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March 2, 2015

Is Sin a Big Deal?

Many people take a non-chalant attitude toward their sin. They have an attitude of "I'll just 1 John 1:9 it" (this verse says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins...) They know if they ask forgiveness, then God will grant it. However, the Bible is clear and has much to say about receiving God's forgiveness. We can discuss that another time since it isn't the point of this post. The point is how we can have an attitude about our sin at times as though it is no big deal. I read a devotional recently about this topic. Let's look at sin.

Sin is the reason Jesus left heaven to come to earth. Sin is why Jesus died on the cross---to pay a debt for sin that all mankind owes to God. Every person stands guilty before God for breaking His law, for the Bible says that if we transgress at one point of the law we are guilty of the whole law being broken. This concludes ALL are sinners before God.

So, since sin is the reason Jesus had to suffer and die, I'd say it IS a big deal. Jesus paid the ultimate price for my sin and for yours. It cost Jesus his life! A lie is the reason he came as much as a rape or a murder. All sin is a big deal and a contrite and broken spirit is required for the lie as well as the murder. Our attitude about our sin is as important as our being sorry. So, the next time you have a non-chalant attitude about your "not so bad" sin, remember that sin was paid for with a great price ---a life! 

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