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November 12, 2015

To Cleanse or Not

This post may get a little controversial. I'm sure opinions may fly after reading but hey, a little debate is good sometimes. Recently, folks have been posting on facebook pass alongs about how the church is a hospital for sick sinners and not a museum for saints. I reckon I have had a mind set change on this idea as I age and read and understand my Bible more. I think most people including Christians do not understand the purpose of the church assembly. It is FOR THE SAVED is for edification and perfecting of the saint, it is for the admonition and rebuke of the saint, it is for the partaking together of the Lord's Supper (communion), it is for praising the Lord together, and it is for the fellowship of the saint. The Bible says so!!! As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul tells the church at Corinth to get those living in sin out of the church. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 5 and you will see what I am talking about. Revelation also talks about it. The church in Bible times was for the saved believer not the lost person. I don't think there is any reference of someone getting saved during a church assembly in the new testament. No Pentecost doesn't count....they were not yet meeting from house to house. The preaching services were purging out Jewish customs and traditions and teaching sound doctrine and how to witness and conduct yourself.  Soul winning and reaching the lost was done outside the walls of the church meeting. In the streets, markets, and temple (to reach the Jews). Somehow over the years, church meetings have evolved into bringing in lost people hoping the preacher can preach and reach them for Christ. 

Now, before anyone gets all annoyed thinking I want no lost person in a service, that is not the case. I'm simply pointing out that the Bible says not to keep those engrossed in sin inside the church. Yes, we are all sinners but there is a difference in someone who slips up and commits a sin and someone who just chooses to engage in a sinful lifestyle choice or who has an "I don't care" attitude about their sin. I also agree that none of us are to become self-righteous in our attitudes for we are all able to fall into temptation. 

I'm sure I have upset some with this opinion but hey, my blog, my opinion. I don't think the church is solely a hospital for sinners. Yes, it is a place to get right with the Lord, but it is a place that was intended for the saved believer (saint) to fellowship and learn and grow in God's Word. The world has changed the purpose not God. 

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