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October 10, 2013

Snacks Spoil Meals

Was reading in my new 40 days in God's Presence devotional and got an idea for a blog post. As all Moms know, allowing kids too many snacks between meals spoils them from eating well at meal time. Even allowing one wrong type of snack can fill them up too much, especially young ones.

Well, it is the same for adults too. Both with food and with the God. Jesus said that those who hungered after righteousness would be filled. Often times we are too busy focusing on the world and material things and life's busy schedules and spending time in only things to please the flesh. When we are full of so many other things, we will not be hungry for the things of God. It is just that simple. Maybe we want to watch TV or a movie instead of reading the Bible, maybe we'd rather have a Saturday out than to go on visitation or help with things at the church, maybe we'd rather listen to worldly music than that which is pleasing to God, maybe we'd rather go shopping for ourselves or go out to eat than to help someone in need or give to a missions program. The list can go on and on. The point is that we fill up on "snacks" that are more than likely not healthy for us, which can diminish our desire for the real "Meal" of Godly things. True joy and satisfaction only come from that real meal! So, let us not substitute empty calories for those that will only add weight (that we are to lay aside because it will hinder our service and walk with the Lord - Hebrews 12:1) and keep us from being truly hungry for righteousness.
Just something to ponder. How's your appetite? Do you long for only the sweet stuff, the "junk" food, the carbohydrates instead of the good meat and protein that should come from God? Psalm 34:8 - O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

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