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April 9, 2014

Knights and Heroes

Just some thoughts to share today.

Has anyone noticed the condition of the world and especially the USA? This week President Obama signed into law something that is supposed to help women receive equal pay. I believe this is just a ploy to boost his ratings and help the democratic party because it has already been reported that in his own White House staff the women make less than their male coworkers! If he really believed in gender equality he would live it by example. I DO believe that all qualified people, doing the same work should get the same pay. However, women should not necessarily be taking up those work positions that take away from men being able to fill the roles. I know that there are some women who must work. There are some women who are single and need a way to support themselves and their kids. My mom was a widow at age 30 with a 12 year old and a 9 year old to support and that was in 1979. While there are survivor benefits it is often not enough to live on so she had to go to work. But too often women are working because of a sense of pride, ego, wanting to climb the corporate ladder, to "be somebody", etc. They do not HAVE to work. They just WANT to work! They do not feel fulfilled staying home, taking care of the kids and keeping the house and helping be a support to her husband. Even tho this is what God says is their first priority! Welp, let me say that being a homemaker is a full time job when done correctly! Anyhoo, I don't want to jump too far off in this direction because that is not the point of the post today.

This was just a jumping off spot to the real point. I believe what every woman wants ... deep down... even if they are a big "women's libber" is this... they want a knight in shining armour. They want to be defended, protected and taken care of. They want a hero! The problem is that women have the attitude that they can do it themselves, without a man. "They are woman, hear them roar". They can do it every bit as good as a man and actually better. Then, when a man doesn't hold the door open for them in public, or offer to pay when on a date, or help them when the car is broke down; they get upset and call men jerks. Welp, ladies, the women of the world have trained the men this way! You demand your equal rights instead of the place that God intended for you...which is upon a pedestal with dignity and respect and nurture. You have taken away their opportunity to treat you this way by your attitude. You want to be in charge and have their place in society. You want their jobs. You want to even fight beside them in the military! You want to wear their clothes, their colors and many like it when men wear women's colors. Welp, as my husband says the world has for years trained a generation to "chickafy" the man and "masculatize" the woman to the point of there is no difference. We are all just people. We are the same. Well, in God's eyes as far as love and salvation goes, this is true. However, God made them male and female. He made them different with different roles.

I say, leave pink and purple to the ladies and leave camo to the men! Btw, you can shoot a gun with a dress on if necessary! Pioneer women did!

I know that women are strong and intelligent. As a matter of fact, I believe women are better at improvising than men. We have had to be. We have to learn to overcome because we are not as physically strong as men. Therefore, we have to figure out ways to get a job done. It may not be the technically correct way to do it but it will be accomplished! I believe we are the reason and the ones who coined the phrase "Where there's a will, there's a way". When I say women are strong, I believe it is more mental than physical tho it is true that if men experienced the pain of labor and giving birth the human race would have ended! hee hee! Some of the strongest people I know are women. They tend to keep going even through tough times and are less likely to give up than most men.

I'm rambling now and I'm sorry for that but someone who reads this must need something in it because the thoughts just keep flowing.

Back to title of post. If you want a knight or a hero, then give the man an opportunity to be one!


Tammy said...

Very well said! :)

Tori Leslie said...

Wow, that's a great post and very needed. I second everything you said. I'm thankful that God gave me both a knight and a hero. *wink*