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July 15, 2016

She Broke the Box!

Giving our all to God.
Mark 14:3

First, I'd like to point out that Mary didn't remove the lid or cork & pour the ointment out. 
--if she had she might have been tempted to keep some of it for herself to use or sell

Sometimes we hold back giving something to God or someone else because we will have to give up something---time, money, possessions

---we say, "if I give to this offering, I can't go to the movies, or out to dinner, or buy this certain item"
--we say, "If I drive a bus route or visit a bus route, I have to get up early on Sundays, eat later than normal for lunch, and/or give up time on Saturdays"
--we say, "If I drive that person to the doctor or store, I won't have gas for my own trip somewhere or I don't feel like doing that, I want to do something else"

Let's look at two areas in our lives where we can give all to God...
In Giving & Offerings
---Widow's 2 mites - Luke 21:1-4
--Ex. 36:5 - And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make.

-- people gave so much willingly for the building of the sanctuary that Moses had to stop them from bringing any more
--1 Chron. 29:3 

--If we set our affection on the house of God, we will want to give - it is hard to invest time and money in something when our heart isn't in it - Matt. 6:21 
--Fireproof movie -- dare challenge

In Our Care of Others
 - story of man with palsy - Mark 2:1-5

friends or family cared so much that they took much effort and time to get the mad to Jesus
--Jesus saw their faith

--story of Good Samaritan - Luke 10:30-35
He showed compassion, - it cost him time and money 
--caring for someone's injuries is also kind of gross, but he did it.

Mary broke the box...she held nothing back...she gave it all to Jesus

We sing the song "All to Jesus I surrender. All to Him I freely give."
What we should sing is "Some to Jesus I surrender. Some to Him I grudgingly give."

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