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July 30, 2013

The Right Balance

Been thinking a lot about all that is going on in the world our country and where it is headed with the current political scene and the things being crammed down a Christian's throat. Thinking about the lack of morals that seems to be rampant, the apathy even of professing Christians, the lack of honesty & working character, and the "gim'me, gim'me" attitude of a growing number in this country. It is appalling and almost scary to think of young people starting out and trying to raise families. It is getting harder and harder for the Christian to stand up for the Word of God. So, how does a Christian find balance for showing the love of Jesus while still standing on the Word of God in an increasingly hostile against God and Christians world? Well, let me just say, it isn't an easy task!
We have Jesus to look to for an example. People try to say "Well Jesus ate with sinners and spent most of his time with them". This is true but he never took part in their sins or even condoned them. He told the woman caught in adultery, "Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more." Jesus didn't have to condemn her verbally, the sin she had committed already did that in God's eyes. There was no need to call her names or ridicule her. He simply told her to go and stop doing it. This passage is also to remind all of us that none of us are without sin and that we should not get a self-righteous attitude toward another's sin. (He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone) Sometimes people are unaware that they are living in sin and that is when we can kindly, respectfully and cautiously let them know that they are going against God's commandments. Even when someone knows that what they are doing is wrong, we can still go about reminding them of God's commands in a loving and caring way. There will be times to be tough about it because sometimes that is what it will take to get through to them but it still needs to be handled in a way that doesn't come across as though you are better than them. It will be a delicate balance at times that can tip too far either way. God is clear that we are to obey Him and not man. We are to convert the sinner of his way and many do not like to hear this but there are verses in the Bible that say that God is angry with the wicked everyday. People need to know that God doesn't like it when they openly and rebelliously disobey His commands and that He will judge them. By the way, a person may fool many people around them about their sin and keep it hid but no one keeps it hid from God Almighty! Abel's blood cried unto God and he knew what Cain had done. (wonder how Cain killed his brother Abel? ...The first murder recorded was in the first 4 or 5 chapters of the Bible and it was long before "assault" weapons or any guns of any kind! - that was just a freebee rant)

So, how do we handle it when homosexuality, gay marriage, pornography, alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse, profanity, lying, stealing, cheating, adultery, fornication (shacking up instead of marriage), etc. is thrown at us and we are told to accept it as normal choices that each individual has "their right" to do? I say, this country is just about to "right" itself right out of existence! When does one person's rights infringe upon mine or another's? The US Constitution and the Founding Fathers never intended that freedom and rights mean there is no moral or civil law. At some point, someone has to say this is wrong or that is wrong. Who better than God? It is His ball game anyway! He made the game He can make the rules! I guess for me I will repeat what the Bible says no matter who likes it or not. In reality people DO have the right to choose any or all of the above sins and ways of life, but that doesn't mean that I must accept them as normal or that there will not be consequences to them. If the civil law will not punish be sure that God the Father will in His own time and in His own way.

1 comment:

Tori Leslie said...

Amen sister! I'm thinking that would preach.
It's said that we even have to write posts like this or even spend time thinking about these things.
I never thought I would see our country in the state it's in but here we are. We accepted way too much along the way and now we're paying for it.
Great post full of truth.