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December 14, 2016

People are a Process

I'm not sure what this post will hold. It may be more theraputic for me than one to help someone else. I was looking through some old notes from a biblical counseling seminar that Bob and I took this past summer. While attending the seminar we felt that many things were taught out of context of the bible but there was still much that we could learn from. It is good to go back and re-read over notes or texts used as a reminder of things we once learned. (this is also the reason churches have revivals and conferences... because we need reminded!) 

I had written down the phrase when taking notes "People are a Process". We need to remember that change is hard for everyone even when we desire it. It is extremely hard to make positive changes in ourselves so it is next to impossible to help someone else to make changes in themselves. We need to remember that it will take time... there may be only baby steps at first. However, forward is forward no matter the pace. If we keep this in mind, we will be less likely to become frustrated--with ourselves and with others especially. 

In ministry, frustration comes when you feel there is no progress. When you look around and see no growth, no results or spiritual moving forward it is easy to become discouraged and question if you are where God intends. Did you misread His calling? Did you make a mistake? It is even easier to become discouraged when it seems that not only is there no progress or spiritual growth, it appears that it is actually going backwards! You not only question God's intentions but your own ability. Do I have the ability to lead others? Am I hindering the work of the Holy Spirit or holding back someone else's spiritual growth because of my inability to teach and get across? Do I lack the personality to attract others to the church? Do I offend when I speak? Many questions come to mind when you do not see results. Many preachers say that you should not be results oriented but results is the only way to measure what is happening. Is the church growing or shrinking or stagnant? If not growing, there is a problem somewhere. Is it the fault of leadership or is it the apathetic, hard hearted and stiff-necked membership? I suppose these are futile questions that only God knows. One thing is for sure, a church that is not growing spiritually and/or numerically is in reality a dead church. It needs revival. How this revival is brought is the question. 

While people are a process, and they may take time, there should still be a growing and moving forward that can be seen. Even a sloth that moves so slowly that at times it can barely be seen, if you watch long enough and close enough, it can be seen! Process or not---- eventually there is change. At a processing plant of whatever sort, a product starts at one part of the plant and goes through a long process to the other end of the plant and by the time it reaches the end of the plant it is something different than what it started out as. 

I have no idea if this post made any sense but it helped me so, I reckon that's what is important at 4 a.m.! 

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