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January 1, 2014

The Year in Review - 2013

In 2013 a lot happened. It was an extremely busy year! My son got married in March and we drove to Texas to be there for it. My daughter got married in June and of course there was a lot of planning and doing for that. Because of Bob being allowed the chance to go to the east coast to work the hurricane Sandy clean up as a lineman at the end of 2012, we were able to take care of our daughter's wedding and go to Texas for my son's and also become debt free except for mortgage.

Bob had a second knee surgery on August 1st. He also had a back injury at work right before that (which is still causing some problems but we are working on it) and because of those two medical issues, he made a big decision and made a job change. He began driving the school bus for Cuba schools again. This is a big pay cut for us but so far God is supplying. It gives him more time to study for his preaching.

We gained two new dogs in our household. They are brother/sister siblings and half Mountain Fiest and half Jack Russell. They are squirrel dogs but have made great pets also.

I held my first Ladies Mini Retreat at the church in July with only a handful of ladies showing up but I enjoyed it and hope to have another in the future.

I stayed busy babysitting my niece several times a month. Her parents are in the medical field and so my time is usually 24 hour shifts. She is 17 months old and quite a character. I enjoy her bunches.

Our church celebrated 6 years in ministry in May. We had a spring revival and a Revelation revival in October.

At Thanksgiving we got to go to Texas to spend the holiday with our son, Johnny and his new wife, Kourtney. We got to be there for 5 days. It was a good time.

There were many more activities at the church but I will not try to mention all of them. We stay very busy especially considering what a small church we are!  Here are a few of them ...monthly ladies meetings, men's prayer breakfasts, revivals, ladies outings, men's fish fries and clay bird shoots, dinners, and couple's retreats.

It is amazing how fast each year goes by. Sometimes we need to take the time to look back over the year and reflect. Reflection helps us to make changes, work toward goals and be thankful!


Tammy said...

Sounds like a great year! A lot of changes, but sounds like you are handling it all in stride. :) I was especially excited when you shared that you and your husband were able to become debt-free. That is a major accomplishment...and I remember reading your blog when you were both really struggling that makes it even more exciting. God has surely been good, hasn't He?

Tammy said...

Being debt free is a huge blessing and the only reason Bob was able to go to part time work. It took us 5 years to climb out of credit card and loan debt. I never want to be there again. God has supplied all that was necessary.