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April 22, 2018

God Commands Oneness

Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

It is reiterated again in the New Testament in Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:4-9. I want to take a look at becoming one. 

I believe there are many things to talk about in this. First of all there is the leaving and cleaving to one another. I did a previous post about leaving and cleaving. 
I think God intends for oneness to be in every aspect of the relationship. Not that they should have every thought and idea the same. But, they should be on the same page in finances, child rearing, church, and outside influences. There will be much turmoil and arguing if a couple cannot get on the same page in these areas. 

If one half of the couple likes to spend and the other is conservative in spending or prefers to pay bills and save, the arguing will ensue. If one half of the couple believes in loving discipline that includes spanking and the other only believes in timeout or grounding, arguments will happen. If one person is cautious about outside influences and the other is open to any and all things, there will also be arguing. 

Of all the things mentioned, I believe the one most important is church. It is not good enough to just look for and marry a Born Again Christian. You should marry inside your own faith. If you do not, there will be confusion for children where doctrine is concerned. There will be arguments about which church to attend. Also, within this the level of commitment to church should match your own. If one is nonchalant in church attendance and service and the other never misses and is very involved, again, arguments are bound to happen. 

Now, I'd like to say that some and probably most of these items mentioned will take being sure before marriage.  But, they can be worked out later in marriage. The happiest marriages are those with couples who have true oneness. Remember, God commands one flesh.

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