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May 30, 2013

"But" Leads to Trouble

Just want to share some thoughts I had lately after a Sunday school class. We were talking about doing God's Will and not our own. Anyhoo, I got to thinking about how when you hear someone use the word "but", it is a good indicator they are about to enter sin. For instance..."I know it's wrong, but..." or "I shouldn't, but..." or "I should, but...". These are phrases often followed by "I'm going to anyway" or "I don't care, I want to..". This is self-will OR self-indulgence and self-will usually or at least often means SIN.

We people are like that many times through out the day. Choosing our own wills over what God would have us to do. The spirit is often willing but the flesh is weak! :)

In the past few months, I've had several people say to me that they know it's wrong to live together before marriage but they are going to do it anyway or encourage someone else to do it to find out how the person is before marriage to avoid divorce later on. This is saying you know better than God! Often this subject or pre-marital relations or abstinence is viewed as only for teenagers and not adults. Hmm, I'm not sure God put a time frame on it in His Word!

I've also had people say they know they should spank their children and discipline correctly and timely but they do not; giving all kinds of different excuses. What this boils down to is lazy parenting! Sorry if that offends but I have been guilty of this at times myself so I can say it! We are "too tired" to do it, or we get concerned about what others will say or think, or we lash out in haste at the child instead of correctly and lovingly giving discipline. If we love them we will correct them! God is the ultimate parent and He chastens whom He loves.

We know we shouldn't eat that dessert or have the second or third helping at meal time BUT we do it anyway to satisfy ourselves. Then we have a belly ache or gain more weight than we would like, etc.

We know we should tell others about Jesus and His saving love and grace but we do not. We worry they will think we are a freak or that they will be offended. ...Hey they may be but we are commanded to tell them, what they do about it is up to them.

Therefore,to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17

This verse means that when you know to do right and don't do it, you are in sin! If you know that you are to go to church but decide not to are in sin and need to confess it to God. If you know to witness, to tithe, to be kind, to pray, etc. and do not do those things then these are "sins of omission" and need to be confessed also.

Just some thoughts to ponder....using the word "But" is a sign you may be headed for trouble!

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