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December 1, 2020

Relativity Paints Perspective


I think I may have touched on this subject a few years ago but feel compelled to blog about it. It's interesting to me how the things that are relative to our lives paint our point of view. 

Until cancer hits close to home with invading someone we hold dear, we don't necessarily jump on the band wagon of fundraising events or donating to the causes of cancer prevention or treatment. Physical, mental, and sexual abuse or human trafficking get little attention until it happens to someone we know. 

Alzheimer's disease and dementia and dealing with parents or grandparents with those diseases gets little sympathy or empathy until it happens in your own life or a close friend's life. 

I can go on and on with different things that happen in lives of people around the globe, but I think you get the jest of what I'm driving at. Once you experience something in your own life or at least see it up close and personal you begin searching online to learn more about it. You may even join a support group in person or online to help in understanding and to find support from someone in the same boat. That's how it was for me with Hashimoto's. I had never even heard of it before my diagnosis. Before I started doing ABA therapy with a little boy with autism, I knew a little but I educated myself on autism when I had to deal with it closely. Now, I recognize the typical symptoms in people, even adults because of my experiences and personal research on the subject. 

After getting saved and deciding to live my life for the Lord, my perspective was and is drastically painted by the Word of God. The Christian life, the teachings of the Bible and church life is relative in my life. It's so relative that I can quickly see in others when it's not relative to them. They don't care what the Bible says or think God is ok with them ignoring it. 

The US Constitution is relative to me, also. It's the very fiber of what our country is made of. Freedoms are constantly being taken from the average citizen and quite frankly makes me infuriated. For those who don't know and understand the Constitution, there's very little bearing on their lives. If the freedoms spelled out in our Constitution are not upheld, some people care not at all. I don't get it but I realize that relativity paints perspective. 

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