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March 2, 2015

For the Asking

Remember when you were little and you asked your parents for nearly everything? You asked for things you wanted or needed. You asked for wishes and dreams. You asked for permission to do things.

Sometimes our parents said yes and sometimes no. Often times their answer depended on "how" we asked, or on our behavior lately, or on if our parents felt the request was for our benefit. It is the same with our heavenly Father. My husband mentioned James Chapter 4 during one of his messages recently. He mentioned that "ye have not because ye ask not". This verse reminds us that sometimes we don't have because we simply never ask in the first place. Remember as a kid at times actually being afraid to ask your parents for something you wanted? Either you were afraid of hearing no or figured you didn't deserve it or maybe you feared your parents not being able to afford it. Whatever the reason, you just never asked. Well, if you never ask, you surely won't receive the thing wanted.

Sometimes even we adults are hesitant to pray and ask God for our desires. Usually for the same reasons a child doesn't ask their parents. Welp, James Chapter 4 tells us reasons we don't get. First, because we just don't ask. Then, because we ask amiss. (For the wrong reasons or with the wrong motives) Like kids, it is the "how" we ask.

We can rest assured that we have bold access to the throne (Hebrews 4:16) where we can obtain mercy and help when in need. Also, we are encouraged to ask for James tells us that we don't have because we don't ask. Also, we need to be "right" in the asking. So, since we have access and if we have correct motives, our requests are there for the asking.

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