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January 30, 2014

Beyond the Moment

Choosing this bright sunny color font to warm myself. This January has seemed to drag on forever! Here in Missouri we have had a colder winter and more snow than in many years. They say it is the coldest since 1999. I surely believe it! It is almost 4:00 a.m. and I have been awake since 2:00 a.m. due to the cat wanting outside for awhile. I couldn't shut my mind off so I decided to get up and get my devotions done extra early and then do some blogging. I have had a couple ideas running through my mind the past few days but have not had time to post.

In this day and age, with all the instant everything and easy access to nearly anything and everything, we have become a society that only lives in the here and now. ...Though I'm sure it even went on in Bible days in their thoughts and minds, too. It just seems more prevalent today, maybe because this is when I live. Anyhow, most all of us do not live beyond the current day or even moment we are in right then. Oh, don't get me wrong, I know that many people have a vision and set goals but too often those visions and goals are left far behind when life gets busy or challenging or when trials come. When bad times or trials come, we want nothing more than for them to be over. Understandable from the human perspective. We can't look beyond the moment of temporary pain, grief, or trial and realize that God is teaching and molding us for His purpose. Even furthermore, we don't LIKE that God is teaching and molding us! We want to do what we want to do and not have God interfere ...that is until we decide to take him off the back shelf and then we want Him to be our genie from the bottle and wave His magic wand upon demand and fix all our problems or grant us desires. Even dedicated Christians can become bogged down in this type attitude. We must fight against this attitude.

In today's world, even the good times are moment by moment. "If it feels good, then do it". "Live for the moment". The problem with this attitude is that there are usually no moral boundaries. There are always consequences to actions and sometimes those actions can cause heartache for us or others. Sexual misconduct can lead to pregnancy or diseases. Drinking and drug use leads to many problems. At the very least many times a person has a hangover (which makes them feel awful). If driving afterwards, it can lead to accidents where they are hurt or hurt others. It also causes people to say and act in ways they would not normally. Their mind is not clear. Sometimes, permanent physical damage is done to the body...ex. liver damage, brain damage, hepatitis C, aids, etc.  Overspending money on foolish purchases causes financial problems. You have trouble paying the bills or taking care of break downs when they happen. Financial problems can lead to marriage problems. We have all been guilty at some time or another of "I want to do this now no matter what" attitudes. Maybe not as destructive as some I mentioned above but somewhere we have been guilty. 

We must think, look and live beyond the current moment. Selfishness is often what causes us not to look beyond the moment. The feeling of misery and despair also makes us stuck in the moment. In those moments of despair acceptance goes a long way to helping us. Processing out in our minds and looking for what lesson is to be learned can help to move us past it. During good times we must still look down the road at what consequences we may be creating. Remember that children learn what they live. You are their example. If you don't want them to be foolish with money then you make better choices. If you don't want them to drink or do drugs then don't let them see you doing it. If you don't want sexual promiscuity then teach them how not to be. Ladies don't dress immodestly and don't let them see you be flirtatious. Teach them to save themselves for marriage, don't just try to teach them "safe" sex to prevent pregnancy and disease. Actions always have consequences ... good or bad ones. Keep that in mind.

Just some ponderings about the world and their attitudes.


Anonymous said...

So true. I often wonder what life today would be like if our heroes in the faith, and the heroes of our national heritage had been as short sited and selfish as we tend to be in todays society. Would people still sacrifice, and risk imprisonment or death for a cause they may never see come to pass?


Tori Leslie said...

Great words of wisdom and a great reminder this morning. Thanks!