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February 25, 2013

What's Going on With Me

We went to a couples retreat in Branson this past weekend. Took one young couple with us from church. It was a great time. Saw lots of people we haven't seen for awhile.

My son is getting married in three weeks on March 16th. And my daughter just got engaged yesterday on February 24th.
I know she will be getting married this summer. She doesn't want a long engagement. My son didn't have a long engagement either. My kids were four years apart in school so when my daughter graduated college, my son graduated high school 2 weeks later. Now they are both getting married the same year. At least Jenny lives in Missouri. We will be driving to Texas for my son's wedding!

I've been babysitting my niece, Amelia, to gain extra money and I'm trying to get a photography business going. Just gathering props for now and learning my new camera.

I got a new to me car. 2003 Taurus. It is pretty and had been well taken care of by the previous owners. My old 99 mini van was getting some pretty high mileage. We donated it to a lady at church who has been without a vehicle for three years. She is raising her granddaughter on SS and hasn't been able to do her home health care as a nurse since she didn't have a vehicle. Now we hope this will help her out for awhile.

Welp, I think that's all for now.


Tori Leslie said...

Wow, two weddings this year? Congrats! Where is your son at in Texas, is he in college?
Congrats on getting a "new to you" car, those are awesome since they come with a "good for you" payment.

Have a great week and so glad you had fun in Branson

Tammy said...

Johnny is in Seymour TX about an hour from Witchita Falls. He works in Witchita. No, he did a year at Heartland Bible College and got a Bible certificate, (where he met his fiance) then he came home and worked with my husband as his boss as a city laborer then went to welding school for 18 weeks. The first job offer was in Texas. Her dad is a church planter in Seymour.