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August 23, 2013

Poem - I Am a Pastor's Wife

When he's just preached a sermon
And thinks he went too long.
It's my job to praise him
And tell him he is wrong.
"The message was insightful
And God has used you as His tool".
When no one comes at invitation
And he himself he blames.
I remind him of Satan's power
And the hard hearts he often claims.
"Just preach the word with fire
And let God bring them out of the mire".
When he goes out to win souls
And leads one to the Lord,
It's also my job to rejoice with him
And thank God for one more.
"See, God is using you right now,
So just keep your hand to the plow".
written 8/13/09
All wives have the job of supporting and encouraging and praising and reminding their husbands. However, the pastor's wife deals with a lot of discouragement to try to combat Satan. The pastor of a church is the only one that will be held accountable to God for how he lead the church. He has a lot to answer to God for which tends to make him question himself and seek for results. Often we won't see the results or fruit of our labor this side of heaven. He also answers to God for how he lead his family and there is a lot of pressure there too. With decisions we have made for Bob to make some employment changes (he is bi-vocational) I know he has concern in the back of his mind if it was right and will God bless and allow the decision to create the fruit he is hoping for. You pray and when you have peace in a decision, you just have to take the step of faith and do it. Sometimes we miss judge the peace we thought we had and things seem to fall apart but God is always working and moving and His plan is for good. He knows how to work it all for good even if it doesn't seem so at the moment. Anyhoo, I was going through my poems and this one jumped out at me as appropriate for this time in our lives.


Tammy said...

Love the poem. Very insightful.

Tori Leslie said...

Great post! That poem was great and so true. Loved it.