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January 28, 2021

Choosing to Stay or Go


I want to look at the blessings of staying and also of choosing to go. First, I want to look at what is gained from choosing to stay. 

Choosing to stay in a relationship through the hard times takes forgiveness, strength, endurance and courage. Pretty much, it builds character. Choosing love when you could so easily choose anger and bitterness shows willingness to work on the problem as you forgive and learn to accept the other person where they are as you also are growing and changing. 

Choosing to stay in school and work towards a goal brings self-satisfaction along with a degree and usually a good job. It gives training and knowledge. This can also come from an apprenticeship work program. 

Choosing to stay disciplined in a financial budget will bring financial gain for the future as you eliminate debt. With this comes freedom from slavery to bills. It gives you freedom to help and be a blessing to others. 

Choosing to stay in a close walk with the Lord brings peace, comfort and joy in this life. Choosing to take a stand on God's Word may not always be popular in this world but will always please God. Remember, we are as close with God as we choose to be at any given time.

Next, I want to look at what blessings can come from choosing to go. Sometimes, a relationship, job, or situation is completely toxic and we must remove ourselves from the situation. I have long said that life is too short to be miserable. It is also too short to compromise our physical or mental health. 

While change is often scary, it can also be exciting if we look at it like an opportunity to explore. Explore the best of ourselves or for ourselves. Learning what is best for us by making new choices which can include walking away from certain situations, can be liberating and bring blessings in the end. 

Choosing to eliminate harmful foods, habits, or addictions is another form of choosing to go. The blessings that come from this are obvious. Better physical and mental health! 
Your future lies before you like a shining path of snow. Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show! Choose wisely and reap the blessing of each choice of staying or going. 

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