had opportunity to try this after hot grease from a fry daddy splashed out on my hand and face. I immediately used cool water and then dried and put the essential oil on and kept it on for about three days. I had no pain and no scars! (Essential oils are expensive but worth it to keep around the house and they last forever!)

Hope some of these are a blessing idea for someone. I will only post things like this that I have tested. Seeing and experiencing is believing after all, right?

God is ALWAYS on the Throne!

Just some thoughts today about God. So often when tragedies come in this life and in this world people question "where is/was God during this"?

Welp, I'm here today to say that He is on the throne! He never leaves it just because you don't like or understand what is happening.

He was on the throne when he supplies my needs, gives me peace and comfort, and blesses me when I don't deserve it. He is also on the throne when the trials come. He was on the throne when I was 12 years old and told that my dad had a massive coronary and died of hardening of the arteries. Though this changed my life forever and hurt beyond belief, God still had a plan and a reason for it. I may not have liked it and still do not fully understand but I trust God with my life. He was on the throne when my paternal Grandma had a heart attack and then the paramedics revived her after she had already turned blue. She lived several more months after and then past away in her early sixties on the day after her birthday. He was on the throne when both my maternal grandparents died. He was even on the throne when my mom got cancer and fought it for 1 year and 2 months before passing into eternal life.

He is all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent (everywhere all the time), always just, always loving (even in his correction & discipline) and always merciful to me, his child. If I do not believe and hold to this notion, I will become bitter and angry at God and certainly will lack trusting him. I may tend to question every moment of my life, especially when the bad times come. I understand that He is still on the throne know matter what is happening in my life. Everything is ordained by him or allowed by him and it is for my good and/or for his glory. I realized a long time ago that much of what a person goes through in life has sometimes more to do with those around them than actually to do with them.

God doesn't take a vacation from being in control. CEOs and Presidents go on vacation and take breaks from being in charge at the company. God does not leave his throne of power ....EVER! Questioning God's reign of control and wondering if he forgot to use his power or love just because something bad happens is like questioning a parents love, power and authority just because a child falls down and skins their knee while holding the parent's hand. Were the parents still the authority? Did they love the child while they got hurt? Yes! But the parent is there to pick them up, dust them off, tend to the injury and hold them as they cry. God does the same for us.

We should not question where he is but just realize that he is still on the throne and in control.

June 12, 2014

Future Sighted

There are many people out there with vision problems. Some people are blind completely, some are near-sighted, some are far-sighted, some have cataracts, and some have just the "over 40" need glasses to read syndrome. (that is me!) No matter if you have 20/20 vision or one of the before mentioned eye problems; you still have a need to be "Future Sighted".

This year at Rock Solid Baptist Church (the one we recently closed) the theme for the year was Philippians 4:13 - "Pressing Toward the Mark". The idea was to not stop moving forward for Christ and to press towards Biblical Christianity. Bob got the opportunity to preach on Wednesday night while our pastor was out of town and he covered this topic. The sermon actually reminded me of our lives right now. While the points he made are very relative and applicable to my life, there was also a much deeper meaning for me. Some people do not understand the life Bob and I have chosen or the call on Bob's life to be a pastor and in full time ministry. Believe it or not, some women do not understand me following Bob wherever God leads him. They question me being willing to move (out of state if need be) or willing to place myself under so much stress or "fish bowl syndrome" that comes with life in the ministry. I reckon that from an outsider looking in or from a point of view of someone who may not be saved or at the very least not living their life pleasing to the Lord, I can sorta understand the questioning. However, for me I want to be used of God. I want to be in the center of His Will and I want when I am gone from this present world for it to have mattered that I was here. I want someday to hear "Well done thou good and faithful servant". No one will probably ever know how much this is a goal of mine. Most of the time I feel I fall short. That is probably a good thing or I may be tempted to get prideful and full of myself and not keep striving to do better. Because of this, I must be "future sighted". I must focus on rewards in heaven and not on treasures on earth. Sometimes life on earth is hard. Sometimes what God asks of us seems impossible or may even bring pain or heart ache but with heaven's view in mind I can know wholeheartedly that God loves me and wants what is good and best for me and this helps me remain future sighted. Don't get me wrong, I struggle some days with the not understanding and questioning but in the end I turn palms up and remember that no matter what happens here on is well with my soul! And...


I hope that this post will help someone to remember to be "Future Sighted" and keep heaven's view and reward in mind. This life is only a vapor ... just here for a short time and in the end only those things done for Christ will matter.

June 10, 2014

Low-Cal Stuffing Mix for Peppers

Made up this recipe for a diet Bob has been on. It is very tasty and I figured I would share it.

Anaheims, Banana or Peblano peppers (preferrably large enough to stuff) Your choice!
1 lb ground turkey
1 small onion chopped small
1 T. minced garlic
1 pkg (8oz) FAT FREE cream cheese - room temp
1 16oz LOW FAT cottage cheese (I prefer small curd)
1 T. lime juice
1 t. chili powder
1 t. ground cumin
1 t. ground red pepper of choice
1 t. Cilantro (or to taste)
1 small tomato diced small

Preheat oven to 350. Brown turkey with onion and garlic til cooked thoroughly. Let cool. In mean time, mix remaining ingredients until well blended and then add turkey mixture. Refrigerate at least 1 hour and then stuff into peppers of choice that have been sliced open length wise and de-seeded. Place toothpick across to hold together. Bake in baking dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Bake til peppers are tender. Enjoy!

***This recipe is safe to eat on the Nutri-System diet if only two large peppers are eaten. It qualifies as a smart carb!

May 22, 2014

Loss Must Be Dealt With

Had this post idea rolling through my mind for several days but didn't have a chance to develop the thoughts into coherent ideas to put in type. It first stemmed from this thought...Life pushes you forward no matter how much you want it to stop for awhile. It has already been 6 weeks today since we closed our church. That doesn't seem possible. Staying busy has kept some of the mourning down. There was the packing and emptying of the church building along with decisions about where to attend church and serve until we see what God has planned for us. There was getting our house organized enough to bring stuff home from the church building. The new church we are serving in has had things quite active already with a ladies meeting, cooking for a funeral,  two day soul winning class, and nursing home ministry one Sunday. Bob has also been a couple times with the pastor to visit some folks who had visited the church from our church. That doesn't even count getting a garden in, babysitting Amelia (my niece) and just daily life of living.

I thought that I was pretty much over the mourning process of losing our church but I don't think I fully am. I have been overly emotional this week. I know the old saying of staying busy ... especially for others when you are down or hurting and this is good advice. However, at some point you must deal with the loss you have experienced in order to move past it. People in general face so much loss in a lifetime (some more than others) that it is actually quite amazing at how well we as the emotional beings God created us to be, are able to adapt and move on. (now I know that there are some who struggle in this area and maybe don't deal and move on but most people do)

Loss doesn't have to be just the death of a loved one. Loss can be loss of a friendship, marriage, job, home, children growing up & leaving home, pet, reputation, honor, vehicle, health, mind, business, identity, vacation you thought you were taking, and the list can go on. Whatever the loss you may experience, at some point you must acknowledge it, mourn over it (for however long necessary), accept it and then move on forward in life somehow and someway. This is easiest when leaning on God for your strength and close loved ones, too. There may be times when you remember the loss after moving past it and the mourning may return for a time. Usually when it returns you are able to pull out of the slump and mourning faster than when it originally happened.
Either way, the above process still applies. It is ok to cry over the loss and wish it wasn't so but eventually you must dry the eyes, take a deep breath, accept what has happened and decide in your heart and mind to move on. You must take steps to get on with your life with the way God has allowed your life to be.

God knows what you are going through. He is there for you to lean on if you just do it. God knew Bob and I would start Rock Solid Baptist Church and that it would last 7 years and then He would move us somewhere else. We have decided that God was gracious in allowing us to even start the church to 1. Make a difference in lives in this area, 2. Gain experience we would not have gained in another way, 3. To be local and not out of state when my mom got sick with cancer. I don't believe I would have been able to handle that year and a half living 4 1/2 hours away from her and not helping in her care. That experience alone, has shaped and molded me forever for the future in ways that are too personal and too much to talk about now. Maybe someday another post will cover it.

So, like I said in the beginning...Life goes on ... Whether we want it to or not. Tonight the sun will set, and tomorrow morning the sun will rise...And hopefully so will I! ...Lord willing. Even though some days are hard, and I want to do nothing more than lay on the couch and cry; sooner or later I must get up and do and go on with life.