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February 10, 2021

Vulnerability Creates a Sharing Atmosphere


Vulnerable means to be susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. Many people are vulnerable due to their age, illness, disability or prior emotional or physical abuse. One might be vulnerable to being taken advantage of because of their mental capacity. Another might be vulnerable to serious illness because of another pre-existing condition such as pneumonia due to COPD or neuropathy due to diabetes. A veteran may be vulnerable to the sounds of gunfire, a car backfiring or hearing fireworks due to PTSD. Most people do not like the feeling of being vulnerable. It causes anxiety and stress. Most everyone has something about them that makes them feel vulnerable and most do their best to hide these things from others. 

Often times the things that make us vulnerable are things built up in our own minds. Things like past mistakes that still haunt us or fears about the future. We tend to not forgive ourselves for past mistakes and we tend to worry about things that may come to pass but usually don't. 

I want to talk about the powerful effect that can come from opening up and being vulnerable to others. We are often fearful to let people see us up close and personal. We don't want to allow them to see our heart. To show our inner most feelings, emotions, fears, or even dreams. We may not like it but it's one of the bravest things we can do. Remember, it's not brave if we're not scared. When we make ourselves vulnerable and open up our truest emotions, dreams and fears, we create an atmosphere for others to connect and relate to what we are feeling and in turn open up to us or others. Support groups are great examples of this process. It can work for couples in marriage and for friendships. If you think about it, often times even couples who have been married many years still hide some of their deepest thoughts, fears and dreams from one another. It shouldn't be so but we humans are that way. Feeling vulnerable is just too scary to open up even to those we love most. If one half of the couple would just open up and become vulnerable the other would most likely reciprocate. 

Is there someone you need to share a deep seeded emotion, fear, or dream with? Why not begin sharing today? We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Not ever are we guaranteed tomorrow. Life can change in a heartbeat of time. Don't let those you love not truly know who you are. 

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