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October 30, 2018

Making Lemonade From Lemons

Many people walk around in life with the attitude that life isn't fair. They are upset that they missed out on something in life or that they lost something in life or that life is easier for others than them. They live life jealous, angry, bitter, depressed, and defeated because life isn't the way they feel it should be for them. 

Weeelll, I hate to tell you this if you're one of those people but LIFE ISN'T FAIR! God never promised it would be fair. You must just accept that and move on. Acceptance of a situation as fact, as the way it is, is the first step to moving past it and having peace about it. It will not mean the situation has changed or fixed but it will mean that you can have a different attitude. There will always be someone somewhere that will have a life situation that is worse than yours or that makes them feel life is unfair. Move past the jealousy and realize that someone somewhere is jealous of you! For instance, while you may feel it isn't fair that your baby has not slept through the night yet at age one and you are completely sleep deprived; there is another parent somewhere that is jealous you have a typical, healthy baby while they struggle with medical trial after medical trial. Yet another parent is feeling life is unfair because they lost their child. These are extreme examples but for every person feeling life is unfair because they were not blessed with a pretty face (in their opinion) or a great body shape there is someone else wishing they had better hair or height or weight. Yet others are jealous because someone has a better paying job while they struggle to make ends meet. 

The point is, instead of getting upset that "life isn't fair" or over the lemons handed you in life --- make some lemonade from those lemons! Make the best of it. You can sit around whining and complaining or you can do what you can in the situation to make it better and push through the rough times and plunge ahead. Try being thankful for what IS RIGHT and what you DO HAVE -- life will be much sweeter that way!

So start making some lemonade or better yet...
Cuz dessert is much more soothing! hee hee 

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