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July 11, 2017

Three Victories to Change Our Lives - Noah's Ark Series Lesson 4

Building the Ark of  Confidence
Philippians 1:6
The great victories of life are won
-not on the battlefield of military conflict,
-not in the sports arenas of the world,
-not in the market places,
-not in the scientific laboratories,
-not even in the great expanses of space;
but rather in the souls of people.
The great battles of life are won and lost inside; in the inner lives of individual people.

In the book of Philippians we see three inner victories recorded by Paul. 
Phil 1:12-14
I. We don't have to be victims of circumstances
--don't have to be imprisoned or paralyzed by any situation
--can be victors & rise above with God's help
Paul was in jail, he was sick, he was away from loved ones, was cut off from his dream of traveling and spreading the gospel
--he didn't wallow in self-pity but tells us that it all happened to help further the gospel & even helped others to be bold for Christ
--He used his circumstances & wasn't enslaved by them
***We don't have to be thermometers - we can be thermostats!
--A thermometer simply tells us what the temperature is
--A Thermostat changes or influences the temperature!
Christians can use every circumstance as an opportunity to serve Christ 
-Like a thermostat we can change or influence what is going on around us

Phil. 2:3-4, 3:7-8, 3:13-14
II. We don't have to be victims of pride
--sometimes we get caught up in being too concerned with what people think of us (good & bad)
--we also sometimes want recognition for our deeds
Paul reminds us to place others above ourselves
--that when we gain for ourselves it is loss for Christ
--to forget what is behind & press forward
We need to forget bad things & not wallow in it - this can make us depressed & unproductive for Christ
We need to forget good things also because we can become prideful and stuck thinking about the "Glory Days" - this also makes us stagnant & unproductive

Phil. 1:19-20
III. We don't have to be victims of death
--Many Bible saints were not afraid of death
--Paul stood ready for life or death as long as the cause of Christ went on

Christians do not have to fear death
Prov. 14:32, 2 Cor. 5:8, John 5:24
If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, you can know that death is just a transfer to the home office!


Cindy said...

"We don't have to be thermometers - we can be thermostats" - Love this! Don't just accept where you are or whats being thrown at you. Be the catalyst. Be the change. Great lesson. Thanks

Tammy said...

Glad it was helpful. Sometimes I forget to be the thermostat. It was a good reminder for me too.