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December 18, 2014

Why De-Bunk Christmas?

Had a conversation with someone recently who was frustrated about things preached about in her church and talked about amongst the congregation. I do not understand why some out there feel the need to be critical of the Christmas celebration, traditions or items surrounding it. 

While I know that December 25th is not the date of Jesus' birth, that is not really important, is it? No one knows the exact date and many so called scholars even debate over whether it was Spring time (March) or Autumn (October). Sometimes people today celebrate their birthday a few days before or after the actual date, does that make the celebration any less special? The point is that a date has been chosen to set aside the remembrance of His birth. For the USA and many others in the world, it is Dec. 25th. Many say, that we were never told to remember His birth only His death. Well, there would be no cross without that cradle! It also doesn't really matter that it was originally chosen because of pagan traditions. It is only important that your heart be right in the celebration of Christ's birth. (BTW, to all the non-Christian religions and atheists out there, if you don't celebrate the birth of Christ, get over it and leave those of us who do alone! We do not holler and throw fits over your celebrations!) 

I know that we do not know how many wise men there were but I DO know that the Bible is plain that they were NOT there on the night of the birth but quite some time later as they came into the house. This is why my nativity scene does not display the 3 kings or wise men. However, I don't get hostile cuz someone else decides to display it. Many say that three is the number of gifts given so that kinda makes sense but still there could have been two or more than three men. I have been told that the Catholic Bible in one of the books of Macabees names three kings by name. ---this is probably more than likely where the three comes from. BTW, many of our holidays are tied to the Catholic religion.

Oh my, apparently some preacher recently griped about there not being an innkeeper! Really? Well, one with a thinking brain may reasonably assume that if there was an inn there would have been an innkeeper! An inn implies a pay for establishment which needs someone to attend it and take the money! 

Christmas trees are something else to get people stirred up. There are many many stories around the internet to say the origin of this tradition (don't know which is right) and I don't know if it is something that makes God cringe when we do this. (Pleasing God is more important to me than pleasing preachers and scoffers who gripe about traditions and if I can't find command or principle against, then I choose not to speak where God hasn't and I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me) I only know that today, it is a beautiful display to commemorate the Christmas season. It is a symbol of this time of year. It is kinda like candles on a birthday cake. Again, I think it is a heart issue (as most things in life are) and as long as you do not worship the tree I don't think it is a sin to decorate one. 

Gift giving is one that I still do not fully grasp. It is the birth of Jesus yet everyone else gets the gifts. Bob and I try to do something to give a gift to Jesus by buying gifts for a Christmas charity or buying for the church as a way of gifting to Christ. Again, there are many stories out there attributing to the origin of this practice. All are different. 

Gifts, brings us to Santa Claus. Now, my mind goes round and round over the years on this topic. I do not know if I was starting over with my kids if I'd do the Santa thing or not. Knowing me, I probably would. As long as you keep Jesus in the forefront (our family has read the Christmas story on Christmas morning from the Bible since kids were little) and as the main thing at Christmas, Santa can be a fun part of the holiday. If you look at him with critical eyes you see a fat man in a red suit but if you look at him with the heart, he is part of the magic of Christmas. I do think that "Santa gifts" should be re-evaluated. Shouldn't the best gifts and biggest gifts be from the parents? Shouldn't we strive to keep their love focused to us and their appreciation of us? Let Santa bring the small stuff and Mom and Dad bring the best and most perfect gifts. After all, every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above and cometh down from the Father of lights...(James 1:17). God, our heavenly Father, gives us good gifts. He is the perfect parent! When you let Santa bring the big gifts it makes him a respecter of persons. After all, some cannot afford big and expensive gifts, so when kids go to school and talk about what they got from Santa, it could cause some heartache for others when they get smaller gifts. 

All this has been said to say this...if you choose not to do some or any of the Christmas traditions or choose not to celebrate it at all, keep your mouth shut. Don't go to church or someone else's home and tell kids that there is no Santa Claus or it is wrong to put up a tree or whatever. It is not your place to do this. You are not those kids parents! Take care of your own house. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm quite frankly, tired of preachers and Sunday school teachers deciding to take it upon themselves to inform other people's children about the evils of the holidays we celebrate. 





Tori Leslie said...

Wow! That was a mouthful. I can just imagine you've put up with some stuff lately over this topic.
We traditionally celebrate Christmas also. We have a tree, stockings, lights and carols but we've never done Santa with our children. That said, I don't care what you do with yours since they are YOURS. I think preachers step over boundaries when they step into the Dad's roll in a family.
Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of love, laughter and Jesus!

Tammy said...

It is amazing to me how some will stand in the pulpit and say that Santa is fake and the tooth fairy and Easter bunny with young kids sitting right there. They also confuse them by saying that Dec 25 is not date. I think many try to sound superior and that is why they do it.